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Introduction to INNOVATION

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1 Introduction to INNOVATION

2 Daftar Penyajian Antara Kreativitas, Invensi, dan Inovasi
Konsep Inovasi dan Kriterianya Mengapa Berinovasi? Bagaimana Berinovasi? Manajemen Inovasi Kategori Inovasi Anak Tangga dan Hambatan Inovasi Budaya Inovasi Penutup

3 Antara Kreativitas, Invensi & Inovasi
Bagian I Antara Kreativitas, Invensi & Inovasi

4 KREATIVITAS Sebagai Pemantik
Allah The Creator Penciptaan The Inventor Penemuan The Innovator Inovasi KREATI-VITAS

5 Kreativitas adalah kemampuan individu untuk mempergunakan imaginasi dan berbagai kemungkinan yang diperoleh dari interaksi dengan ide atau gagasan, orang lain dan lingkungan untuk membuat koneksi dan hasil yang baru serta bermakna (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008). Kemampuan menemukan ide-ide baru yang original  Kemampuan menemukan hubungan-hubungan baru  Kemampuan melihat sesuatu dari sudut pandang baru  Kemampuan membentuk kombinasi baru


Invention is the first innovation within some class of objects. A new member of an already existing category of objects is an innovation, but the first of the objects within that category is an invention. (Arthur B. Markman and Kristin Wood, 2009, Tools for Innovation: The science behind the practical methods that drive new ideas, Oxford University Press) Kreati-vitas Inovasi / Invensi Inventing is the creation of new knowledge or new ideas; Innovation is the integration of existing technology and inventions to create a new or improved product, process, or system. (Ravi K. Jain, Harry C. Triandis, and Cynthia W. Weick, 2010, Managing Research, Development, and Innovation: Managing the Unmanagable, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Pengembangan Produk

Creativity is manifested in the production of a creative work (for example, a new work of art or a scientific hypothesis) that is both original and useful. Innovation begins with creative ideas. Creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the second. Jiri Vacek, 2009, Innovation Management, Dept. of Management, Innovations and Project, Faculty of Economic UWB.

9 Konsep Inovasi & Kriterianya
Bagian II Konsep Inovasi & Kriterianya


11 APA ITU INOVASI? Producing something new, whether services, product, or market being developed (Martin Schuursman, Chairman of European Institute of Innovation and Technology). Turning ideas into money (Larry Hirst, Chairman of IBM EMEA). The catalyst for economic growth in order company to grow and succeed (Anthony William, Senior Fellow Lisbon Council / Co-author Wikinomics). Introduction of new process or product whether in government, business or philanthropic/social setting (Andrew Wyckoff, Director of Science, Technology and Industry, OECD). Creating value for users, adding new ways of doing things (Rian Liebenberg, Engineering Director Google).

12 APA ITU INOVASI? Turning ideas into commercial variable, opportunity which creates jobs, new company and growth (Ben Butters, Director European Affairs, Euro-chambers). Bringing tools closer to people, figuring at a more efficient way of doing things. Turning traditional ways upside down (Rian Liebenberg, Engineering Director Google). Without innovation companies die, without innovation societies die too (Anthony William, Senior Fellow Lisbon Council / Co-author Wikinomics). An improvement of something already exists or introducing something totally new. It’s not only about technology, it is also about organization (Joeri van den Steenhoven, Charmain and Co-founder, Kennisland).

13 APA ITU INOVASI? Inovasi berasal dari bahasa Latin innovātus, yg berarti memperbarui (to renew). Jadi, inovasi adalah proses pembaruan sesuatu yg sudah ada, bukan memperkenalkan sesuatu yang baru. Membuat perubahan pada suatu hal yg sudah ada, terutama dengan cara memperkenalkan metode-metode baru (New Oxford American). Sesuatu yang berbeda dan berdampak (Scott D. Anthony, The Little Black Book of Innovation, Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2013). The implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations (Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation, Paris: OECD, 2005).

14 APA ITU INOVASI? Innovation means technologies or practices that are new to a given society. They are not necessarily new in absolute terms. These technologies or practices are being diffused in that economy or society  what is not disseminated and used is not an innovation. Innovation is distinct from research and in fact need not result from it. Innovations come from the entrepreneurs who make them happen and ultimately depend on a society‘s receptiveness. (World Bank, Innovation Policy: A Guide for Developing Countries, 2010).

15 KRITERIA INOVASI Ada tidaknya kebaruan (novelty) dalam sebuah perubahan; Ada tidaknya dampak positif atau kemanfaatan dari suatu inisiatif perubahan; Mampu tidaknya inisiasi perubahan memberi solusi terhadap masalah yg ada; Harus berkesinambungan (tidak tergantung pada inisiator / konseptornya) dan dapat direplikasikan; Memiliki kompatibilitas dengan sistem diluar dirinya, tidak membentur / melanggar sistem yg telah ada.


17 MENGAPA BERINOVASI? Needs to grow
Sumber: Types of innovation - Choosing where to innovate



20 Giant leap = Innovation
Required ... 2040 2013


22 BERKEBUN INOVASI MENYIRAM – anggaran, dukungan.
MENYIANGI – kompetisi, deregulasi, komunikasi. MEMUPUK – kajian, informasi. MENYIAPKAN LAHAN – pelatihan. Sumber: World Bank, Innovation Policy: A Guide for Developing Countries, 2010.

Peter F. Drucker, 2006, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, HarperCollins

24 8 Langkah TRANSFORMASI Establishing sense of urgency;
Forming a powerful guiding coalition; Creating a vision; Communicating the vision; Empowering others to act the vision; Planning for and creating short-term wins; Consolidating improvements and producing more changes; Institutionalizing new approaches. John P Kotter, Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail?

25 Bagian V Manajemen INOVASI

26 SIKLUS INOVASI Analisis Gap & Identifikasi kebutuhan inovasi.
Benchmarking, stock-taking Pelaksanaan inovasi. Monev/impact assessment & lessons learned. Promosi & institusionalisasi Inovasi Pematangan inisiatif inovasi. Pendampingan / pelatihan. Pemilihan area inovasi. Penetapan kerangka kerja inovasi (metode, rencana capaian, dll). Penuangan praktek2 inovasi, publikasi dll. Policy Brief. Innovation Dialogue.

27 INKUBASI INOVASI Inkubasi: waktu/masa yg dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan observasi atau aksi dan intervensi tertentu, sampai muncul perubahan dari kondisi awal menjadi kondisi baru. Inisiatif baru biasanya dicirikan: pengalaman terbatas, keterampilan manajerial minim, jejaring usaha sedikit, dukungan / kepercayaan publik terbatas. Maka, perlu uji coba, market testing, atau piloting sebelum berjalan sepenuhnya. Di AS: tanpa inkubasi, 66% bisnis pemula masih berada pada kdisi yang sama setelah 2 th berjalan, dan 44% masih tetap sama dan tidak tumbuh setelah 4 tahun (Amy E. Knaup, Survival and Longevity in the Business Employment Dynamics Database). Inkubasi diibaratkan jembatan lembah kematian (valley of death) yang menghubungkan dua bukit batu terjal.

28 INKUBASI INOVASI Program / aktivitas selama masa inkubasi:
mengembangkan kapasitas pelaku usaha / inovator, mematangkan rencana dan fokus usaha, melengkapi sarana dan metode kerja, mengembangkan teknologi (jika diperlukan), menutupi defisiensi dana, mengurangi defisit kompetensi (mal-keterampilan) pegawai melalui training, dsb. Inkubasi bukan jaminan thd kesuksesan usaha atau inovasi Stephen Wunker (Incubating Innovation, Forbes, Des. 2007): dari 300 perusahaan yg disurvei hanya 47% yg merasa puas dengan pencapaian tujuan strategis organisasi setelah ikut program inkubasi, dan yg puas dengan pencapaian target finansial hanya 24%.

29 INKUBASI INOVASI Logika inkubasi: Jiang Zemin:
Jika dengan inkubasi saja masih ada kemungkinan kurang berhasilnya sebuah usaha/inovasi, apalagi jika tanpa melalui inkubasi. Jiang Zemin: (Presiden China ): “Incubation is one of the single most important global innovations of the 21st century”

30 REPLIKASI INOVASI Analogi Replikasi: Esensi Replikasi: Foto copy,
Cangkok tanaman, Franchise (KFC, Alfamart, Brownies Amanda, dll) Esensi Replikasi: Memperbanyak praktik inovasi secara cepat dengan kondisi & mutu yg relatif sama dengan sumber aslinya. Dengan replikasi, tidak perlu memulai sesuatu dari nol, atau melakukan riset dan eksperimen yg panjang, atau mengeluarkan biaya investasi yg amat besar. Replikasi akan menghemat waktu, tenaga, biaya, dan menekan kemungkinan gagal dari inisiatif inovasi.

31 REPLIKASI INOVASI Bagaimana Melakukan Replikasi?
Benchmarking dan studi banding, Pelatihan teknis dan simulasi bagaimana sebuah inovasi itu dikelola, dimonitor, dan dikembangkan, Kota kembar, sister institution, atau sejenisnya, Stelsel Aktif: 1) mempelajari & mengumpulkan data mengapa inovasi tertentu berhasil diterapkan; 2) menyiapkan rencana & skenario yg matang tentang bagaimana replikasi akan diterapkan, termasuk aspek anggaran, tim pelaksana, tahapan dan kerangka waktunya; 3) melakukan monitoring & menjamin tercapainya target-target yg direncanakan.

32 PROMOSI INOVASI creating and upgrading innovation support structures and networks; providing assistance and long-term training for officials working in the fields of innovation promotionand related activities; organizing workshops and training programs on innovation; promoting information sharing among inventors & innovators through organizing international symposiums; assisting national and international organizers of invention exhibitions in rewarding creative talent; enhancing the importance, advantages & use of intellectual property system for small and medium enterprises; providing training and assistance for on-line and state-of- the-art searches carried out in patent document collections and on-line databases. Sumber: WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

Mendorong budaya belajar dalam organisasi. Menciptakan iklim kompetisi yang sehat antar pegawai. Menerapkan mekanisme insentif dan disinsentif Memberi delegasi dan kebebasan yang lebih luas kepada staf Mengembangkan terus menerus kapasitas untuk berinovasi, misalnya melalui pelatihan. Melakukan upaya cross fertilization antar best practices atau inisiatif inovasi, misalnya melalui kompetisi atau benchmarking.


35 KATEGORISASI INOVASI Incremental Innovation – Doing more of the same things you have been doing with somewhat better results. Additive Innovation – More fully exploiting already existing resources, such as product lines extensions, and can achieve good results. These opportunities should rarely be treated as high priority efforts. The risks should be small – and they should not take resources away from complementary or breakthrough opportunities. Complementary Innovation – Offers something new and changes the structure of the business. Breakthrough Innovation (Radical Innovation) – Changes the fundamentals of the business, creating a new industry and new avenues for extensive wealth creation. Sumber: Vadim Kotelnikov,


37 (“Turnaround”, Koran Sindo, 7-11-2013, hal. 1)
INOVASI = PERBAIKAN? Rhenald Kasali: Adalah entrepreneur yang memicu perubahan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, tetapi juga sekaligus sebagai mesin penghancur ekonomi dunia dengan inovasi-inovasinya. (“Turnaround”, Koran Sindo, , hal. 1) Jean Hartly (2008), “The Innovation Lanscape for Public Service Organizations“, in Jean Hartly, C. Donaldson, and C. Wallace (ed.), Managing to Improve Public Services, UK: Cambridge University Press.


39 ANAK TANGGA INOVASI Awareness of the Problem: people must perceive there is a problem in the first place. Interest: after being aware they need to show an interest in the specific problem; Knowledge/comprehension: in order to decide to go for change and adopt an innovation, people need to be knowledgeable about it; Attitude: attitude is another factor determining people's orientation in accepting and adopting an innovation; Legitimization: is the innovation in line with the norms and legal system of the community? This aspect is related to the overall legislation and policy currently in use. However it can also be related to the cultural and social acceptance of the innovation, and the fact of having to face strong peer pressure in order to adopt it; Practice: before actually adopting and putting in action an innovation people need to try it out in order to test its feasibility and effectiveness. Further actions might be needed to ensure its sustainability.

40 HAMBATAN INOVASI Geoff Mulgan dan David Albury (Innovation in the Public Sector, London: 2003)


42 BUDAYA INOVASI “Seperangkat kebijakan / aturan, kebiasaan, sikap, kondisi lingkungan & faktor2 organisasi yg memungkinkan tumbuh & berkembangnya kreativitas & inovasi secara progresif & berkelanjutan dalam sebuah organisasi” (Tri Widodo, 2014). ATURAN: banyak yg berjiwa deterministik, mengekang, membatasi kreasi & inisiatif, dan cenderung menjadi alat untuk menjerat seseorang  harus diubah untuk melindungi, melayani & memudahkan. KEBIASAAN: tradisi turun-temurun, rutinitas kaku, ketidakberanian berpikir melampaui tempurungnya, atau sesuatu yg melanggengkan status quo  ubah menjadi “membiasakan pembaharuan dan memperbaharui kebiasaan” SIKAP: cara pandang thd sesuatu, missal: bgmn memberi makna thd tugas/tgjwb dalam organsiasi, bgmn menghargai usaha/kerja keras orang lain, bgmn menyikapi adanya perbedaan, bgmn merespon kegagalan & konflik, dll.

43 BUDAYA INOVASI Lynne Maher, “Creating the Culture of Innovation” (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement)

44 Bagian IX PENUTUP

45 Do You Dare to DREAM?

46 Terima Kasih

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