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Visual Basic for Aplications in powerpoint. What is Visual Basic for Aplications? Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a very powerful objectoriented.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Visual Basic for Aplications in powerpoint. What is Visual Basic for Aplications? Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a very powerful objectoriented."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Visual Basic for Aplications in powerpoint

2 What is Visual Basic for Aplications? Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a very powerful objectoriented programming language that can be used to add to the functionality of Microsoft Office applications, including Microsoft PowerPoint. 1.

3 Show the Developer Tab in the Ribbon Go to the File menu, choose Options, and choose Customize Ribbon. On the right side of the dialogue box under Main Tabs, check the box for Developer (probably the only unchecked box). And than click Ok. 2.

4 What Is an Object Oriented Programming Language? 3.

5 First of all, VBA is a programming language. But don’t let this scare you too much!! Having a background in computer science and programming would be helpful, and you will not be able to take full advantage of VBA without becoming (at least) a novice programmer. VBA isn’t just an ordinary programming language; it is an object- oriented programming (OOP) language. An OOP language has three key features: classes, objects, and methods. Yes!!

6 Object Data Types VBA in Powerpoint 4.

7 object data types lanjutan



10 PowerPoint File Types 5.

11 What is a Macro? A macro is a small program that contains a list of instructions that you want a program to perform. This list of instructions is composed mostly of macro statements that are closely related to program commands. 6.

12 The Three Types of Procedures In VBA, a procedure is, broadly speaking, a collection of related statements that form a unit. VBA procedures come in three flavors: command macros, user-defined functions, and property procedures. 7.

13 Here’s a summary of the differences: Command macros, usually contain statements that are the equivalent of menu options and other program commands. User-defined functions (also called Function procedures) work just like a program’s built-in functions. They accept arguments and then manipulate those arguments and return a result. Property procedures are used to return or set a property value for an object you’ve defined.

14 Opening a File with Macros If you set your macro security settings to Disable all macros with notification, you will have the option of enabling macros. When the subtle message comes up, be sure to click Enable Content 8.


16 What is an Object? Something that is displayed on the slide, such as: Title Teks Chart Tabel 9. Smart Art Picture Media etc

17 What is a Variable? Declaring a variable tells VBA the name of the variable we’re going to use. (It also serves to specify the data type of the variable). We declare variables by including Dim statements (Dim is short for dimension) at the beginning of each Sub or Function procedure. 10.

18 A Dim statement has the following syntax: Dim variableName variableName is the name of the variable. The name must begin with a letter, it can’t be longer than 255 characters, it can’t be a VBA keyword, and it can’t contain a space or any of the following characters:. ! # $ % & @ Dim > As > Ex: Dim coba As Interger

19 Variable Types 1. Tipe Data Numerik

20 Variable Types 2. Tipe Data Non Numerik

21 What is a Constant? Constants are values that don’t change. They can be numbers, strings, or other values, but, unlike variables, they keep their value throughout your code. VBA recognizes two types of constants: built-in and user-defined. 11.

22 Project Session 12.

23 thanks! Any questions?

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