BUILDING a SUPER CLUB How to create club, meeting & speech that make other members envy.

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Presentasi berjudul: "BUILDING a SUPER CLUB How to create club, meeting & speech that make other members envy."— Transcript presentasi:

1 BUILDING a SUPER CLUB How to create club, meeting & speech that make other members envy

2 Quality Club #1

3 What is a QUALITYclub ?

4 a club that can fulfillmember’s a club that can fulfill member’s NEED & WANT

5 a club that can TRANSFORM people


7 VISION STATEMENT FORMULA We help (profile of your ideal member) to (what you can do to them) so that they (the transformation)

8 SAMPLE I help (motivated but overwhelmed husband) to (lead and love their families) so that they (can have lasting marriages and meaningful influence on their kids)

9 We help (friends & colleagues) to (improve their communication & leadership skill) so that they (can grow and fulfill their dreams) SAMPLE

10 Quality Meeting #2

11 TopTHREEQualities

12 I

13 II

14 III

15 Quality Speech #3

16 Quality speech = speech that follows the standard

17 “Sometimes the common sense isn’t the common practice”

18 Make it as the CULTURE

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