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2 Apa yang Dinilai? Kompetensi berbahasa lisan * Short functional texts
* Dialogues * Monologues – different genres Kompetensi berbahasa tulis * Essays – different genres

3 Makna apa yg menjadi fokus?
Ideational meaning – isi berita Interpersonal meaning – tujuan text, tindak tutur Textual meaning – termasuk punctuation Logical meaning – hubungan logis antargagasan

4 Literacy Principles Interpretation Collaboration Convention
Cultural Knowledge Problem Solving Reflection Language USE

5 Prinsip yang mendasari
Kompetensi Makna Prinsip Literasi Prinsip-prinsip assessment lain

6 Spoken Language (Short Functional Text)
Diperdengarkan kalimat sederhana, siswa mampu menentukan informasi faktual dalam kalimat tersebut. Contoh: “Attention please… Argo Muria train from Jakarta will be arriving at platform one in about three minutes.”

7 Soal Ideational Which train will be arriving in Platform one?
a) b) c) d) Interpersonal The speaker said, “The train will be arriving at platform one.” What does it mean? She gave information She wanted help She asked a question She gave instruction

8 Dialog A: Mum, I’m leaving!
B: It’s cloudy, darling. Don’t forget the umbrella. A: I have it. Bye, mum. B: Bye.

9 Context * Who were talking? Mother and son Teacher and student
Student and student Mother and teacher

10 Context Where did the conversation happen? At home In a shop At school
At a restaurat

11 Makna ideational Go shopping Go to school Go swimming Go out
* What is A going to do? Go shopping Go to school Go swimming Go out

12 Makna ideational How was the weather? Fine Hot Cold Cloudy

13 Makna Interpersonal B was protesting B was reminding B was complaining
B said “It’s cloudy, darling. Don’t forget your umbrella.” What does it mean? B was protesting B was reminding B was complaining B was greeting

14 Monologue Long time ago, a mountain began to rumble and shake. There was a loud noise and people came from far and near to see what would happen. “A great river will be born,” said a man. “Surely nothing less than a mighty dragon will come out,” said another. “A God himself will spring from these rocks,” said the third. Finally, after days of expectation a small crack appeared in the mountainside. And out popped a mouse.

15 Makna Ideational What happened to the mountain one day?
What did the first person think about it? What did the second person think would happen? What did the third person think would come out? Who caused the rumbling and shaking?

16 Makna Interpersonal What is the purpose of this text?
To describe something To report To entertain To tell an experience

17 Speaking Transaksional/Interpersonal (4 menit)
Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan faktual yang diberikan penguji agar siswa merasa ”nyaman” dan tidak tegang. Misalnya: a. What’s your name? b. Where do you live?? c. Do you like ice cream? d. Dst.

18 Dialog Dua siswa melakukan percakapan berdasarkan bahan yang diberi penguji. Misalnya, Tati memegang iklan buku yang akan diobral di toko buku tertentu. Toni ingin tahu tentang informasi tersebut. Toni diharapkan bertanya: a. Where is the bookshop? b. Is it closed on Sundays? c. What time is it open? d. Are there story book? Dll. Tati menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang dimilikinya. Dalam melakukan percakapan siswa perlu memperhatikan kesantunan (interpersonal) seperti Excuse me..., May I..., please dsb.

19 Monolog (3 menit) Siswa diberi gambar sederhana, kemudian ia diminta merepresentasikan gambar tersebut dengan kata-kata. Gambar tersebut bisa berupa: * seekor binatang * serangkaian kejadian dengan kata kerja sederhana * kartun sederhana yang lucu * pemandangan pantai dll * adegan di kantor pos *dll.

20 Reading Ujian reading diawali dengan membaca teks-teks transaksional kecil seperti pengumuman atau notices. Soal: ”Police cars only” This notice means a. The police have cars. b. Only the police have cars. c. Only police cars can park here. d. The park is only for the police.

21 Contoh Short Functional Texts
”Road closed until weekend” ”Do not feed the animals” ”School sport club now open in the evening” dll.

22 Contoh teks Narrative A fisherman had been fishing all day, but he did not catch anything. In the evening, he caught one very small fish. The fish said, ”Please don’t eat me. Please, I am too small to make you a good dinner. Please throw me back to the water. Later, when I grow bigger, you come back and catch me again.” ”No, no,” said the fisherman. ”I am going to keep you. If you get back into the water you will take very good care, and you will never come near me again.” Then, the fisherman put the poor little fish in his pond at the back yard. When the fish grew bigger, it became a good friend of the fisherman. He never wanted to eat the fish.

23 Writing Short Functional Texts
Soal berupa gambar sebuah sekolah, dan siswa diberi tugas memberi label pada bagian-bagian di sekolah tersebut, misalnya a. Canteen b. Principal’s office c. Sick Bay d. Play ground dll. * Soal dapat berupa instruksi menulis ucapan selamat, duka cita dll.

24 Menulis dalam Genre Siswa dengan genre tertentu dengan / tanpa bantuan gambar. Siswa diberi tiga pilihan genre dengan topik tertentu (sesuai gambar), kemudian ia memilih salah satunya.

25 Pedoman Penskoran Listening dan Reading
Berbentuk Pilihan ganda. Skor ditentukan oleh jumlah jawaban yang benar.

26 Speaking 1. Grammar dan Vocabulary
Penilai memperhatikan apakah siswa menggunakan kosa kata yang tepat dan tata bahasa yang benar meski sederhana. 2. Discourse Management (interaktif dan monolog) Penilai memperhatikan apakah jawaban siswa masuk akal atau relevan dengan pertanyaannya. Siswa diharapkan menggunakan kata sambung dan fitur linguistik lainnya agar alur pembicaraannya lancar.

27 Speaking 3. Pronunciation
Penilai hendaknya mendengarkan dengan cermat apakah ucapan siswa bisa dimengerti dan tidak menimbulkan salah pengertian. Nilai tambah diberikan kepada yang ucapannya tidak hanya jelas tetapi juga mendekati penutur asli.

28 Speaking 4.Interactive Communication
Penilai mencermati apakah siswa siswa memiliki percaya diri dan ’luwes’ dalam memulai, mengakhiri percakapan, tahu bagaimana mengambil giliran bicara dengan santun, merespon tanpa ragu-ragu, mengoreksi diri jika berbuat kesalahan dsb.

29 Aspek yang dinilai Grammar dan vocabulary Manajemen wacana interaktif
Ucapan dan intonasi Komunikasi interaktif

30 Writing Grammar dan vocabulary
Manajemen wacana: teks fungsional pendek Manajemen wacana: Genre Kejelasan makna Hubungan antar gagasan

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