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“ General Overview of Mail Server Technology ”

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Presentasi berjudul: "“ General Overview of Mail Server Technology ”"— Transcript presentasi:

1 “ General Overview of Mail Server Technology ”

2 Simple Internet Mail Flow

3 Mail Jargon MUA: Mail User Agent. Contoh, MS Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird MTA: Mail Transport Agent. Contoh Postfix, Qmail, Exim, Sendmail MDA: Mail Delivery Agent. Contoh: Maildrop, Procmail MTA vs Groupware Contoh Groupware: MS Exchange, Desknow, Lotus Notes

4 Example Network Mail Delivery

5 DNS Lookup

6 DNS Lookup (dig)

7 RFC RFC 821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (August 1982)
RFC STANDARD FOR THE FORMAT OF ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES (August 1982) RFC Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (April 2001) RFC Internet Message Format (April 2001)

8 Simple SMTP Sessions

9 MTA Comparison Kapan pertama kali dirilis? Aktif dikembangkan?
Jumlah developer/contributor? Dokumentasi? 3rd party support? License? Security Consideration?

10 Postfix Pertama kali dirilis ~thn 1997
Masih aktif dikembangkan s.d skrg Rilis stabil terakhir 2.4 patch level 6, pada 17 Sept 2007 Dokumentasi cukup lengkap Security OK License: IPL 3rd Party Support Lumayan

11 Antivirus Antivirus adalah tugas di sisi client. Server tidak membutuhkan antivirus Pertanyaan: Mengapa sekarang banyak mailserver yang memasang antivirus?

12 Antivirus Antivirus Interfacing: amavisd-new, mailscanner, mimedefang
Symantec AV, AVG, Clamav, dll

13 SPAM Spam? Spammer? Bagaimana email kita diambil oleh spammer?
Teknik-teknik spammer

14 Anti SPAM DNSBL/RBL SURBL SPF Greylisting SpamAssassin
Bayesian Spam Filter

15 Questions?

16 Cecep Mahbub Email: Phone: +62-81317530567
Contact Information Cecep Mahbub Phone:

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