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TL Course Introduction -Pendahuluan

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1 TL 3104- Course Introduction -Pendahuluan
Disampaikan oleh: Emenda Sembiring

2 SYLLABUS COURSE MEETING TIME : Tuesday , 11.00- 13.00 am, venue: 9222
Wednesday, , venue : 9222 CREDITS: 3 SKS INSTRUCTURS: EMENDA SEMBIRING, ST, MT, MEngSc, PhD, Prof.ENRI DAMANHURI, Dr. M. Chaerul, Dr. IM Wahyu, Dr Tri Padmi Description: Pentingnya pengelolaan persampahan dalam menjaga kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Isu-isu terkini terkait pengelolaan sampah. Konsep pengelolaan persampahan, yang meliputi hierarki pengelolaan persampahan, komponen teknis dan non-teknisnya. Konsep 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) dalam pengelolaan persampahan. Analisis karakteristik sampah yang mencakup definisi, sumber, komposisi, timbulan beserta kemungkinan perubahannya di tiap titik pengelolaan sampah. Pewadahan, pengumpulan dan transfer, pengangkutan, pengolahan sampah, pengomposan, insinerasi, dan tempat pemerosesan akhir, aspek hukum, kelembagaan, retribusi, dan aspek peran serta masyarakat. Studi kasus kondisi pengelolaan persampahan di kota-kota di Indonesia.

3 SYLLABUS (2) TEXT BOOK Damanhuri, E., Padmi, T, Diktat Kuliah
Tchobanoglous G., Theisen H., Vigil S.A., : Integrated Solid Waste Management, McGraw Hil Inc, NY-1993 Diseminasi dan sosialisasi Keteknikan Bidang PLP: Persampahan, Ditjen Cipta Karya D.G. Wilson : Handbook of Solid Waste Management, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co SNI – SNI tentang Pengelolaan Sampah di Indonesia Lund, H.F, 2001, Recycling Handbook, McGraw Hill , 2n edition


5 OUTCOMES Mahasiswa akan mampu memahami dampak sampah terhadap kesehatan dan lingkungan, memahami persoalan riil dalam pengelolaan persampahan, memahami pentingnya konsep 3R diterapkan, menentukan dan menghitung sarana dan prasarana dalam pengelolaan sampah, mampu memahami persoalan TPA khususnya di Indonesia, dan mampu memahami secara umum peran hukum, institusi, retribusi, serta.memahami pentingnya peran serta masyarakat.

6 CLASSES Week 1: Class Introduction-class rules, and Syllabi. Organization : head of the class and group development Week 2: Diktat bag 1: Pengelolaan sampah di Indonesia secara umum. Assignment A explanation : Resource recycling potential in Bandung Week 3: Recycling: principles, reason, and potency of recycling in Indonesia. Assignment B explanation. Week 4: Reduction and waste management system. assignment A preparation Week 5: Presentation Assign. A Week 6: Waste Handling. Assignment B preparation and explanation of Assignment C. Week 7: Presentation assignment B Week 8 : Collection, transfer and Transportation.

7 CLASSES (2) Week 9: Mid Term (19-23 ct)
Week 10: Source, Characteristics and waste generation. Assignment C preparation Week 11: Presentation assignment C Week 12: Waste Treatment and Assignment D explanation Week 13: Waste to Energy and assignment D preparation Week 14: Landfilling Week 15: Presentation Week 16 : Final Exam SAP TL3104_2015.xlsx

ASSIGNMENT/TASKS – SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TL-3104 Semester This lecture are prepared based on problem based learning, where the students should actively seek the materials of the course. The lecturers act as facilitator and give introductory lecture for each task. A Lecture Note is provided as an introduction to the subject. 2. There are 4 tasks, which must be presented and prepared in 2 weeks. The presentation material must be written in English, and it can be presented either in Indonesia or in English. The Lecturer in each class acts as moderator (chair of presentation). 3. The explanation of each task will be given at least 2-3 weeks prior to the presentation, so that each group is expected to be ready. The paper and presentation material must be sent by to lecture a day before presentation. 4. The title of material of each task will be provided by Lecturers. Each group is expected to look for the related subjects in the text books or through the internet.

5. Each class of Class-01 and Class-02 are divided into 4 groups, which must prepare the appropriate topics. Each group must prepare a paper (maximum 25 pages, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman) and presentation materials (maximum slides). Each group should prepare a presentation of different materials for each task. 6. The subject of each task will be presented by representative of each group, then followed by comments/discussion by a representative of other group. If time is available, further comments can be addressed by other students. 7. Based of total student in this semester, the number of students per group is members. Since there are 4 tasks, each task will be the responsibility of 2-3 students (see list of task group member). In addition, each group must prepare its members (see list of task member on Wednesday) as a discussant at the presentation of the other group. 8. The maximum time for each presentation is about 20 minutes, followed by a question and answer from the others. The maximum time allowed for a presentation and discussion, including the mobilization/preparation in class is 30 minutes.

9. Although each task becomes the responsibility of 2-3 peoples, but all members of the group must participate in the preparation of each subject. The main task of group chair is to assure the group discussion. 10. At the end of the course, all the materials must be combined into a scientific paper (literature review) which must be prepared in accordance with the rules of a scientific writing. It will be 4 (four) subjects. All members of the group should be fully involved in the preparation of the paper. The task of head of group is to assure that all member of group will participate in this final paper preparation. Maximum page of the paper is 75 pages. The name of the group members must be written in the first page. All references which are used in the paper must be cited. The date ant time of browsing in internet must also be mentioned in the paper. 11. The material of examination (mid and final) will be based on lectures and presentation materials of all tasks in the class.

11 Tugas A Kajian Potensi Daur Ulang Sampah: Mengidentifikasi Pola Masyarakat dan Sektor Informal dalam Kegiatan Reduksi dan Daur Ulang 2015\Berkas TL-3104\4. TL3104-Tugas A.docx

12 Tugas B Sistem Pengumpulan Sampah Permukiman di Kota Bandung
2015\Berkas TL-3104\5. TL3104-Tugas B.docx

13 Tugas C Sistem Pemindahan dan Pengangkutan Sampah:
Evaluasi Kelayakan sebuah TPS serta Pengembangannya menjadi TPS yang Modern 2015\Berkas TL-3104\6. TL3104-Tugas C.docx

14 TUGAS D Menyusun rencana (plan) pengembangan sistem persampahan skala kawasan, dan pra-rancang TPS yang baik 2015\Berkas TL-3104\7. TL3104-Tugas D.docx

15 Site Visit Pick any facilities relates to SWM, Eg: Landfill site, recycling facilities or others. Organize a field trip for one day visit.

16 Next Wednesday Choose the head of class Organization of group
DPK TL3104 Pengelolaan Sem I xlsx

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