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Presentasi berjudul: "DIALEKTIKA AGEN DAN STRUKTUR"— Transcript presentasi:


2 TEORI STRUKTURASI Outlined by Anthony Giddens, Professor of Sociology in a book The Constitution of Society: Outline of a Theory of Structuration (1984). Theory attempts to reconcile the theoretical dichomities of social systems: Agency/structure Subjective/objective Micro/macro

3 Teori Strukturasi Key Terms, Concepts & Definition
Institutions: the practices that have the greatest time-space extension within societal totalities (Giddens, 1984: 17) Structure: Rules and resources, recursively implicated in the reproduction of social systems (p.6). Structure is the medium & outcome of action. Structuration: The production and reproduction of the social systems through members’ use of rules and resources in interaction (p.25) Agency: Humans’ ability to take action; the specific behaviours or activities in which humans engage Rules: techniques applied in the enactment/reproduction of social practices Resources: anything that can be used as a source of power in a social interaction

4 Teori Strukturasi Structuration theory aims to explain social practices across space and time by viewing action and social structure as linked by their interdependency Human agency (human action) and social structure each act as an enabling condition of the other The balancing of agency (action) and structure is referred to as the duality of structure: social structures make social action possible, and at the same time social action creates those very structures Duality of structure is always the main grounding of continuities in social reproduction across time and space

5 Teori Strukturasi Anthony Giddens claims that social structures are both the media for actors to produce interactions with each other in everyday life as well as the products of these interactions, although largely as unintended consequences of these interactions.

6 Teori Strukturasi Agen
Kapabilitas untuk mereproduksi fakta sosial berbeda, seperti individu yang kompeten, ilmu pengetahuan dan kekuasaan Struktur Seperangkat aturan beserta sumbernya yang terganisir serta menjadi bagian dari sistem sosial Sistem Memproduksi relasi antar aktor dan praktek sosial Strukturasi Kondisi yang mengarahkan kontinyuitas dan trasmutasi dari struktur untuk mereproduksi sistem sosial

7 Types of Social Structure
Giddens identifies 3 types of structures in social systems: Signification: producing meaning through discursive practices Legimitation: produces moral order via societal norms, values and standards Domination: produces power, originating from the control of resources

Skema interpertatif Fasilitas Norma INTERAKSI Komunikasi Kekuasaan Sangsi INSTRUMENTASI Sumber-sumber aturan Praktek regulasi yang bersifat prosedur Kognitif dan reproduksi prosedur sosial

9 Dimensi Struktur Sistem Sosial
DOMAIN TEORITIK ATURAN INSTITUSI Signifikansi Teori interpretasi nilai Peraturan simbolik Dominasi Teori kekuasaan otoritatif Institusi politik dan ekonomi Legitimasi Teori legitimasi normatif Institusi legal

10 Knowledgeable Agency Knowledgeable agency:
People (“actors”) in structuration theory are ‘knowledgeable agents’ with the capacity to transform situations. They are not merely passive or ‘ cultural dopes’ of institutional or structural arrangements As knowledgeable agents, humans use interpretive schemes to constitute and communicate meaning and then take action with intentional and unintended consequences

11 Allocative and Authoritative Resources
Allocative resources:Material resources involved in the generation of power, including the natural environment and physical artifacts; allocative resouorces derive from human domination over nature. Authoritarian reosurces:Non-mateial resources, meaning the power to harness the activities of other people.

12 THANK YOU Remember before you speak its necessary to listen, and only the, from fullness of your heart you speak and Gods listens (Mother Teresa)


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