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Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si

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Presentasi berjudul: "Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si
Brand Positioning Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si

2 Your brand position in the mind of target audiences
Positioning Create the essence Your brand position in the mind of target audiences

3 Brands position(ing) A brand’s position represents the brand’s place in the market. It comes from developing the product or service image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the mind of the customer. The positioning will present a distinct proposition to the market that is in line with the brand’s values and the needs and desires of the customer. (Davis, 2009:49)

4 positioning Positioning bukanlah Strategi produk, tetapi STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI yang berhubungan dengan bagaimana target marketMENEMPATKAN PRODUK ANDA DIDALAM OTAKNYA,sehingga target market memiliki PENILAIAN TERTENTU DAN MENGIDENTIFIKASIKAN DIRINYA dengan produk tersebut.

5 Brand Position(ing) Brand positioning is about understanding what your target markets think of your destination and ensuring you occupy the most positive position in their perception compared to your competitors. It is also about ensuring that they understand what your destination stands for, what its strengths are and where it outstrips its competitors. (WTO, 2010)

6 Model dasar Positioning
attribute or benefits consumer strongly associate with a brand and believe they could not find the same positive benefits with the brands ex -> fedex – guaranteed overnight ; points of differences association that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may be considered essential to be a legitimate offering within certain product or services category ex : commercial  bank – atm, online banking points of parity (kotler and lee , 2008)

7 Point of difference : emotional modifier and descriptive modifier
Point of parity : brand (product) functions

8 Kategori positioning product (produk), :
- Rokok marlboro lambang pria jantan filter balur rokok untuk kesehatan price (harga), : - B29 deterjen murah , PRADA produk fashion kelas atas Menjaga pola makan sehat itu lebih murah daripada sakit ease of access (kemudahan dalam mengakses), : - Es krim walls ada di semua minimarket, Vaksin mudah di posyandu value added service (jasa-jasa yang memberi nilai tambah): - Auto 2000 : mobil + servis + asurasnis Posyandu memberikan pelayanan terpadu costumer experience (pengalaman pelanggan) : Disney land : Happy and fun Bike to work is a great lifestyle (Crawford & Matthews, 2001).

9 Positioning statement : for internal use only
Kami mengharapkan agar …. (target market)…. Melihat…(entitas yang di branding)…. Sebagai …(deskripsikan)…. Dan lebih penting dan bermanfaat daripada….(kompetitor). (kotler and lee , 2008) Turunan dari positioning statement (agar dapat dimaknai target adopter) : easy phrase  SLOGAN

10 How to create brand position(ing)?
indicates the “competitive set” of the brand Indicates the differences of the brand and raison d’être of the product with other brand Pertama, indikasikan ‘competitive set’ brand yang akan diasosiasikan dan dibandingkan Kedua, indikasikan perbedaan utama brand dan raison d’être dari produk dan brand lain dalam set tersebut.

11 Position of the brand Position Example: Harley Davidson is...
What: The only (category) How: that (differentiation characteristic) Who: for (customer) Where: in (market geography) Why: who (need state) When: during (underlying trend). What: The only motorcycle manufacturer How: that makes big, loud motorcycles Who: for macho guys (and “macho wannabees”) Where: mostly in the United States Why: who want to join a gang of cowboys When: in an era of decreasing personal freedom.

12 How to create brand positioning?
This refers to the brand promise and consumer benefit aspect: Orangina has real orange pulp, The Body Shop is environment friendly, Twix gets rid of hunger, Volkswagen is reliable. A brand for what benefit? This refers to the target aspect. For a long time, Schweppes was the drink of the refined, Snapple the soft drink for adults, Tango or Yoohoo the drink for teenagers. A brand for whom? This refers to the elements, factual or subjective, that support the claimed benefit. Reason? In today’s competitive context, this question defines the main competitor(s), i.e those whose clientele we think we can partly capture. Tuborg and other expensive imported beers thus also compete against whisky, gin and vodka. A brand against whom?

13 The process of brand positioning
understanding, exploring, testing, strategic evaluation and selection implementing or activating the brand

14 Apa saja yang harus dipenuhi dalam positioning?


16 Brand Positioning Wheelen, 2009:14

Ingin menjadi apa di masa depan Disney: To make people happy ; Ford: To become the world’s leading Consumer Company for automotive products and services. VISSION Misi : Pernyataan apa yang akan dilakukan to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world (Walt Disney Archives: values : moral-karakter utama yang dianut / internalisasi dalam diri Inovative, high standard of excelence, positive, family, inspiring MISSION AND VALUES


19 Contoh anatomi brand positioning

20 Contoh anatomi brand positioning

21 Sejarah perusahaan yang bernilai jual
Brand heritage karakter target yang disasar Brand domain moral-karakter utama yang dianut / internalisasi dalam diri Brand values Brand dapat mencerminkan konsep tertentu - Brand reflection Konsep diri (kepribadian brand) yang dibentuk dari identitas tangible (warna, logo etc) Brand personality Apa yang akan dirasakan oleh target market saat mengkonsumsi / memilih produk kita – menjadi bagian dari suatu konsep tertentu Brand asset

22 Positioning Statement : Slogan / tagline

23 Why brands need identity and positioning
The aim of positioning is to identify, and take possession of, a strong purchasing rationale that gives us a real or perceived advantage- create brand preposition Tujuan dari positioning adalah untuk mengidentifikasi, dan mengambil kepemilikan, atas alasan pembelian yang kuat yang memberikan keuntungan yang dirasa nyata

24 Brand’s propositions To determine a brand’s position, it is essential to understand what the brand means to the customer as well as having a knowledge of the brand strategy. This then forms the brand’s proposition – -> this is the central brand offer. The market proposition will be a combination of desired perceptions of quality, price and performance, coupled with an emotional connection to the style and tone of the brand, how people engage with it and why.

25 Entitas (barang, jasa, orang, place dll) yang dibranding sudah ada, namun setelah dievaluasi sebaiknya dirubah target dan tujuannya Ex : Pertamina : perusahaan pertambangan, kuat, feodal ramah, terpercaya Repositioning focused

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