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The Second Anniversary Concept and Program Design

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Presentasi berjudul: "The Second Anniversary Concept and Program Design"— Transcript presentasi:

1 The Second Anniversary Concept and Program Design

2 Tel-U Towards World Class University
2014 Governance Excellence ISO Comply BAN-PT Comply 2015 Academic Management Excellence ISO Certification 2016 Academic Resources Excellence Standar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (SNPT) 2017 Academic Quality Excellence : Akreditasi A BAN PT ABEST 21 Accreditation JABEE Accreditation 2018 Research Quality Excellence Publikasi International terindeks Patent, HKI

3 Increasing Brand Image, commitment
Strategic Context of Second Anniversary Strategic Challenges : Lack of collaboration Lack of contribution in National society and industries 2018 2014 2015 Second Anniversary Become WCU Issue and Strategic: Increasing Brand Image, commitment Present Strategic Issues: Collaboration National Contribution

4 Menguatkan Inovasi Kolaboratif
Theme of Second Anniversary : Menguatkan Inovasi Kolaboratif (Meningkatkan Keterlibatan Seluruh Stakeholders) berinovasi untuk Berkontribusi Bagi Masyarakat dan Industri Nasional Strenghtening Collaborative Innovation for Community & National Industry

5 Goals of Second Anniversary:
1 Increasing stakeholders involvement in achieving Tel U goal 2 Developing collaboration and management excellent in developing National programs 3 Increasing eksternal/National contribution for accelerating toward World Class University

6 HR Competition and award dll
Second Anniversary Programs : Involvement Student Olympiad HR Competition and award dll Management Excellent Internal Workshop on “Two Years Reflection of Telkom University” National Contribution Community Service Program International Conferences SMU and SMK program and award ICT Expo Seminar and ICT Award

7 1. Civitas Academica (Olah 4R intrnl: Dosen, TPA )
Target of Participants (Segmented by Program): 1. Civitas Academica (Olah 4R intrnl: Dosen, TPA ) 2. Student prospect (lomba siswa SMA, SMK, award sekolah) 3. Industries (Expo: ICT, Telcos, Telco Subcons, asosiasi) 5. Government (award on ICT, ....., )

8 Embeded at Directorate/Bidang
Penyebaran Beban dan Kegiatan Embeded at Faculty Embeded at Directorate/Bidang Partnership Collaborative innovation Extent the involvement

9 Rangkaian Kegiatan 2nd Anniversary
NO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHO HOW 1. Kick Off 2nd Anniversary 18 Feb 15 Situ techno Sekpim Beban Sekpim 2. International Conferences Mar-Agst Dekan Beban penyelenggara 3. Lomba Or Kes Pegawai Mar-Sept BTPlex Kabid SDM Beban .SDM 4. Lomba Or Kes Mhsw Dir.Kmhs Beban Dir. Kmhsw. 5. Lomba Akademik Mahasiswa Dir. Kmhs Beban Dir. Akademis 6. Lomba ICT SMU dan SMK Dir.Adm Beban Dir. Admission 7. Industrial gathering Mart Dir CDC Beban Dir. CDC 8. Abdimas Award Pansela Dir.PPM Beban Dir. PPM 9. Bakti sosial 14 Agst15 L.BTPlex Dir.SDM Beban SDM 10. Bandung ICT & Art Expo 10 -12Sep TUCH PT.Murtila Beban Murtila 11. Tel-U ICT Award Mar- Sept 12. Seminar TEL-U 10-12 Sep Aula 13 2 years Reflection 2 Sept MM C KMT 14 Open Senat session (Dies+Wis 14 Agus Senat Beban Wisuda 15 Publikasi

10 Management of The Program: No Function PIC Fac/Directorate
1 Chairman Teguh Widodo Applied Science 2 Vice Chairman Dida Dyah Damayanti Industrial Enginering 3 Secretary I Donni Juni Priansa 4 Secretary II Sari Wulandari 5 Treasure Boby Hera Sagita 6 Excellent Program Coordinator Ahmad Syukur Muharam 7. Expo Coordinator Budi Santosa 8. Seminar Coordinator Eka Yuliana Economic Business 9. ICT Awards Coordinator Kemas Saleh Wiharja Informatics 10 PR Yani Nuraeni 11 Logistik Alex Winarno






16 Rundown acara kick off 2nd Anniversary Telkom University 18 Feb 2015
Waktu Kegiatan PIC Keterangan Peserta Senam dan undangan berkumpul Situ Techno Peralatan : Sound system Pa Aca/ CSM Senam dibuka & ditutup dg Doa Pemandu Laporan Ketua Pelaksana Sambutan Rektor sekaligus penyerahan SK Panitia (simbolis) Dekan FIT Prosesi kick off : 2nd Anniversary Telkom University Gunting pita Buka binner Lepas burung PA Achmad Syukur Dilakukan bersamaan oleh : Rektor wakil rector dan Dekan Doa Ustad … Ramah tamah Snack Pengiring Band akustik Ukm Band

17 Jumlah undangan kick off
1 Rektor 2 Wakil Rektor 4 3 Sekpim 5 Dekan dan wakil dekan 14 Staff Fakultas *wajib perwakilan 10 per fakultas 70 6 Direktur dan Staff 30 7 Panitia 8 Mahasiswa BEM perfakultas 10 9 Band Akustik *ukm 10 Dosen Total 234 Gebyar –Gebyar – Pelangi – Jingga - Gombloh

18 Barang atau Jasa yang diperlukan
Rencana Anggaran acara kick off 2nd Anniversary Telkom University 18 Feb 15 No. Kegiatan Barang atau Jasa yang diperlukan Kuantitas Harga Jumlah 1 Senam Pemandu Senam 250,000 2 Pemotongan Banner Banner 3,5 x 5,5 m 4 770,000 3,080,000 Pita , Tali , gunting 100,000 3 Pelepasan Balon Banner Kain 0.5 x 1 m 150,000 300,000 Balon Merah dan Putih 100 5,000 500,000 Pelepasan Merpati Merpati 20 10,000 200,000 5 Musik Band akustik Ukm Band Akustik Sound system 1,000,000 6 Ramah Tamah Snack 250 20,000 5,000,000 Total 10,630,000

19 Thank You

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