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Kesiapan Insinyur Indonesia memasuki era Pitalebar

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Presentasi berjudul: "Kesiapan Insinyur Indonesia memasuki era Pitalebar"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Kesiapan Insinyur Indonesia memasuki era Pitalebar
Nonot Harsono Konvensi Nasional Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) Auditorium BPPT, 10 September 2015

2 Gambaran Situasi Global-connectivity GI Domestic-connectivity
Jaringan-Broadband-Global Gerbang NKRI Kedaulatan & Hankamnas GI NPG IDC Apps dsb I-hub NPG : national payment gateway IDC : Indonesia Data Center Apps : server aplikasi & konten Domestic-connectivity Jaringan Pita Lebar Indonesia (Domestic Broadband Network) UU Kes Global hospital UU Diknas Global Online education E-health E-edu UU Tel Pitalebar Indonesia UU Penyiaran Dominasi Konten global Komu-nikasi Broad cast internet E media UU Cyber Cyber crime Cyber threats UU Pers Penetrasi Media global E Trans E-Bank UU Bank Global Banking E-Gov UU Transaksi Elektronik Perdagangan Global Online Public-Utilities Melalui broadband-network, kehidupan temu-fisik, beralih ke kehidupan Online  Globalisasi Cyber  adakah Kedaulatan Cyber (IPOLEKSOSBUD-HANKAM)? 26 Nopember 2014 Memajukan Kesejahteraan & Melindungi

3 Jaringan Pitalebar Indonesia
GI Penghubung Propinsi Kabupaten Kecamatan Nasional-Backbone-network Distribution-network Access-network: Fixed, or mobile Luar Negeri Monopoli Alamiah (Open Access) – Backbone nasional Swasta/ BUMD/N Open Access batas-NKRI Satelit domestik Access-network 26 Nopember 2014 Memajukan Kesejahteraan & Melindungi

4 52% Pop ada di 2,7% Luas Wilayah

5 Struktur Bisnis Telko-konvergen HORIZONTAL
Penyelenggara & Pemilik Jaringan Penyelenggara Jaringan (virtual) Penyelenggara Aplikasi/Konten Pengembang/pembuat Aplikasi/Konten Pemilik elemen pasif (lahan, menara, duct) Penyedia Fasilitas(lahan, menara, duct) Pengembang/pembuat Aplikasi-bisnis & Konten Penyedia Server/portal Aplikasi-bisnis & Konten Industri Kreatif TIK (bisa individual, UKM, atau software-/production-house besar; easy come-easy go, bajak-membajak, dst) Penyelenggaraan Jasa TIK (penyedia portal/server, data center, cloud-application, platform server konten, solusi e-business, aplikasi e-commerce, game online, VoD, pay per view, IPTV, telephony, messaging, mobile-TV, e-Gov, e-health, e-edu, social networking, etc.) VERTIKAL Penyelenggaraan Jaringan TIK (membangun fasilitas jaringan fisik dan menyediakan layanan jaringan fisik dan/atau virtual; ada 3-level: backbone, distribution, dan access dengan cakupan nasional, regional, atau pun lokal) Fasilitas Pendukung (vital) (right of way vs. PAD dan monopoly kawasan tertentu)

6 Layanan – terintegrasi
Cakupan Bisnis, Legislasi, & Regulasi era Konvergen & Broadband Fasilitas Pendukung: Tower, poles, Duct, site-space, indoor-access, right-of-way (Pemda or individual). Infrastruktur Jaringan: Nat-Backbone, distribution, access (Fixed & mobile), Tx+Mux Terrestrial-TV. Network services: VPN-ning, sharing capacity, customized-use, OSS/BSS/SDP, Gerbang NKRI. Fungsi E-Transaction E-media Komunikasi FIXED-access MOBILE-access Media cetak online TV online & Mobile Video on Demand Searching Mobile Advertising GAME Telepon Video conference Instant messaging Social networking Komunikasi 2-arah lain E-commerce E-health E-Government E-education Transactional lain Moral konten Kode etik Pers Monopoli media Keamanan Transaksi Keamanan informasi Penyelenggaraan Kualitas Layanan Persaingan usaha Citizen protection Layanan – terintegrasi Cloud & M2M Privacy & Data Pelanggan Hankamnas & Kedaulatan Globalisasi online Harmonisasi UU: UU Telekomunikasi UU ITE UU Penyiaran UU TIPITI UU Perlindungan Konsumen UU Penanaman Modal UU Persaingan Usaha Single National Broadband Network Gerbang NKRI dunia maya Kebijakan satelit nasional Penataan Frekuensi (terpusat) Universal Service/Access Obligation Belum diatur dalam UU Telekom UU tentang retribusi/PAD & SKB Menara Bersama (biaya tinggi) Right of Way & monopoli kawasan. 11 September 2014 Persatuan Indonesia

7 Era 5G & IoT : Silent War, Fixed vs. Mobile Network
FO-backhaul + Small-cell Ubiquitous network and wireless sensor network (WSN) will become infrastructure of network-of-everything and internet-of-things (IoT). No doubt that 5G is about massive wireless network and of course it will need strong fiber-optic backhaul to support the RAN. Beside, IT division should work very hard to cluster group of users based on various criteria of new market segment. Mobile network will evolve to small-cell (macrocell-microcell-picocell- femtocell) to be able to handle “everything being connected”, while fixed network will have access-point (Wi-Fi) at every subscriber-line; that could be home, office, café, public space, mall, shopping center, etc. The advantages of mobile network is mobility cell-planned well, while the advantage of fixed-access-point is the speed, but will be degraded due to lack of cell-planning. In some countries, there were many discussion about off-loading of mobile traffic into fixed-access-point. In advanced country such as Korea, mobile operator aggregate high speed Wi-Fi with LTE-advance to reach Giga-bps throughput. Will it be happened in Indonesia? The answer is depend on the willingness to have harmonized cell-plan among operators, and political-will of the Regulator as well. Otherwise, 5G will be a bloody-battle-ground between Wi-Fi vendors and 3GPP-family vendors that will result in serious threat to mobile operators. So, it’s urgent for Indosat to anticipate and simulate this situation, because 5G will start soon in 2020. FTTH + FTTx + Access Point FTTH + FTTx + Access Point FTTH + FTTx + access point 5G network must have higher capacity to accommodate billions of devices connected to the network. Therefore, coverage radius of the cells will be smaller-and-smaller. So, cellular company should have much better fiber-optic backhaul that should penetrate deeper into residential area or urban high populated area. At the same time, fixed network operator will have wider FTTH/x penetration in the same area.

8 Dimana peran insinyur “profesional”?
Merencanakan pitalebar nasional ? So far, siapa ? Membangun jaringan pitalebar ? Membuat perangkat D – N – A ? Memanfaatkan pitalebar Indonesia ? Menyusun regulasi ? So far, bagaimana ? atau peran apa lagi ?

9 Akhirul Kalam Terima kasih

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