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Metodologi Penelitian Kebijakan

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1 Metodologi Penelitian Kebijakan
LPPM UNY Metodologi Penelitian Kebijakan Muhadjir M. Darwin Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoyakarta Workshop Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian Kebijjakan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 12 Mei 2019 di Yogyakarta

2 Gaps between research and policy that must be bridged (Basil Jones, 2011)
Insufficient access to research; Ineffective communication by researchers An under-emphasized but very important area is the limited understanding by policy makers, politicians and incapacity of overstretched bureaucrats to absorb research improving the demand for evidence in a systematic and rigorous way


4 Definisi Riset Kebijakan Lawrence M. Mead (2004)
Policy research is an inquiry into the nature and origins of problems that public policy aims to solve. Policy research is distinct from purely academic research that seeks only theoretical knowledge. It is also distinct from policy analysis done to inform a specific decision, but it supports such analysis by identifying the causes of problems that policy might change.

5 Definisi Riset Kebijakan Dukeshire & Thurlow (2002)
Research is the systematic collection and presentation of information Policy research is a special type of research that can provide communities and decision-makers with useful recommendations and possible actions for resolving fundamental problems. Such research provides policy-makers with pragmatic, action-oriented recommendations for addressing an issue, question, or problem. The primary focus of policy research is linked to the public policy agenda and results are useful to the development of public policies

6 lanjutan A policy research effort begins with a social issue or question, evolves through a research process whereby alternative policy actions for dealing with the problem are developed, and communicates these alternatives to policy-makers. Policy research is unique in focusing on action-oriented recommendations to social problems.

7 The most common types of research relevant to policy making
Focused synthesis or review of existing research Secondary analysis Field Experiments Quasi Experiments Qualitative Methods Surveys Case studies Cost-benefit analysis Delphi technique

8 Sifat penelitian kebijakan
Lebih fokus pada tujuan praktis (pemahaman tentang hakekat masalah dan solusi kebijakan) daripada teoritis (pembuktian hipotesis). Tunduk pada prinsip-prinsip metodologi. Berakhir dengan laporan yang memenuhi standar akademis Hasil penelitian/analisis disajikan kepada pengambil kebijakan dalam berbagai bentuk sajian (policy paper, policy brief, policy memo, background paper, atau presentasi lisan).

9 Siapa yang Menggunakan hasil Riset Kebijakan
Pembuat kebijakan Pemerintah Kelompok Kepentingan Organisasi Kimunitas Organisasi Kebijakan Analisis atau penasehat kebijakan Oganisasi masy sipil Kelompok lobi Universitas Individu Siapapun yang ingin tahu tentang kebijakan dan dampaknya

10 Gill Walt & Lucy Gilson (1994) Model for Health Analysis
Context Actors as individuals as members of the group Content Process

11 Realization of children rights
Conceptual Framework Institution (the ‘grey box’) system, people, resources Results Rights fulfillment – Decentralization Policy Budget Feedback to Social Policy CRC Realization of children rights Community Universality Equality Comprehensiveness Adequacy Equitable Administration Respect Protect Fulfill

12 Outline of Modular Structure
National situation of children Module 1 Judgment of practitioners Module 2 Voice of Children and Young person Module 3 Analysis, key issues, recommendation, future planning Module 4 Review of Decentralization (Provincial Case Study) The situation as perceived by children and young person Integrating module 1-3 Evidence, trends, policy, and budget

13 Theoretical Framework
Supply side Hybrid Demand side Module 1 Socio-Demographic Data analysis (trends, disparities) Legal/children rights Social budget and/policy Module 2 Socio-Demographic Data Analysis Social policies/budgets Institutional capacities Practitioners’ evaluations Module 3 Young people’s evaluations and priorities Where to find solutions Implication for rights based services Complexity Causality & Role Capacity General Theory of Causality: what we know Critical Alternatives

14 (Informal) Policy Shaping
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Main issues How effective social policies for children at national level? How decentralization result in the improvement of child rights fulfillment? How children deal with their own problems and respond to social policies or duty bearers’ interventions? Theories Formal Policy (Policy Making) (Informal) Policy Shaping Policy in Action Alternative Policy Units of Analysis National Policy Documents Local policy Documents Voice of children and young people Judgments of National Policy Stakeholders Judgments of local policy stakeholders Valuation of Analysts Judgments of practitioners

15 Bagaimana penelitian atau analisis mempengaruhi proses kebijakan?
Prosedur Analisis Informasi Kebijakan Proses Kebijakan Perumusan Masalah Masalah Kebijakan PENYUSUNAN AGENDA Prospek Kebijakan Perkiraan FORMULASI kEBIJAKAN Pilihan Kebijakan ADOPSI KEBIJAKAN Rekomendasi Pemantauan Hasil Kebijakan IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENILAIAN KEBIJAKAN Kinerja Kebijakan Evaluasi

16 Dimana peran analis kebijakan?
Pemicu Karakteristik Isu Penekanan media massa Perluasan Ke publik Isu Obyek pemicu Penggunaan simbol Agenda sistemis Dimana peran analis kebijakan? Pola Akses Agenda Pengambilan Keputusan Proses institusional

17 Kenapa dibutuhkan penelitian kebijakan?
Kebutuhan informasi yang akurat untuk memahami masalah kebijakan dengan tepat, memilih alternatif kebijakan, memonitor implementasi dan mengevaluasi keberhasilan kebijakan. Setiap stakeholder kebijakan membutuhkan pembenaran ilmiah bagi setiap kebijakan yang akan diambil untuk menjamin akuntabilitas dan responsibilitas dari kebijakan yang mereka buat. Informasi ilmiah dapat menjadi jembatan dari perbedaan kepentingan, orientasi dan ideologi politik para pelaku kebijakan sehingga mereka dapat menemukan pemahaman yang sama, membangun kesepakatan, atau melakukan kompromi terhadap berbagai isu kebijakan. Dalam praktek media lebih berpengaruh dalam menciptakan opini publik dan memberi arah pada kebijakan publik, padahal media sering melakukan distorsi dalam menyajikan informasi. Penelitian kebijakan dapat mengurangi distorsi itu dengan informasi yang lebih lengkap, akurat, dan komprehensif.

18 Toward Active Policy Entrepreneurship
Contract researchers. In-house’ researchers Political advisors Civil society researchers Disinterested research


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