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“Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust.” —Stephen M. R. Covey
Elevator Speech--3 “BIG IDEAS”… Trust is… 1.Financial— --has Economic Impact, not just social 2. “Currency” of New Economy— --#1 Leadership competency --one thing that changes Everything 3. Learnable Skill and Measureable --can learn trust behaviors...Here today to Move the Needle on Performance!
Employee Trust Levels I feel safe in expressing my opinions openly without fear of retribution. We live by the principle that “my success is your success.” People are treated fairly— favoritism is not a problem. We do not undermine each other. We make decisions based on the best ideas and information rather than on office politics. Source: FranklinCovey xQ Survey of 12,000 U.S. workers. Percentage who agree with the statement: The Case for Trust
2011 Gallup Study 22 million actively disengaged employees costing the American economy up to $350 billion per year in lost productivity the number 1 driver of engagement is the direct relationship of trust with one’s manager trust and engagement are mutually reinforcing - you cannot address disengagement issues without looking at trust issues
get results inspires trust The work of leadership is to get results in a way that inspires trust.
Distrust is the enemy of both “Above all, success in organizations requires two things: a winning competitive strategy and superb organizational execution. Distrust is the enemy of both.” Robert Shaw, Trust in the Balance Distrust Kills
(Strategy x Execution) = Results (S x E) = RTrustT Trust: The Hidden Variable
5 Waves of Trust SELF TRUST Credibility RELATIONSHIP TRUST (Your Accounts) Behavior ORGANIZATIONAL TRUST Alignment MARKET TRUST Reputatio n SOCIETAL TRUST Contribution Do our systems and processes inspire trust? Does our brand symbolize trust? Do I trust myself? Am I someone others can trust? There are various layers or waves of trust to which today’s leaders must be attuned: Self Trust, Relationship Trust, Organizational Trust, Market Trust, and Societal trust.
The 4 Cores of Credibility Self Trust
The 4 Cores Cards - Elements of Credibility
High- and Low-Trust Behaviors Think of a high-trust relationship you have. Who is it with? Describe what this person does to build trust. Relationship Trust Think of a low-trust relationship you have. Who is it with? Describe what this person does to lower your level of trust. What’s the cost of the contrast?
Not all Deposits and Withdrawals are equal Relationship Trust “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Warren Buffet, CEO Berkshire Hathaway
The 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders 1.Talk Straight 2.Demonstrate Respect 3.Create Transparency 4.Right Wrongs 5.Show Loyalty 6.Deliver Results 7.Get Better 8.Confront Reality 9.Clarify Expectations 10.Practice Accountability 11.Listen First 12.Keep Commitments 13.Extend Trust Relationship Trust
The “13 Behaviors” Cards Relationship Trust
The “13 Behaviors” Cards Review the card in your hand. Read the definition, opposite and counterfeit to your group. Share examples of how you have seen (or used) the counterfeits. Relationship Trust
Extending Smart Trust 30 Relationship Trust Trusts Everyone Trusts No one Trusts Self Only Trusts Wisely
Tips for Using the 13 Behaviors Cards 1. It’s inside out. If you’re wrong on the 4 Cores of Credibility, you’ll never succeed with the 13 Behaviors. 2. Sequence matters. Some of the 13 Behaviors naturally come before others. For example it’s better to Demonstrate Respect before you Talk Straight. 3. The 13 Behaviors are always used in combination. 4. Any of the 13 Behaviors taken to the extreme can backfire. Relationship Trust
Restore Trust When you have lost the trust of others… Start with Self—Assess your 4 Cores and focus on strengthening weakest core. Is relationship important? Apologize, take full responsibility, no “buts” Declare your intention Use Cards to Behave in ways that inspire trust. Keep Commitments 30 Relationship Trust
The Organizational Trust Dividend 3x Total return to shareholders for organizations with high trust is almost 3x higher than that of organizations with low trust. —Human Capital Index, Watson Wyatt Worldwide Organizational Trust 38
The 4 Cores and My Organization As with individuals, an organization’s credibility rests on 4 Cores: Integrity Intent Capabilities Results Organizational Trust
Learning Process Speed of Trust Th e Speed of Trust Supervisor s Senior & Mid- Managers Executive Level Individual Contributors Speed of Trust Executive Team Process Leading at the Speed of Trust (2-day) Inspiring Trust (1/2 day) Speed of Trust Learning Map (2-hours) Speed of Trust Team Process Working at the Speed of Trust for Associates (1/2 or full) Leading at the Speed of Trust (1-day) Speed of Trust Business Simulation
Kent Vaughn Kent.vaughn@franklincovey.com 865-604-8675 Jason Jolley Jason.jolley@franklincovey.com 501-786-0600
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