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Creative Industry.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Creative Industry."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Creative Industry

2 Mindset

3 What is a Creative Industry?
“… those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill & talent, and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property and content” UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport

4 Elements of Creative Industry
Human Resource Industrial Sector Creative Works Occupational Sector Intellectual Property Rights

5 Industrial Economy Structure
Origination Production Distribution Consumption

6 Creative Economy Structure
Origination Production Distribution Consumption Creative Clusters

7 Creative Industry Sector in Indonesia

8 Fashion Design

9 Handycraft Muntilan

10 Performing Arts

11 Music Agnes Monica

12 Advertising

13 Publishing & Printing

14 Television & Radio

15 Film Video Photography

16 Architecture & Construction

17 General Design

18 Computer & Software

19 Interactive Games

20 Research & Development

21 Art Market & Antiquity

22 Creative Industry Indonesia in Numbers

23 “6,3 % (104,73 trillion rupiah) from National GDP” studi industri kreatif indonesia
“9,3 % (81,4 billion rupiah) from national export value”

24 9 Sector Indonesian GDP in 2006 based on 2000 Price Constant
Depdag 2007

25 %PDB on PDB in Creative Industry Indonesia
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average Fashion Design 33,57% 30,92% 28,33% 28,22% 28,76% 29,96% Handicraft 24,84% 22,73% 22,57% 21,53% 22,11% 22,76% Advertising 15,26% 18,30% 18,97% 19,85% 19,11% Publishing & Printing 5,00% 4,93% 6,11% 6,07% 6,14% 5,65% Television & Radio 5,06% 5,38% 5,52% 5,30% 4,98% 5,25% Architecture 3,80% 3,90% 4,10% 4,56% 4,76% 4,22% Music 2,85% 3,05% 4,30% 4,42% 4,40% General Design 3,33% 4,27% 3,53% 3,41% 3,32% 3,57% Computer & Software 1,94% 2,14% 2,28% 2,39% 2,23% Art Market & Antiquity 1,48% 1,61% 1,67% 1,68% 1,62% Research & Development 1,10% 1,09% 1,13% 1,12% 1,11% Film, Video & Photography 0,66% 0,64% 0,63% 0,54% 0,62% Interactive Games 0,58% 0,51% 0,45% 0,37% Performing Arts 0,47% 0,41% 0,32% 0,40% Deperindag, Indonesia, 2006

26 “5,9 % or 5,4 million people in the creative industry”
“creative industry market in Indonesia counts for 47% (143.8 million people) below the age of 29”

27 Indicator Qty 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average Rank 79.079 4,84% 4,75%
1. Berbasis Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Nilai Tambah Milyar Rp 72.013 75.563 79.892 81.015 86.914 79.079 9 Pertumbuhan Nilai Tambah % 4,93% 5,73% 1,41% 7,28% 4,84% 8 & Nilai terhadap total PDB 4,78% 4,79% 4,82% 4,63% 4,71% 4,75% 2. Berbasis Ketenagakerjaan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja orang 7 Tingkat Partisipasi Pekerja 3,63% 3,51% 3,94% 4,02% 4,70% 3,96% Pertumbuhan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja ‐-4,34% 16,01% 3,14% 17,59% 8,10% 3 Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Rp Ribu / orang 21.617 23.712 21.610 21.246 19.383 21.514 6 3. Berbasis Aktivitas Perusahaan Nilai Ekspor Ribu Rp Pertumbuhan Ekspor 6,02% 23,60% 6,45% 28,19% 13,05% % Ekspor terhadap Total Ekspor 7,52% 7,06% 6,68% 5,95% 6,77% 6,80% Jumlah Perusahaan buah Pertumbuhan Jumlah Perusahaan 2,78% 19,01%‐ 5,40% 14,41% 7,70% 4 % Jumlah Perusahaan terhadap Jumlah Total Perusahaan 2,54% 2,27% 2,88% 2,92% 3,60% 2,84% Deperindag, Indonesia, 2006

28 Creative Industry Indonesia Programs

29 Creative Economy through Indonesia Design Power Initiative 2006-2010
Deperindag, Indonesia, 2006 Agriculture Economy Industrial Economy Information Economy Creative Economy Design Industry Jewelry, Art & Craft, Graphics, Multimedia, Broadcast, Animation, Software, Games, Fashion, Product Design, Furniture, Interior, Publishing, Promotion, Packaging, Performance Arts, Architecture, Product Design Branding Packaging Product Based on Intellectual Property Good Design Products Made In Indonesia

30 Indonesia Creative Economy Development Update 2009 - 2015
12,5 trillion rupiah in industrial and trade dept budget for Tahun Indonesia Kreatif 2009 activation

31 Players & Factors for Creative Industry Growth
Educators Creative & Entrepreneur Curriculum Multidisciplinary Research Freedom of Press & Academic Education & Training Center Education Directive Coaching & Mentoring Funding Scheme Awards & Conservation Marketing & Business Matching Conducive Business atmosphere Creative Community Incentive Government Business

32 Indonesia Creative Industry Roadmap 2009 - 2015
“Masyarakat dengan mindset dan moodset kreatif yang didukung oleh talenta dan pekerja kreatif” Fasilitasi creative talent untuk berkreasi Jumlah & kualitas Creative Worker Creative mindset pada masyarakat Entrepreneurship People “Industri kreatif yang unggul di pasar domestik & asing, dengan peran dominan wirausahawan nasional” Industry attractiveness Efisiensi untuk keunggulan komparatif Inovasi bermuatan lokal untuk keunggulan kompetitif Industry ”Teknologi yang mendukung desain dan melayani kebutuhan pasar” Basis-basis teknologi menuju klaster teknologi Kapasitas penguasaan teknologi dan computer literacy Iklim usaha kondusif untuk investasi dan infrastruktur Technology Kemampuan memanfaatkan bahan baku Alam Apresiasi dan sadar lingkungan Basis-basis teknologi pengolah sumber daya alam Iklim kondusif untuk ketersediaan pasokan bahan baku domestik “Pemanfaatan bahan baku dengan nilai tambah dan tingkat utilisasi yang tinggi serta ramah lingkungan” Resource “Masyarakat berpemikiran terbuka yang mengkonsumsi produk kreatif lokal” Apresiasi budaya dan warisan budaya Indonesia di dalam & luar negeri Masyarakat kreatif yang saling menghargai dan bertukar pengetahuan Institution “Tercapainya tingkat kepercayaan & distribusi Informasi yg simetris antara lembaga keuangan dgn industri kreatif” Penguatan hubungan aktor Industri Kreatif dengan lembaga keuangan Skema dan lembaga pembiayaan yang sesuai Financial Intermediary


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