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Oleh: Prof. Dr. Indrawati, M. Pd.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Oleh: Prof. Dr. Indrawati, M. Pd."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Oleh: Prof. Dr. Indrawati, M. Pd.
Penyusunan Komponen Rubrik dan Indikator/Bukti (Evidence) pada Authentic Assessment sesuai KKNI dan SNPT Oleh: Prof. Dr. Indrawati, M. Pd. This presentation is based on a workshop taught by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, at Teachers College, in July of 1999.

2 Landasan Yuridis Peraturan Presiden No.8/2012) tentang KKNI (Capaian Pembelajaran Sesuai dengan Level KKNI) Permenristek-dikti No. 44 tahun 2015 tentang SNPT

3 Rubrik? A rubric is a guideline for rating student performance.
Rubrik merupakan panduan asesmen yang menggambarkan kriteria yang digunakan dosen dalam menilai atau memberi tingkatan dari hasil pekerjaan mahasiswa. Rubrik perlu memuat daftar karakteristik yang diinginkan yang perlu ditunjukkan dalam suatu pekerjaan mahasiswa disertai dengan panduan untuk mengevaluasi masing-masing karakteristik tersebut

4 ...... Rubrik? Quality Continuum
A rubric must define the range of possible performance levels.  Within this range are different levels of performance which are organized from the lowest level to the highest level of performance.  Usually, a scale of possible points is associated with the continuum where the highest level receives the greatest number of points and the lowest level of performance receives the fewest points.

5 Clearly unsatisfactory Quality Continuum
PERFORMANCE LEVEL POINTS Excellent 4 90-100 Good 3 80-89 Satisfactory 2 70-79 Needs Improvement 1 60-69 Clearly unsatisfactory <60 Quality Continuum

6 ......... Rubrik? Rubrik merupakan suatu pelajaran yang berkualitas
Pernyataan harapan-harapan publik Alat komunikasi alat penilaian diri untuk peserta didik Alat pengukur untuk menguji kinerja A self-fulfilling prophecy Being a public declaration of expectations makes it not hidden, and especially not dependent on teacher mood swings.

7 Manfaat Rubrik The rubric provides those doing the assessment with exactly the characteristics for each level of performance on which they should base their judgment. The rubric provides those who have been assessed with clear information about how well they performed. The rubric also provides those who have been assessed with a clear indication of what they need to accomplish in the future to better their performance.

8 Komponen-komponen Rubrik:
The parts of the rubric call attention to parts of my assignment so I can revise (improve) it. Rubric comes from the Latin: Rubrica, which means: highlight in red, used to call attention to something (not to mark errors).

9 Menentukan Standar Unggul (Excellence)
Berapa derajat/tingkat kualitas yang harus dimasukkan? Standar kualitas apa yang Anda pilih (menggunakan bahasa atau angka)? Jika penggunaan bahasa yang dipilih, istilah deskriptif apa yang harus Anda gunakan? Jika menggunakan angka, bagaimana pembobotannya? Grids, feedback systems, surveys should have EVEN numbers of choices, so people are forced to make a choice. If you use ODD number of choices, people will tend to chose a middle one! Results will not be as accurate.

10 Objectives Menentukan Kriteria Khusus pada wilayah asesmen
Fokus pada wilayah pembelajaran Jelas dan relevan Sesuai usia Bentuk dan fungsi terwakili Objectives

11 Deskriptor tingkat kinerja pada kriteria
Menentukan Indikator Deskriptor tingkat kinerja pada kriteria Misalnya: pada kesimpulan, apakah temuan yang dihasilkan mendukung hipotesis, kemungkinan sumber kesalahan, dan apa yang telah dipelajari dari eksperimen. Jelas (menggunakan istilah yang dapat diamati) Ada contoh untuk peserta didik This is the hardest part! It tells the student what the levels of performance should look like very clearly.

12 Descriptors Each level of performance should have descriptors which clearly indicate what is necessary to achieve that level of performance.  Example Organization of Thought (4-points): “Work is clearly organized and includes a diagram or step-by-step analysis.” criterion point value descriptor

13 Bagaimana rubrik mengubah pembelajaran?
Dosen/guru harus sepakat pada mutu pembelajaran. Dosen/guru harus sepakat membantu penilaian diri peserta didik. Fokus pada setiap produk dan/atau kinerja. Label-label dijauhkan dari peserta didik Kekhususan muncul dalam semua komunikasi Setiap orang memberi dan menerima umpan balik

14 Membantu siapakah rubrik?
Rubrik merupakan sistem umpan balik bagi peserta didik untuk menilai suatu produk atau kinerja. Rubrik merupakan alat umpan balik bagi dosen/guru untuk memberikan yang jelas, terfokus pada pembinaan untuk peserta didik. Rubrik merupakan sistem yang mempromosikan umpan balik yang konsisten dan bermakna dari waktu ke waktu. Rubrik merupakan alat komunikasi pada orang tua

15 Apa yang membuat RUBRIK berkualitas?
Banyaknya standar unggul. Kejelasan kriteria pokok/penting Kejelasan banyaknya kriteria Eksplisit, dapat diamati Jika poin-poin jelas untuk siswa di depan Urutan kriteria jelas Reliabilitas antarpenilai tinggi Diuji dengan peserta didik

16 Apa yang membuat penilai bagus?
Pengetahuan dan pengalaman dengan keterampilan tertentu Praktek dengan rubrik. Objektif Pertanyaan-pertanyaan rubrik yang baik dapat memastikan semua partisipan memahami.

17 Bagaimana saya memulai?
Kritisi model-model rubrik saat ini Tanyakan pada siswa untuk mendefinisikan “mutu” hubungannya dengan produk atau kinerja spesifik. Terjemahkan ke dalam rubrik sederhana

18 Tipe-tipe Rubrik Analitik Holistik Analitik
Describes levels of performance for each criterion to assess student performance on each of them. Separate facets of performance are defined, independently valued, and scored. Facets scored separately Holistik Assigns a level of performance by assessing performance across multiple criteria as a whole. Does not list separate levels of performance for each criterion. Views product or performance as a whole; describes characteristics of different levels of performance. Criteria are summarized for each score level

19 Analytical Rubric - Research
Levels of Performance Criteria Weight 1 2 3 Number of Sources x1 1-4 5-9 10-12 Historical Accuracy x3 Lots of historical inaccuracies Few inaccuracies No apparent inaccuracies Organization Can not tell from which source information came Can tell with difficulty where information came from Can easily tell which sources info was drawn from Bibliography Bibliography contains very little information Bibliography contains most relevant information All relevant information is included

20 Holistic Rubric - Research
3 - Excellent Researcher included sources no apparent historical inaccuracies can easily tell which sources information was drawn from all relevant information is included 2 - Good Researcher included 5-9 sources few historical inaccuracies can tell with difficulty where information came from bibliography contains most relevant information 1 - Poor Researcher included 1-4 sources lots of historical inaccuracies cannot tell from which source information came bibliography contains very little information

21 Pro dan kontra Rubrik Analitik
+ Sharper focus on target + Specific feedback (matrix) + Instructional emphasis Time consuming Takes skill and practice Analytic and holistic can be combined—sum of analytical scores =integration or holistic score. Or add scores and take average for holistic representation

22 Pro & Kontra Holistik + Takes less time to create.
+ Effectively determines a “not fully developed” performance as a whole + Efficient for large group scoring; less time to assess - Not diagnostic - Student may exhibit traits at two or more levels at the same time. An overall judgment. Generally speaking, not recommended for classroom use because of diagnostic limitations. If our goal is to give students feedback on performance, the more specific, the better.

23 Langkah-langkah Mengembangkan Rubrik
Rancang kembali-rubrik pertama; kemudian produk/kinerja. Tentukan kriteria untuk produk atau kinerja yang akan dinilai. Tulis definisi atau buat daftar deskriptor konkret (setiap kriteria dapat diidenifikasi). Kembangkan secara kontinyu untuk menggambarkan berbagai kinerja pada setiap kriteria. Lacak kekuatan dan kelemahan dari rubrik seperti yang Anda gunakan untuk menilai pekerjaan siswa. Lakukan revisi. Kembali (ulangi); tanyakan pada diri sendiri, "Apa yang membuat saya tidak jelas secara pembeljaran?" Kelemahan mungkin tidak pada rubrik.

24 10 TIPS Menyusun Rubrik 1. Use as many generalized rubrics as possible. 2. If using pre-designed rubrics carefully consider quality and appropriateness for your project. 3. Aim for concise, clear, jargon-free language 4. Limit the number of criteria, but Separate key criteria. 5. Use key, teachable criteria 6. Use concrete versus abstract and positives rather than negatives 7. Use measurable criteria. 8. Aim for an even number of levels 9. Include students in creating or adapting rubrics. Consider using “I” in the descriptors. 10. Provide models of the different performance levels.


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