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Diterbitkan olehMiftakhul Jannah Ningrat Telah diubah "8 tahun yang lalu
Group 3 3 D3 Telecommunication 1.Adri Azhari(120314103) 2.Cahyo Permadi(1203141006) 3.Miftakhul Jannah(1203141009) 4.Puspita Ashari H(1203141016) 5.Alifia Oktarinata(1203141021)
Ways to get a better Job
Building Your Qualifications Never make up information on a resume Look at a variety of recent, relevant job descriptions. Use similar language to describe your skills and accomplishments on your own resume. Use active verbs. When describing what you did at your last job, make the sentence as tight and active as possible. Proofread. Review your resume several times for grammatical or spelling errors. Keep the formatting classic and to the point.
Put Together a Resume That's Actually Compelling. explains that before determining what is desired job options should consider the capabilities and personal desires.
Make a list of work-related skills you'd like to learn Logical thinking and information handling Technological ability Communicating effectively Strong interpersonal skills
Search Unconventional and Career- Specific Job Sites If you don't know where you want to work you're obviously going to have to search for some options., but you'll be looking for a needle in a haystack if you go to popular sites like JobStreet.com
Find a Better Job by Searching for a Great Company Rather Than a Position you want to seek out companies who have a reputation for treating their employees well.
Learn to Make Even Your Irrelevant Experience Seem Relevant If your current job is much different from the one you want, think about anything and everything you've done at your current job that's out of the ordinary. Often times you'll find examples of things that relate to the job you want because you were always excited to do that kind of work if it presented itself where you are now.
Adjusting Your Mentality Change your attitude. it's important to make a good impression, but it's even more important to demonstrate your desire and ability to help. Settle down.
Dress Well for the Interview Dressing for the interview doesn't necessarily mean putting on crisply- ironed formalwear. Depending on the company, they may prefer you came in your everyday attire or just wore something that shows you can look nice without overdoing it.
Learn to Read Body Language for a More Successful Interview understanding the cues you send out and reading cues from others can be immensely helpful in a job interview.
Know How to Give Great Answers to Common Job Interview Questions You have to answer the questions if you want to get the job, so there are two things you want to do: understand the motivation behind the question and prepare your answers in advance.
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