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Standard competency Identifies atomic structure and periodic at element periodic tables Based competency Describing development of atomic theory Interprets data in tables periodic Hal.: 2 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
THE PURPOSE OF STUDY Student understands and solvent of description of proton, neutron and electron based on relative charge and his(its relative mass Solvent student of description of mass and charge in atom Solvent student of description of contribution of proton and neutron at atomic nucleus based on atomic number and mass number Solvent student of deduction number of protons, neutron and electron which there is in atom and ion from atomic number and mass number given Student can differentiate isotope based on neutron amounts differs in the Hal.: 3 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Solvent student of description number of and orbital relative energies of sulfur, p and d from principal quantum number Solvent student of deduction of atom electronic configuration Solvent student of description of periodic table based on formation element at the height of atomic number, repetition of character physical and character chemical in one periods and character physical and the same chemical property in one factions Solvent student of description element of third period, variation electronic configuration, atom radius, electrical conductivity, melting point and point boil, and explains its(the variation based on structure and tying in element Hal.: 4 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Solvent student of description and explains various energy first ionization of element increasing in one periods based on improvement of nuclear charge Solvent student of description and explains various energy first ionization of decline element in one factions based on improvement of atom radius Student can interpret data based on configuration electronic, atom radius, electrical conductivity, melting point and boiling point for explains periodicity Hal.: 5 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Atom model John Dalton John Dalton explains that atom is smallest particle of element indiscrete again, everlasting and cannot be annihilated that way nor can be created. Hal.: 6 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Atom model Joseph John Thompson
often is conceived of bun model with bread as atom which haves positive charge and currant as electron which spread over flattens in all parts of bread. Atom as a whole haves the character of neutral. Hal.: 7 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Atom model Ernest Rutherford
atom has core which haves positive charge and is atom center of mass and electrons encircles it. Hal.: 8 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Atom model Niels Bohr Energy level notation of Skin K L M N O ... Hal.: 9 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Wave mechanics atom model
that electron stays in orbital with certain energy level. Orbital is an area the biggest possibility to find electron is around atomic nucleus. Hal.: 10 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Electron is the elementary particle composing a matter (atom) Mass e = 9,11 x kg Charge e = ( - ) Proton is a positively charged particle which was discovered by Eugene Goldstein Mass proton = 1,67 x kg Charged proton = + 1,6 x C Neutron is uncharged particle which has mass ± 1,67 x kg Hal.: 11 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Atomic nucleus Ernest Rutherford finds atomic nucleus Radioactivity matter is matter what can transmit off the cuff radiation, for example uranium, radium and polonium. Radiation or what transmitted by radioactive matter called as radioactivity. Familiar radioactivity is alpha rays ( α), beta rays ( β) and gamma (γ). Hal.: 12 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Hal.: 13 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Atomic Number and Mass Number of Atom
In its relation to the atomic number and mass number, hence the atom of an element is usually expressed by the following symbol; X = the name of atom A = mass number of atom Z = atomic number Hal.: 14 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Isotope Isotope is on of two or more species of an element atom having the same atomic number, but differing in mass number Examples; Hal.: 15 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Isobar and Isotones Isobar is atom which come from different element but having same mass number. The example of the isobar; 14C6 and 14N7, both are having the same mass number, that is 14 Isotones is atom which come from different element but having same the number of neutrons. The example; 32S16 atom have the number of neutrons of 16 that equal to the number of neutrons of 31P15 Hal.: 16 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Electron in Atom if peripatetic electron encircles core, hence its the energy loss electron would and energy electron kinetic would continuously decrease. Atomic nucleus attractive force to electron will become bigger than electron path centrifugal forces and causes trajectory to become spiral and finally fall electron into atomic nucleus. Hal.: 17 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
If fall electron into atomic nucleus, hence atom becomes do not stable. This thing is interferes in with common statement that stable atom. Hal.: 18 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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LINE SPECTRUM If beam polychromatic like electric light and sunshine is overcome through prism hence will be obtained continuous spectrum consisted of various its the compiler colors. Hal.: 19 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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BOHR THEORY Niels Bohr does research and tries explains with resolving approach of hydrogen line spectrum. Bohr applies approach of Max Planck to explain hydrogen line spectrum. According To Max Planck; E = nhv Description: n = positive integer h = Planck constant (6, J.s) v = frequency Hal.: 20 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
What electron lapped over in the form of trajectory trajectory in : KULIT K L M N SUB KULIT s p d f Hal.: 21 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Formation of Quantum number
Skin Quantum number ( n) accommodation energy power of Maximum electron 1 K 2 x 12 = 2 2 L 2 x 22 = 8 3 M 2 x 23 = 18 4 N 2 x 24 = 32 … n 2n2 Hal.: 22 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Skin sub type which there is in atom;
Skin sub s, contains orbital 1 ( can accommodate 2 electron) Skin sub p, contains orbital 3 ( can accommodate 6 electron) Skin sub d, contains orbital 5 ( can accommodate 10 electrons) Skin sub f, contains orbital 7 ( can accommodate 14 electrons) Hal.: 23 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Orbital admission filling sequence started from orbital which its(the energy is lowest to orbital which the energy is highest as according to Aufbau Principe Orbital admission filling sequence is; 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d 7p Hal.: 24 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Example; 26Fe = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 What if Fe3+? Reply : means discharges 3 his outmost electron is thus the electron total ( 23) Fe3+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s0 3d5 Hal.: 25 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Valence Electron Valence electron is number of electrons found on skin outmost an element atom. valence electron so that electron valence can be told is element atom chemical property determinant. Hal.: 26 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Quantum Number To know correct position from at one particular electron in atom, hence to every electron is given [by] four of the price of quantum number. Principal quantum number ( n) Azimuth quantum number ( l) Magnetic quantum number ( m) Spin quantum number ( s) Hal.: 27 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Principal quantum number ( n)
express skin number place of orbital location electron or measure / distance / atom radius. Electron in skin first having the price of n = 1 Electron in skin second having the price of n = 2 Electron in having third skin the price of n = 3 Electron in skin fourth having the price of n = 4 Electron in skin ke-5 has the price of n = 5 Electron in skin ke-6 has the price of n = 6 Hal.: 28 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Azimuth quantum number (l)
express skin sub type place of location electron. This number also express orbital form. Electron in skin sub s has the price of l=0 Electron in skin sub p has the price of l=1 Electron in skin sub d has the price of l=2 Electron in skin sub f has the price of l=3 Hal.: 29 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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As according to skin sub amounts which implied in each skin hence the price of l applying to every price n. n = 1, l = 0 n = 2, l = 0,1 n = 3, l = 0,1,2 n = 4, l = 0,1,2,3 The price of l is integer from 0 until (n–1) Hal.: 30 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Example; Electron at energy level 4s has the price of n = 4, l = 0 Electron at energy level 2p has the price of n = 2, l = 1 Electron at energy level 5d has the price of n = 5, l = 2 Hal.: 31 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Magnetic quantum number ( m)
express is orbital place of location electron. The price of m for electron in every orbital is integer from - 1 until + 1 l=0, hence m=0 l=1, hence m=-1,0,+1 l=2, hence m=-2,-1,0,+1,+2 l=3, hence m=-3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3 -1 +1 -2 -1 +1 +2 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 Hal.: 32 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Spin quantum number ( s)
express direction of gyration of electron in orbital. Two electron dwelling one having each orbital the price of s = +½ and sulfur = -½ Thereby inferential that; Electrons in one skins has the price of the same n Hal.: 33 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Electrons in one skin subs has the price of the same n and Electrons in one orbital has the price of n, l and the same m Electrons in one orbital has the price of different s Hal.: 34 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Admission filling to four following above quantum numbers is ground so-called Pauli Prohibition; “ There is no two electrons having quantum number to four his its are same” Example; determines fourthly last electron quantum number in admission filling of electron from atom; 7N 17Cl Hal.: 35 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Answer; Configuration; 7N = 1s2 2s2 2p3 1s s 2p hence; n = 2 l = 1 (remembers, skin sub p where l=1) m = -1 (pays attention to orbital of p, for box tip of right) s = +½ (direction of rotation upward) ll l Hal.: 36 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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b. Configuration, 17Cl = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 1s 2s p 3s p hence; n = 3 l = 1 m = 0 (pays attention to orbital of p, box which is) s = -½ (aims to under) ll l Hal.: 37 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Periodic System of Element
Triad Dobereiner Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner ( 1829) groups elements in group of three element known as Triad. Triad Relative atomic mass Relative atom mass average Third and first element Calcium 40 Strontium 88 Barium 137 Hal.: 38 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Octave Law Newlands John Newlands ( 1864) groups element based on increase of element relative atomic mass. Resemblance of nature of shown by element disagreeing one octaves namely element first and element 8, element second with element 9. Hal.: 39 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Periodic system of Mendeleev
Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ( 1869) express that element character is periodic function from its the relative atomic mass, certain would be recurring periodical if element is compiled based on increase of its the relative atomic mass. Hal.: 40 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Periodic system of Moseley
Henry G Moseley ( 1914) finds way is determining atomic number based on is element character which is periodic function of its(the atomic number Hal.: 41 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Period and Faction Modern periodic system lapped over based on increase of atomic number and resemblance of nature and lapped over to 7 period and 18 factions. Horizontal column called as Period Vertical Column called as Faction, divided to become : Element of Faction A ( Main) Element of Faction B ( Transition) Element of Faction Lanthanide and Actinide Hal.: 42 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Modern Periodic system Tables
Hal.: 43 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Main Faction elements It is element which admission filling of its the electron ends at orbital of s or p, like at tables : Faction Number Faction Name Outmost Electron Structure I A Alkali ns1 II A Soil Alkali ns2 III A Boron ns2 np1 IV A Carbon ns2 np2 V A Nitrogen ns2 np3 VI A Oxygen ns2 np4 VII A Halogen ns2 np5 VIII A Noble gas ns2 np6 Hal.: 44 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Faction Elements of Transition
It is elements which admission filling of its(the electron ends at orbital of d or called as block d. The Numbering of faction : 1. Faction number is given letter B 2. Faction number = number of electrons s +d ( number of electrons in outmost skin is added with number of electrons d filled last) If: s+d=9 hence faction VIII B s+d=10 hence faction VIII B s+d=11 hence faction I B s+d=12 hence faction II B Hal.: 45 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Faction Tables of Transition
Name Of Faction Outmost Electron Structure III B ns2 nd1 IV B ns2 nd2 V B ns2 nd3 VI B ns2 nd4 VII B ns2 nd5 VIII B ns2 nd6 ns2 nd7 I B ns1 nd10 II B ns2 nd10 Hal.: 46 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Faction Elements Lanthanide and Actinide
It is elements which admission filling of its(the electron ends at orbital of f, consisted of : Elements Lanthanide, ends at orbital of 4f Actinide Elements, ends at orbital of 5f Hal.: 47 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Periodic of Element That is changing character in order according to increase of atomic number from left of dextrose in one periods and from the top (of) downwards in one factions Atom Radius; That is distance from atomic nucleus until outmost skin an atom In One Factions : From the top (of) downwards more and more big In one periods : From left of dextrose more and more small Hal.: 48 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
Determination of Atom radius
Hal.: 49 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
The relation of atom radius with atomic number
Hal.: 50 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Ionization energy That is minimum energy required to release neutral atom electron in presentation of gas at outmost skin and tied is feeblest In one factions : From the top (of) downwards more and more small In one periods : From left of dextrose more and more big Hal.: 51 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
The relation of ionization energy with atomic number
Hal.: 52 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Electron affinity That is free energy or permeated by neutral atom in the form of gas in the event of arrest of one electrons placed at his(its outmost skin and atom becomes negative ion In one periods : From left of dextrose more and more small In one factions: from the top (of) downwards more and more big Hal.: 53 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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Electro negativity That is ability of atom to be interesting or catch's electron. Big electro negativity ( height) haves the character of easy to catch electron Small electro negativity ( low) haves the character of difficult to catch electron In one factions : From the top (of) downwards more and more small In one periods : From left of dextrose more and more big Hal.: 54 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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THANKS Hal.: 55 Isi dengan Judul Halaman Terkait
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