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If It’s Worth It’s Worth Tenets Truths that permeate leading, teaching, and learning. Everything is on Before Label Every Effort Learning Celebrating.

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Presentasi berjudul: "If It’s Worth It’s Worth Tenets Truths that permeate leading, teaching, and learning. Everything is on Before Label Every Effort Learning Celebrating."— Transcript presentasi:


2 If It’s Worth It’s Worth Tenets Truths that permeate leading, teaching, and learning. Everything is on Before Label Every Effort Learning Celebrating 1-3 Speaks Purpose Experience Acknowledge Everything from our environment to our body language sends a message. Celebration provides feedback regarding progress and increases positive associations with learning. Learning requires work. Acknowledgment for our effort is essential. Everything that happens under our orchestration has an intended purpose. Learning happens best when we experience the information before acquiring labels for what we’ve learned.

3 3 Essential Platforms 4 All students can learn the curriculum. All students can build strong character. All students can behave appropriately.

4 8 Keys of Excellence The life skills of Quantum Learning. Integrity Match behavior with values Failure Leads to Success Learn from mistakes Speak with Good Purpose Speak honestly and kindly This Is It! Make the most of every moment Commitment Make your dreams happen Ownership Take responsibility for actions Flexibility Be willing to do things differently Balance Live your best life 4-9

5 Brain Preferences (L/R) 10-20 RELATIONALANALYTICAL STRUCTUREDEXPLORATORY Conceptual Logical Reasoning Academic Examining Rational Studious Caring Cooperative Creative Social Flexible Sharing Intuitive Organized Practical Systematic Precise Cautious Realistic Efficient Divergent Independent Risk-taking Problem-solving Inventive Investigating Adventurous LEFTRIGHT

6 Administration/Leadership Sage on the Stage Model in the Middle Guide on the Side


8 1.Know your vision 2.Know your strengths 3.Physical environment 4.Team players (EIPs) 5.Books (Input) 6.Recreation 7.Physical disciplines Motivation (MODEL) 22

9 Big Brain Ideas “Why” things work in education. Neurons that __________ together ____________ together. There is no _____________________ without ______________. Students make __________________ by connecting to existing ___________. 66-70 comprehension picturing meaning schema fire wire THINKING LEARNING REMEMBERING

10 Visual Cortex Motor Cortex Three Educational Channels High Road Low Road Relay Station Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Thalamus Auditory Cortex Amygdala Emotional Control Center Working Memory Pre-frontal Cortex Executive Control Room SENSORY CORTICES 71 LONG-TERM MEMORY Hippocampus Short-Term Memory C E R E B R A L C O R T E X 1 2 3   

11 Auntie Em & Uncle Henry = First and Last Dorothy = Sensory/VAK The Wizard = INTENSE Glinda the Good Witch = Outstanding/Contrast Tin Man = Emotional Wicked Witch = Survival Toto = Personal Importance Munchkins = Repetition Repetition (Auntie Em & Uncle Henry = First and Last) Feed the Hippo! Why do we remember what we remember? 72

12 BELONGING SAFETY SUPPORT 25-27 HCA Home Court Advantage How do I create the optimal collaborative culture? traditions

13 The Prime Directive The start of all good things in education. 31-33 Relationship Leading & Teaching Influence



16 Deny OWNERSHIP RESPOND- ABILITY VICTIM Quit Justify Lay Blame to CHOOSE (I am a liar.) (It’s never my fault.) (I always have an excuse.) (I don’t care… (I have no control.) (I have control.) Where are you living? 60-65 I am not enough.) Power Freedom

17 Makes doodles Brain Preferences (VAK) Making learning a multisensory experience! 73-77 ISUAL UDITORY Neat and orderly INESTHETIC Listens well Talks and moves slower Talks and moves faster Talkative (self and others) Keen sense of hearing Uses a lot of gestures Involves body in learning Notice pictures and color Notice sounds and voice Notice movement and touch   

18 Direct the Focus Be Specific Be Inclusive Elicit the Image Blue Orange Green Purple 36-37 39-40 38 35 Principles of Powerful Communication Maximizing our effectiveness as a communicator.

19 O T F D bservation houghts eelings esire 42 OTFD AAMR I noticed… I’m thinking… I felt… What I’d like is… It seems to me… I am… Communication Tools Making communication visible. Open The Front Door

20 A A M R 4-Part Apology cknowledge pologize ake it right e-commit 43-44 OTFD AAMR I know I… I’m sorry because… How can I fix this? Next time I will… All About My Relationships

21 Valuing Relationships Cognitive anchor for the relationships in our lives. BIG ME, little you BIG ME, BIG YOU little me, BIG YOU little me, little you 28-30 Agreements Interactions Win Yes Build Protect Strong Lift  lose no diminish destroy weak tear 

22 Essential 4 T heory R ehearsal 45 & 47-49 Why? The research and reasons. How? Show (and tell). Amplified practice. Do as musicians do. Facilitate a conversation. Gems and opportunities.

23 1.TIME 2.ATTENTION 3.Praise (Feedback) –TIP: Praise effort and strategy, not intelligence. –TIP: Make praise specific. –TIP: Praise in private. –TIP: Offer praise when there’s a good reason for it (be careful of overpraise). 4.Experience game, party, dance, music, etc. 5.Tangible Item food, toy, etc. 6.Symbol medal, ribbon, certificate, etc. 7.Recognition plaque, newspaper, assembly, etc. Rewards (Celebration Languages) 23

24 A C T R ACT-knowledgment Action Target Reframe New Action + Why Characteristic 8 Keys of Excellence GEMS OPPS 46

25 (resource website) Facebook – Quantum Learning (purchase products) (blog) (my email address) Check It Out!

26 Reward Pathway Visual Cortex Motor Cortex High Road Low Road Relay Station Thalamus Auditory Cortex Amygdala Emotional Control Center Working Memory Pre-frontal Cortex Executive Control Room SENSORY CORTICES Ventral tegmental area Nucleus accumbens Dopamine 50

27 Environment Content Posters Affirmation Posters CZ I CAN DO THIS! I make a difference. If it’s to be, it’s up to me! 51

28 Save for critical content. Less is more (less words/more pictures). Go BIG (bigger pictures and words). Use 1-3 contrasting colors (be careful of the fire colors). Display high on the wall. Recap/refer to them often (remember 10 24 7). When recapping, stand by the poster. Content Posters 51

29 C O Building a... ONTENT (Level 3 of QLT) NCHOR OOTHE NERGIZE RCHESTRATE OCUS... Music 48-52 action state/mood activity 60-80 BPM Non-lyrical Barely audible Music

30 When you change you change them. State Facilitation Making participation easy. nfluencing STATE I B A ehavior through ction ALL 58-59 ONE Mental Emotional Physical Pair shares Table shares Standing reviews Callbacks Motions Music Markers Drum rolls Acknowledgements Read aloud Attention getters


32 Team A Red +7 Black -5 Red -5 Black +5 Team B Black -5 Red +7 Red -5 Black +5 The Scoring System

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