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Volvariella volvacea (jamur merang) berguna sebagai bahan pangan berprotein tinggi.

4 Rhizopus olygosporus, R. Stolonifer, berguna dalam pembuatan tempe

5 Neurospora sitophila dan N
Neurospora sitophila dan N. intermedia berperan dalam pembuatan oncom merah

6 Pleurotus sp. (jamur tiram) sebagai bahan pangan
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, berguna dalam pembuatan tape, alkhohol dan Saccharomyces ovale berguna dalam pembuatan tape, alkohol dan roti. Aspergillus oryzae berguna dalam pembuatan tape Penicellium camemberti untuk pembuatan keju Penicellium roqueforti untuk pembuatan keju Jamur Kuping Hitam kering /Auricularia polytricha. jamur kuping berkhasiat membantu melancarkan peredaran darah dalam tubuh. Mengurangi penyumbatan pada pembuluh darah dan bagus sebagai anti oksidant penangkal Radikal bebas , pencegah timbulnya kanker

7 SUPERFICIAL MYCOSES (infeksi kulit pada bagian permukaan)
A. Dermatophytoses (dermatopitosis) : infeksi pada bagian luar tubuh yaitu pada epidermis, rambut, kuku, kulit (Ringworm/herpes, Tinea, Dermatomycosis) . Tidak menginfeksi sampai subcutan

8 Trichophyton sp dan Microsporum sp

9 Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection otherwise known as tinea
Ringworm is a common fungal skin infection otherwise known as tinea. Ringworm most commonly affects the skin on the body (tinea corporis), the scalp (tinea capitis), the feet (tinea pedis, or athlete's foot), or the groin (tinea cruris, or jock itch). What Is Ringworm?

10 Does Ringworm Mean I Have Worms?
No. Ringworm is not caused by a worm. It's a fungal infection that often forms a ring-shaped rash. It can have a red center (seen here) or normal skin tone inside the ring. Other rashes can look like ringworm, including spider bites, nummular eczema, and Lyme disease, a more serious infection that produces a bull's-eye shaped rash. These require different treatments, so it's important to consult a medical professional

11 What Causes Ringworm? Certain fungi can help the body, but the dermatophyte type that cause ringworm irritate the skin instead. These fungi live off the dead tissues of your skin, hair, and nails. Dermatophytes thrive in warm, moist areas, such as the skin folds of the groin area or between the toes. You’re at greater risk of getting ringworm if you sweat excessively or have minor injuries to your skin, scalp, or nails

12 Ringworm of the Body (Tinea Corporis)
There are several types of ringworm (tinea) that can affect different parts of the body. When fungus affects the skin of the body, it often produces itchy, red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. The patches often have sharply defined edges. They are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center, creating the appearance of a ring. Your skin may also appear unusually dark or light.

13 Tinea corporis Infection of the body may result from extension of infection in the scalp, groin and beard Tinea corporis in patients with advanced HIV infection can extend over large area of the body Infection of hair follicels lead to deep dermal inflammatory reaction Tinea corporis

14 Ringworm of the Scalp (Tinea Capitis)
Ringworm of the scalp commonly affects children in late childhood or adolescence. This condition may spread in schools. Tinea capitis often appears as patchy, scaling bald spots on the scalp. (Other scalp conditions, such as seborrhea or dandruff, do not cause hair loss).

15 Tinea capitis Infection of hair shafts
A. Tinea capotis caused by Microsporum audouinii B. Tinea capitis cause by Microsporum canis C. Tinea favosa caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii A. Tinea capitis B. Tinea capitis C.Tinea favosa

16 Ringworm of the Foot (Tinea Pedis)
Tinea pedis is an extremely common skin disorder, also known as athlete's foot. This fungal infection may cause scaling and inflammation in the toe webs, especially the one between the fourth and fifth toes. Other symptoms include itching, burning, redness, and stinging on the soles of the feet

17 Ringworm of the Beard (Tinea Barbae)
Ringworm of the bearded area of the face and neck, with swellings and marked crusting, sometimes causes the hair to break off. In the days when men went to the barber daily for a shave, tinea barbae was called barber's itch.

18 Ringworm of the Face (Tinea Faciei)
Ringworm on the face outside of the beard area is called tinea faciei. On the face, ringworm is rarely ring-shaped. Characteristically, it causes red, scaly patches with indistinct edges

19 Ringworm of the Hand (Tinea Manus)
Ringworm may involve the hands, particularly the palms and the spaces between the fingers. It typically causes thickening (hyperkeratosis) of these areas, often on only one hand. Tinea manus is a common companion of tinea pedis (ringworm of the feet). It is also called tinea manuum.

20 Tinea Unguium – Nail Infection

21 Ringworm is highly contagious and can be spread multiple ways.
Spreads on Contact Ringworm is highly contagious and can be spread multiple ways. You can get it from an infected person, animal, object, and even soil. Heat and moisture help fungi grow and thrive, which makes them more common in areas where you sweat. Fungi also grows in skin folds such as those in the groin or between the toes.

22 Catching Ringworm From Pets
Ringworm is an example of a zoonotic disease (transmitted from animals to humans). Cats are among the most commonly affected animals. If a cat has ringworm, a person in the house often gets the infection. Dogs, cows, goats, pigs, and horses can also spread ringworm to humans. People catch ringworm from touching the animals, or touching their bedding, grooming items, saddles, carpeting, etc.

23 Tips for Preventing Ringworm
Ringworm is difficult to prevent, but here are tips to reduce your risk: Don't share clothing, sports gear, towels, or sheets. Wear slippers in locker rooms and public pool & bathing areas. Shower after any sport that includes skin-to-skin contact. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. Change your socks and underwear at least once a day. Keep skin clean and dry. Dry yourself completely after showering. If you have athlete's foot, put your socks on before your underwear to prevent spreading to other parts of your body. Take your pet to the vet if it has patches of missing hair, which could be a sign of a fungal infection.

24 terimakasih

Jaring makanan tidak akan lengkap tanpa organisme yang menguraikan bahan organik. Beberapa elemen, seperti nitrogen dan fosfor diperlukan dalam jumlah besar oleh sistem biologis; Namun, mereka tidak melimpah di lingkungan. Tindakan jamur melepaskan unsur ini dari proses pembusukan, membuat mereka tersedia bagi organisme hidup lainnya. Elemen ini diperlukan dalam jumlah rendah di banyak habitat dan penting untuk pertumbuhan, tetapi elemen ini akan tetap terikat dalam bahan organik yang membusuk jika jamur dan bakteri tidak mengembalikan mereka ke lingkungan melalui aktivitas metabolisme mereka.

26 Jamur merupakan bagian penting dari siklus hara ekosistem
Jamur merupakan bagian penting dari siklus hara ekosistem. Jamur braket (keranjang) tumbuh di sisi pohon yang berupa tubuh buah dari basidiomycete. Mereka menerima nutrisi mereka melalui hifa mereka, yang menyerang dan pembusukan batang pohon.

27 Jamur mampu menguraikan molekul komplek menjadi molekul sederhana pada saat megambil nutrisi dari substratnya. Jamur menghasilkan berbagai exoenzymes untuk mencerna nutrisi. Enzim dilepaskan ke substrat atau tetap terikat ke luar dinding sel jamur. Molekul besar dipecah menjadi molekul kecil, yang diangkut ke dalam sel oleh sistem operator protein yang tertanam dalam membran sel. Karena pergerakan molekul kecil dan enzim tergantung pada keberadaan air, pertumbuhan aktif tergantung pada persentase yang relatif tinggi kelembaban lingkungan.

28 Sebagai saproprit, jamur membantu menjaga ekosistem berkelanjutan untuk hewan dan tumbuhan yang berbagi habitat yang sama. jamur berinteraksi langsung dengan organisme lain dengan cara yang menguntungkan, tapi kadang-kadang merusak. Cendawan bersama sama dengan bakteri bertanggungjawab terhadap proses daur ulang yang akan mengembalikan ke dalam tanah dalam bentuk material yang dapat dimanfaatkan kembali oleh tumbuhan.

29 Mikoriza dan tumbuhan Cendawan sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan sebagian besar tanaman , termasuk tanaman pangan melalui simbiosis antara akar tamana dan cendawan mikoriza. Dalam hal ini tanaman sebagai dasar dari rantai makanan, jika pertumbuhan tanaman terhambat, kehidupan yang lain seperti hewan, manusia akan ikut terganggu.



32 BIOCONTROL Cendawan (menginfeksi larva “Chinese caterpillar fungus) yang menginfeksi larva Lepidoptera dapat dipergunakan untuk mengontrol insekta yang mengganggu tanaman, cendawan ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengonrol hama kumbang perusak tanaman kentang Di Cina, pada musim summer, es di pegunungan akan mencair mulailah tumbuh tanaman hijau. Insekta(Lepidoptera) akan meletakan telur-telurnya diantara bunga-bunga, rumput dan tanaman lainnya Telur akan menetas mengeluarkan larva, larva akan masuk ke dalam tanah Cendawan Ascomycetes akan menginfeksi larva tersebut, akan tumbuh diantara partikel partikel tanah dan akhirnya akan mati dengan kepala posisi tegak keatas ekor dibawah “winter worm” Meskipun larva sudah mati tetapi jamur akana tetap tumbuh “summer grass” Dipanen

33 Ophiocordyceps sinensis Entomopathogenic fungus


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