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Presentasi berjudul: "VERIFIKASI FAKTOR EMISI BIDANG PETERNAKAN"— Transcript presentasi:

Focus Group Discussion Improvement Inventarisasi GRK Sektor Peternakan Bogor 14 Mei 2014 VERIFIKASI FAKTOR EMISI BIDANG PETERNAKAN IDAT GALIH PERMANA Institut Pertanian Bogor –

2 Emisi GRK dari Sektor Pertanian
Rice Cultivation (CH4) Cropland Burning (CO2, CH4 , N2O, N2O) Liming (CO2) Urea Fertilizer (CO2) N2O Emission from Managed Soil (N2O) Direct N2O Soil Indirect N2O Soil Livestock Enteric Fermentation (CH4 ) Manure Management (CH4 and N2O)

3 Emisi GRK dari Peternakan
Enteric Fermentation (Fermentasi Enterik) Methan (CH4) Manure Management (Pengelolaan Kotoran) Direct N2O Indirect N2O CH4

4 Fermentasi Enterik Ternak ruminansia (sapi potong, sapi perah, kerbau, domba, kambing), kuda, babi menghasilkan Methan (CH4). Gas yang dihasilkan ternak ruminansia adalah CO2, CH4, H2S, H2O Methan dihasilkan dari proses methanogenesis di dalam rumen dengan bantuan bakteri methanogen. CO2 + 4H2 ==> CH4 + 2H2O

5 CH4 Pengelolaan Manur Methan:
Dihasilkan dari proses penanganan manure (manure management) pada semua jenis ternak (sapi perah, sapi potong, kerbau, domba, kambing, babi, itik, ayam ras, ayam kampung, ayam petelur) secara anaerobik Penanganan secara liquid (kondisi anaerob) lebih memungkinkan terjadinya methanogenesis dibandingkan penanganan secara solid. CH4

6 Pengelolaan Manur N2O N2O Direct N2O Indirect N2O
Dihasilkan dari proses kombinasi nitrifikasi dan detrifikasi N dari manur selama dalam penyimpanan. Proses nitrifikasi adalah perubahan N-ammonia menjadi N-nitrat dalam kondisi oksigen yang cukup. Indirect N2O Dihasilkan dari N-volatile seperti NH3 atau NOx. N organic yang mudah menjadi volatil adalah urea dan ureic acid N2O N2O

7 Faktor Emisi pada tenak tergantung pada:
Jenis dan Bangsa Ternak Berat Badan, Umur Status reproduksi Produksi Susu/Kerja Kualitas Pakan Sistem Pemberian Pakan Sistem Pemeliharaan Sistem Pengelolaan Kotoran

8 Methodology (IPCC 2006) 2006 IPCC Guideline for National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Vol 4 – Agriculture Chapter 10 – Emission from Livestock and Manure Management Dilengkapi Worksheet untuk inventory


10 Metode yang disarankan (IPCC)

11 Emission Factors for Enteric Fermentation
No Species Type Enteric Fermentation (kg CH4/head/year) 1. Beef Cattle 47 2. Dairy Cattle 61 3. Buffalo 55 4. Sheep 5 5. Goat 6. Pig 1 7. Horse 18

12 Emission Factors for Manure Management
No Species Type Manure Management (kg CH4//head/year) 1. Beef Cattle 1 2. Dairy Cattle 31 3. Buffalo 2 4. Sheep 0.20 5. Goat 0.22 6. Pig 7 7. Horse 2.19 8. Local Chicken 0.02 9. Broiler 10. Layer 11. Duck

Definitions for livestock subcategories; Livestock population by subcategory, with consideration for estimation of annual population as per Tier 1 Feed intake estimates for the typical animal in each subcategory.

14 Populasi Sapi Potong (2011)

15 Populasi Sapi Perah (2011)

16 Populasi Kerbau (2011)

17 Struktur Populasi Ternak berdasarkan Umur

18 characterisation requires
Annual average population Average daily feed intake (megajoules (MJ) per day and / or kg per day of dry matter); Methane conversion factor (percentage of feed energy converted to methane).

19 Feed Intake Estimation
Estimate feed intake from the animal performance and diet: Weight (kg); Average weight gain per day (kg); Mature Weight (kg); Feeding situation: confined, grazing, pasture conditions; Milk production per day (kg/day) and fat content (%); Average amount of work performed per day (hours day-1); Percentage of females that give birth in a year; Number of offspring; Feed digestibility (%).

20 Estimation of Gross Energy Intake

21 Methane Emission Factor for Enteric Fermentation from Livestock

22 Feed intake estimates using a simplified Tier 2 method
Prediction of DMI for cattle based on body weight and estimated dietary net energy concentration (NEma) or digestible energy values (DE%):

23 Estimation of Greenhouse Gases of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Produced from Livestock (Case Study in Bogor Regency)

24 Introduction Global climate change is happening a few years caused by greenhouse gases (GHG). Some types of GHG that have contributed to global warming: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), dinitrogen oxide or nitrous oxide (N2O) and other gases. Greenhouse gas emitter sector (IPCC, 2006): energy, industrial, agriculture, waste, and other activites.

25 GHG from Livestock Sector
Livestock subsector contributes 18% of the global warming (Steinfeld et al., 2006). Ruminants are main producer of methane. Methane are produced from metanogen bacteria. Nitrous oxide (N2O) produced from manure management.

26 Inventory of GHG Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an international scientific institutions that has task to do assessment climate change. IPCC issued the methodology for the calculation of estimated GHG, IPCC published Emission Factor (EF) for all animal type for each country, including Indonesia. Every country should develop country specific emission factors Qurimasari (2011) reported that EF of dairy cattle in West Java was higher than EF default from IPCC. According to the preview researchs, the EF’s for animal from Indonesia should be corected and adjusted by animal performances.

27 Objective Objective this study is to estimate greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from Livestock in Bogor Regency using the IPCC (2006) Guideline Tier 1 (default) and Tier 2 (modified) methods.

28 METHODOLOGY Livestock population data (dairy, beef, sheep, goat, pig, and chicken) were collected from Bogor Livestock Services Office. Emission Factor (EF) for methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were calculated according to default emission factors (Tier 1), IPCC (2006) enhanced or modified according to animal performance and diet (Tier 2) Animal performance and farm management were collected from frams field some farm using survey method: Population structure, body weight, weight gain, reproduction status, milk production, milk quality, feed management as well as manure management system.

29 Calculation of CH4 Emission
CH4 emission from livestock was calculated by: CH4 emission = N(D) x EF(T) x 106 N(D) = livestock population (head) EF(T) = emission factor (kg CH4/head/year) Emission Factor (EF) were calculated by: EF(Tier 1) : default of IPCC (2006) EF(Tier 2) : modified model

30 Calculation of N2O Emission
CH4 emission = N(D) x EF(T) x 106 N(D) = livestock population (head) EF(T) = emission factor (kg N4O/head/year) EF(Tier 1) = default by IPCC (2006)

Figure 1. Population Structure of Dairy and Beef Cattle in Bogor Regency

32 Table 1. Animal Performaces and Emission Factors (EF) of CH4 for Dairy Cattle
Parameters Tier 1 (IPCC, 2006) Tier 2 (Modified) Body weight (kg) 350 390 DE (%) 60 Milk Production (kg/head/day) 4.5 9.3 Milk Fat (%) 4 3.9 Pregnancy (%) 80 Gross Energy (MJ/head/day) 160 218 EF (CH4 kg /head/year) 61 93 Emission Factor (EF) for dairy cow in Indonesia was higher than default (93 vs 68 CH4 kg/head/year)

33 Table 2. Animal Performaces and Emission Factors (EF) of CH4 for Beef Cattle
Parameters Tier 1 (IPCC, 2006) Tier 2 (Modified) Cattle in pasture Female Male Young Calf Body weight (kg) - 300 400 200 266 250 117 66 DE (%) 60 56 Milk Production (kg/head/day) 1.1 Milk Fat (%) 4 3.45 Pregnancy (%) 45 Gross Energy (MJ/head/day) 106 113 84 108 88 65 42 EF (CH4 kg /head/year) 48 46 36 38 28 18

34 Table 3. Emission Factors (EF) of CH4 for Other Animals
Parameters Tier 1 (IPCC, 2006) Tier 2 (Modified) Buffalo 56 55 Pig 1 Goat 5 Sheep Horse 18

35 Table 4. Total CH4 Emmision in Bogor Regency
Animal Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Dairy Cow 0.50 0.22 0.72 0.49 0.02 0.51 Beef Cattle 0.86 0.88 0.61 0.63 Buffalo 1.12 0.04 1.16 1.1 1.15 Pig 0.00 0.03 Horse 0.01 0.0 Goat 0.59 0.62 Sheep 1.40 0.06 1.46 0.08 1.49 Poultry - 0.21 0.18 4.49 5.09 4.36 0.43 4.62

36 Table 5. Total N2O Emmision from Livestock
in Bogor Regency Animal Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Direct Indirect Total Dairy Cow 0.00 95.01 0.02 10.02 10.04 Beef Cattle 0.25 7.94 Buffalo 0.23 19.91 18.14 0.01 13.19 13.30 Pig 2.13 1.05 Horse 0.29 Goat 25.64 35.64 46.74 47.08 Sheep 107.92 0.80 110.07 110.88 Poultry 0.08 25.47 25.56 0.32 259.17 284.98 0.93 189.29 216.00

37 Total Emmision (Gg CO2 eq)
Table 6. Total Greenhouse Gases (Gg CO2 Eq) from Livestock in Bogor Regency Animal Type Tier 1 Tier 2 Total Emmision (Gg CO2 eq) % Dairy Cow 44.78 22.2 14.61 8.6 Beef Cattle 20.27 10.1 16.87 9.9 Buffalo 31.99 15.9 30.32 17.8 Pig 1.50 0.7 0.81 0.5 Horse 0.25 0.1 0.24 Goat 24.81 12.3 28.50 16.7 Sheep 65.53 32.5 67.06 39.4 Polutry 12.32 6.1 11.80 6.9 Total 201.46 100 170.21

38 Conclusion In general, total GHG emissions from livestock calculated by modified (Tier 2) was 15.5% lower than default IPCC (Tier 1) The GHG emissions from the livestock in Bogor Regency in were Gg CO2 eq (Tier 1) or Gg CO2 eq (Tier 2). Total GHG emission were contributed from sheep 39%, buffalo 18%, dairy cattle 22%, goat 9% and beef cattle 10%.

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