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Diterbitkan olehIndra Agusalim Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
An Overview of International Business
Pertemuan #1
Pokok Bahasan Perkuliahan
Pertemuan Ke POKOK BAHASAN TUGAS Membaca Soal 1 Definisi dan Ruang Lingkup Bisnis Internasional - 2 Sejarah Perdagangan, MNC, dan Globalisasi 3 Perdagangan dan Investasi dalam Bisnis Internasional 4 Teori Dasar Bisnis Internasional 5 Teori Modern Bisnis /Perdagangan Internasional 6 Integrasi Ekonomi dan Lembaga Kerjasama Ekonomi Internasional 7 Sistem Moneter Internasional UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER (UTS) ©2004 Prentice Hall
8 Isu-isu pemasaran internasional - 9 Pasar Valuta Asing dan Nilai Tukar (Kurs) 10 Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Bisnis Internasional 11 Pemasaran Internasional 12 E-Pemasaran 13 Restriksi Pemasaran 14 Non tariff barriers UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (UAS)
Pengertian Perdagangan Internasional (bisnis internasional)
Negara B Negara A Barang / Jasa / Capital Barang / Jasa / Capital Batas Wilayah Pabean
Alasan dilakukannya International Trade
Perbedaan Sumber Daya Selera Disparitas Harga Supply-demand Laws
Komponen yang terlibat
Lebih dari satu negara Pemerintah Swasta Rumah tangga Organisasi Perdagangan Internasional
How Does International Business Differ from Domestic?
Currency conversion Legal systems Culture Availability of resources
Why Study International Business?
Large organizations Foreign-owned subsidiaries Small businesses Competitors Business techniques and tools Cultural literacy
International Business Activities
Exporting and Importing International Investments Licensing, Franchising, and Management Contracts
Exporting and Importing
Exporting: selling of products made in one’s own country for use or resale in other countries Importing: buying of products made in other countries for use or resale in one’s own country
Perlu diketahui 53% of Boeing’s aircraft sales are to foreign airlines
Visible and Invisible Trade
Trade in Goods Merchandise exports and imports Visible trade Trade in Services Service exports and imports Invisible trade
International Investments
Capital supplied by residents of one country to residents of another 2 categories: Foreign direct investments Portfolio investments
Other Forms of International Business Activity
Licensing: firm in one country licenses the use of its intellectual property to a firm in a second country in return for a royalty payment Franchising: firm in one country authorizes a firm in another country to utilize its operating system and intellectual property
Management Contracts A firm in one country agrees to operate facilities or provide other management services to a firm in another country for an agreed-upon fee Common in upper-end international hotel industry
This Beijing restaurant is one of 430 that McDonald’s has built in China
Table 1.1 The World’s Largest Corporations – 2002
Rank Name Country Revenues $Mil 1 Wal-Mart Stores U.S. 246,525 2 General Motors 186,763 3 Exxon Mobil 182,466 4 Royal Dutch/Shell Netherlands 179,431 5 BP Britain 178,721 6 Ford Motor 163,871 7 DaimlerChrysler Germany 141,421 8 Toyota Motor Japan 131,754 9 General Electric 131,698 10 Mitsubishi 109,386
Sources of International Commodity Trade Data
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Commodity Trade Statistics Main Economic Indicators U.S. Census Bureau report of exports and imports United States Commodity Imports and Exports as Related to Output
Supply Curves of Wheat and Textiles Under Constant Cost Conditions
FIGURE 2.1 Supply Curves of Wheat and Textiles Under Constant Cost Conditions C1-19
Comparative Opportunity Cost
Who Exports What? Necessary to measure joint productivity of all factors (in monetary value). Unit production cost = aggregate resources used in production of one output unit Limits to Mutually Beneficial Exchange
Region of Mutually Beneficial Trade
FIGURE 2.2 Region of Mutually Beneficial Trade C1-21
Dynamic Gains from International Trade
Static effects—reallocation of resources Dynamic benefits—additional resources available Higher income from more efficient use of resources Increased savings, more resources available for investment Technological spillover Increased size of national market Economies of scale and benefits to economy at large Competitive pressure on prices Product improvement Technological advancement Increased labor pool Infrastructure development Inflation dampening
Tugas Mandiri Identifikasi Kegiatan International Trade
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