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Diterbitkan olehSucianty Gunawan Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Starting selection right place” Objectives :
Hal : 1 MATERI KULIAH MSDM (PERTEMUAN KE- VII DAN VIII) Selection and Placement Objectives : 1. Establish the basic scientific properties of personnel selection methods, including reliability, validity, and generalizability. 2. Discuss how the particular characteristics of a job, organization, or applicant affect the utility of any test. 3. Describe the government’s role in personnel selection decisions. 4. List the common methods used in selecting human resources. 5. Describe the degree to which each of the common methods used in selecting human resources meets the demand of reliability, validity, generalizability, utility and legality. Selection Process Job Vacation “Job description & Job information” Advanced Interview by Middle or top a Advertisement in Newspaper or the other media Background Investigation Starting selection “Application Form” Test and Interview “Capability, Knowledge, management Skill and Behavior” Job description, Placement Medical Checkup “The right man in the Job Information right place” Reliability Measuring characteristics of people to determine who will accepted for jobs openings. The consistency of performance measure; the degree to which a performance measure is free from random error.
Hal : 3 CONTENT VALIDITY Required Level of Correlation to Reach Statistical Significance as a function of sample size. A test validation strategy performed by demonstrating that the items, questions, or problem posed by a test are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job. Required Level of Content-validation Ratio to Reach Statistical Significance as a Function of the Number of Judges Sample Size Required Correlation 5 10 20 40 80 100 0,75 0,58 0.42 0,30 0,21 0,19 Number of Judges Required Content-validation Ratio 5 8 10 15 30 0,99 0,75 0,62 0,49 0,33
solusi untuk beragam masalah.
Hal : 5 2. References and Biographical Data 3. Physical Ability Test 4. Cognitive Ability Test Tes ini adalah tes yang membedakan individu berdasarkan mental : Verbal comprehension/pemahaman verbal, yaitu kapasitas seseorang untuk memahami dan menggunakan bahasa tertulis atau lisan. Quantitative ability: lebih ditekankan pada kecepatan dan keakuratan memecahkan persoalan “arithmatic”. Reasoning ability: yaitu mengacu pada kapasitas seseorang untuk menemukan solusi untuk beragam masalah. 5. Personality Inventories The Five Major Dimensions of Personality Inventories Extroversion Adjustment Agreeableness Conscientiousness Sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative, expressive Emotionally stable, nondepressed, secure, content Courteous, trusting, good-nature, tolerant, cooperative, forgiving Dependable, organized, persevering, thorough,
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