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Dasar-Dasar Analisis Spasial
Oleh : Dr. Agus Kristijono
Pengertian SIG geographical (geografis)
sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan geografi – ilmu mengenai permukaan bumi information atau informasi pengetahuan (knowledge),fakta, atau data system atau sistem himpunan metoda,skema, prosedur atau sejenisnya yang tertata, terorganisir dan komprehensif Sistem Informasi Informasi Geografis Analisis Spasiall analisis spasial analisis mengenai keberadaan di dalam ruang
Prasyarat Analisis Spasial
Berpola fikir geografikal: understanding ‘spatial order’ Memiliki ‘spatial knowledge’ and ‘spatial skills’ Memahami spatial ‘framework’ Remote sensing Peta referensi Survey dan Pemetaan Basis data SIG Peta tematis Pengambilan Keputusan
Berpolapikir Geografikal
Menurut definisi yang dikemukakan oleh Morrison (1993): Geography is the study of space (spacial) in the sence of position and relationships among positions on the surface of the planet earth. Geografi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari ruang (keruangan) yang mengandung pengertian posisi dan relasinya diantara tempat-tempat di permukaan planet bumi. Dari pengertian dan definisi geografi di atas mengemuka adanya pola pikir spasial (spatial thinking) yang menjadi ciri khas geografi.
Berpolapikir Geografikal
UNDERSTANDING SPATIAL ORDER Prinsip ‘The earch for spatial order’ Geography and Other disciplines Ask how people, places, animal, natural features, and the like change and interact spatially Continue to concentrate to spatial relationships as its principle intellectual framework. Geography only SPATIAL LANGUAGE Allows geographer to think more clearly communicate more concisely about space Analyze structure and arrangement of data to explain spatial phenomena
Memahami Elemen Spasial
Spatial Knowledge and Skill Memahami Elemen Spasial Type of spatial objects and features Spatial phenomena Spatial representation
Mengenal Elemen Spasial
REAL WORLD PHENOMENA Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Point object Line object Area object 3D object Line Point object Line object Area object 3D object Polygon Point object Line object Area object 3D object
Representasi Elemen Spasial
Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line
Representasi Elemen Spasial
Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Polygon
Representasi Elemen Spasial
Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Polygon
Representasi Elemen Spasial
Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Polygon
Representasi Elemen Spasial
Point object Line object Area object 3D object Point Line Polygon
Memahami Skala
Peta Map is a spatial representation of the environment
It comes in many forms such as globes, physical models, line drawings, airphotos, satellite imageries. Cartographic map is an external (physical) representation of the environment. Refererence maps: those whose primary aim is to portray environmental details accurately. Thematic or special-purpuse Maps: those whose primary aim is to depict general spatial pattern of the environment.
Spatial Location and Reference
Geographical Grid Lintang Utara Lintang Selatan Equator Bujur Barat Bujur Timur Meridian Latitude = Lintang Longitude = Bujur
Peta Referensi
Peta Dari Citra Satelit
DP SP Ketapang West Kalimantan Legend Peat Mapping Landsystem Boundary Using Landsat ETM DP Deep Peat SP Shallow Peat
Peta Tematis
Peta Statistik
Entity and Attribute Spatial objects Spatial features Entity
Non spasial Information Spasial information Attribute data Geographic data Nominal Point Ordinal Line Interval/Ratio Polygon Point object Line object Area object Nominal Point object Line object Area object Ordinal Point object Line object Area object Interval Point object Line object Area object
Measurement Level of Attribute Data
Point Line Area jalan raya Bogor sawah Nominal jalan KA pemukiman 276m hutan G. Salak Sungai sawah Ciawi jalan kab pemukiman Ordinal Bogor jalan prop hutan Bandung jalan neg <200 50 40 Interval/Ratio 200 35 1000 >500 30 2000 dalam ribuan orang 25 5000 Kedalaman (meter)
Representation of Measurement Level
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval
Spatial Framework Spatial Surface Discrete Continuous
Spatial Framework Spatial Pattern REGULAR RANDOM CLUSTERED
Proximity and Spatial Relation
Spatial Framework Proximity and Spatial Relation
Analisis Spasial Measurement Classification Statistical Surface Spatial Arrangement Overlay Cartographic Modeling
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