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Diterbitkan olehVeronika Gunardi Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Community-Based Research & PERGURUAN TINGGI
Dr. H. M. Lutfi Mustofa, M.Ag Community-Based Research & PERGURUAN TINGGI PKL Filosofi, Visi & Misi
Community-based Research
Academy-community PARTNERSHIP Kemitraan antara mahasiswa, fakultas, dan anggota komunitas dalam kegiatan penelitian secara kolaboratif untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah atau mengefektifkan perubahan sosial. Dosen Komunitas Mahasiswa Community-based Research (CBR)
1 2 3 KONTEKS KOMUNITAS Lembaga Pendidikan
Organisasi berbasis Komunitas 3 Organisasi Sosial-Budaya Sekolah Perguruan Pusat-pusat Pelayanan Masyarakat Pusat-pusat Pelatihan Bimbingan Belajar Kelompok Penggemar Olahraga Pecinta Kuliner Relawan Sosial Kelompok Identitas (ex. Transgender) dll. NU MD Picture with three text columns (Intermediate) Enter 1 in the text box, and then select the text. Format the text in the textbox using the following steps: To reproduce the picture effects on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Font group, choose the Calisto MT font and a font size of 50. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. Click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click Tan, Background 2, Darker 25% (fifth row, third option from the left). On the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Picture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select a picture and then click Insert. Select the picture. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Size group, click the Size and Position dialog box launcher. In the Paragraph group, click Center to center the text within the text box. Drag the text box onto the rectangle, left of the dotted vertical line. In the Format Picture dialog box, in the Crop tab, in the Crop position section, crop the picture to the following values: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, and then click Select Objects. Width: 9.17 Height: 1.48 In the Selection and Visibility pane, press and hold CTRL to select the text box, line, and rectangle. Left: .4 Top: .4 Adjust the values in the Picture position section to properly position the picture within the cropped image. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then click Align Middle. Also in the Format Picture dialog box, in the Line Color tab, select Gradient line in the right pane, and then do the following: Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, do the following: Click Align, and then click Align Middle. In the Type list, select Linear. Click Group, and then click Group. Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Up (second row, second option from the left). To reproduce the other column headings on this slide, do the following: Also in the Format Picture dialog box, in the Line Color tab, under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear on the slider, and then customize the gradient stops that you added as follows: Click the column heading group that you just created. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow under Copy, and then click Duplicate. Repeat the process until you have a total of three groups of shapes. Select Stop 1, and then do the following: Select a single column heading group. In the Stop position box, enter 0%. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align, and then click Align Left. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). Select a different column heading group, and then click Align, and then click Align Right. Press and hold CTRL and select all three groups, and then do the following: Select Stop 2, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%. Click Align, and then click Distribute Horizontally. The three column headings should be equally spaced in a row. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 25% (fourth row, first option from the left). Drag the row of three column headings to a position just under the picture. To change the column numbers and headings, do the following: Also in the Format Picture dialog box, in the Line Style tab, change the Width to 1 pt. In the second column heading group, click the number, select the number, and then type the number 2. Also in the Format Picture dialog box, in the Glow and Soft Edges tab, in the Glow section, set the following values: Click the text, select the text, and then type the second column heading. Presets: (none) In the third column heading group, click the number, select the number, and then type the number 3. Color: White, Background 1, Darker 25%. Size: 5pt Click the text, select the text, and then type the third column heading. Transparency: 60% Close the Format Picture dialog box. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, point to Align, and then click Align Center. To reproduce the first column (the “subtext” portion) on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Rectangle. To reproduce the first column heading on this slide, do the following: On the slide, click and drag to draw a rectangle from the bottom left corner of the first column header box to the bottom of the slide. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box, and then, in the slide, drag to draw a rectangle. On the Home tab, in the bottom right corner of the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. Type the first column heading text in the text box, and then select the text. Format the text in the textbox using the following steps: In the Format Shape dialog box, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Font group, choose the Gill Sans MT font and a font size of 24. In the Size tab, set the Width of the rectangle to 2.92. Click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click Tan, Background 2, Darker 75% (fifth row, third option from the left). In the Line Color tab, select No line. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Fill tab, select Gradient fill, and then set the following values: In the Paragraph group, click Align Text Left. Select the text box. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click the Format Shape dialog box launcher. In the Format Shape dialog box, in the Text Box tab, do the following: Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until three stops appear on the slider. Under Text layout, set the Vertical alignment to Middle. under Internal margin, enter 1” in the Left box to increase the left margin in the rectangle to accommodate the embossed number. In the Format Shape dialog box, in the Size tab, in the Size and rotate section, set the following values: Height: 1” Width: 2.92” Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Fill tab, select Gradient fill, and then set the following values: Set the Transparency to 100%. Preset colors: (none) Type: Linear. Direction: Linear Down In the Stop position box, enter 50%. Angle: 90˚ Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear on the slider. Also under Gradient stops, customize the gradient stops that you added as follows: Set the Transparency to 25%. In the Stop position box, enter 32%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Tan, Background 2 (first row, third option from the left). Select Stop 3, and then do the following: In the Stop position box, enter 100%. Click the button next to Color, and then under Theme Colors click Tan, Background 2, Darker 25% (third row, third option from the left). On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow next to Copy, and then click Duplicate. Repeat this step to create a third rectanle Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Line Color tab, select Gradient line in the Line Color pane, and then do the following: Click and drag each rectangle to a position beneath a column header. The bottom of the column header should align with the top of the rectangle beneath it. In the Type list, select Linear. Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Up (second row, second option from the left). Press and hold CTRL and select all three rectangles. Under Drawing Tools, in the Format tab, in the Drawing group, click Arrange, and then click Send to Back. Under Gradient stops, click Add or Remove until two stops appear in the drop-down list. To add text to a column (the “subtext” portion) on this slide, do the following: On the slide, right-click a column and then click Edit Text. Select Stop 1 from the list, and then do the following: Type the text you want to appear in the column, and then select the text. Format the text in the textbox using the following steps: On the Home tab, in the Font group, choose the Gill Sans MT font and a font size of 22. Click the arrow next to Font Color, and then under Theme Colors click White, Background 1, Darker 50% (sixth row, first option from the left). Select Stop 2 from the list, and then do the following: In the Paragraph group, click Center. Click Align Text, and then click Top. To reproduce the background on this slide, do the following: Right-click the slide background area, and then click Format Background. In the Format Background dialog box, in the Fill tab, select Gradient fill in the right pane, and then set the following values: Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Line Style tab, set the Width to 1 pt. Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Glow and Soft Edges tab, set the following values: Direction: From Center Color: White, Background 1, Darker 25% Size: 5 pt Close the Format Shape dialog box. On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Line, and then, in the slide, draw a line. In the Format Shape dialog box, in the Size tab, under Size and rotate, set the following values: Height: .75” Width: 0” Rotation: 0˚ Set the Transparency to 0%. Also in the Format Shapes dialog box, in the Line Style tab, set the following values: Width: 2.25 pt. Dash type: Round Dot (second option from the top). Also in the Format Shape dialog box, in the Line Color tab, select Solid line, and then set the Color option to White, Background 1 (first row, first option from the left). On the slide, drag the line onto the rectangle, just left of the text box.
Popular Education Model, yang menekankan keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam mendidik diri mereka sendiri untuk perubahan sosial; 1 Action Research Model, yang digunakan oleh para akademisi dalam kaitannya dengan lembaga-lembaga sosial utama; 2 Participatory Research Model, yang menekankan partisipasi mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan penelitian mereka sendiri untuk perubahan sosial. 3
Prinsip-prinsip cbr TINDAKAN & PERUBAHAN SOSIAL BANYAK SEGI KOLABORATIF Melibatkan usaha-usaha kolaboratif antara kelompok akademisi (dosen dan mahasiswa) dengan anggota suatu komunitas sasaran; Menghendaki banyak sumberdaya pengetahuan dan mempromosikan kegunaan beragam metode penemuan dan diseminasi pengetahuan yang dihasilkan dari penelitian; Mengupayakan berbagai tindakan dan perubahan sosial untuk mencapai kesejahteraan sosial.
VISI PKL Terwujudnya Kompetensi Mahasiswa yang Komprehensif dalam Memadukan antara Teori dan Praktek Melalui: Kegiatan pengenalan dunia kerja di lembaga- lembaga profesi; 1 Kegiatan penelitian mengenai berbagai persoalan sosial maupun keilmuan; 2 Kegiatan pembinaan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat berdasarkan kerangka keilmuan psikologi. 3
Misi pkl Mengantarkan mahasiswa pada pengetahuan yang integral, antara teori dan praktek di masyarakat, lembaga profesi, dan instansi; Melatih mahasiswa menyelesaikan segenap permasalahan yang berkembang di lembaga profesi dan masyarakat; Memberikan pengalaman awal bagi mahasiswa untuk melakukan usaha-usaha keilmuan melalui aktivitas penelitian; Membangun sikap dan mental mahasiswa sebagai calon sarjana yang profesional di bidang psikologi.
TUJUAN PKL Melatih kepekaan mahasiswa terhadap permsalahan dan fenomena psikologis; Meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan asesmen psikologi yang sesuai kebutuhan lembaga; Merangsang kemampuan intervensi mahasiswa terhadap problem yang ditemukan di lapangan dengan pendekatan psikologi dan agama secara tepat. Misalnya, pendekatan pelatihan, konseling, ceramah/diskusi; Meningkatkan kegemaran mahasiswa melaksanakan usaha-usaha keilmuan untuk pembinaan maupun pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai wujud kepekaan dan kepedulian sosial mereka.
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