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Diterbitkan olehIrwan Wibowo Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Computer Safety Work Vocational Competence Class X Semester 1 HOME
Lulus Dasar Kejuruan Level I ( Kelas X ) Level II ( Kelas XI )
2 3 Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC yang tersambung jaringangnosis Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan an Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi jaringan berbasis GUI (Graphical User Interface) dan Text Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Mendiagnosis permasalahan perangkat yang tersambung jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Membuat desain sistem keamanan jaringan Mendiagnosis permasalahan pengoperasian PC dan periferal Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang sistem PC Melakukan perbaikan periferal Melakukan instalasi software Melakukan perawatan PC Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi berbasis graphical user interface (GUI) dan command line interface (CLI) Melakukan instalasi perangkat jaringan lokal (Local Area Network) Menerapkan teknik elektronika analog dan digital dasar Menerapkan fungsi peripheral dan instalasi PC Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting ulang koneksi jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area Network) Mengadministrasi server dalam jaringan Merancang bangun dan menganalisa Wide Area Network Merancang web data base untuk content server Lulus Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi dasar Menerapkan K 3 LH Merakit Personal Komputer Dasar Kejuruan Level I ( Kelas X ) Level II ( Kelas XI ) Level III ( Kelas XII ) 1 Menerapkan K 3 LH Klik Disinik HOME
Learning Objectives Acknowledge principles of Work Health and Safety.
Exhibit computer assembling technique in proper ways. Demonstrate the way to assemble computer concerning work safety. Explaining computer block diagram and respective function; HOME
Definition Philosophy: K3 Specifically, thinking and efforts to keep the unity and perfectness of worker and human both mentally and physicaly in general, artwork, and cultures of society toward social welfare. Knowledge:K3 Knowledge and its application in order to prevent accident probably caused by work. Practical:K3 The effort of protection so that workers are always in safe and health during the work, work safely and efficiently.
K3 PURPOSE Grant physical and mental perfectness of workers, and their artworks and cultures. Prevent and reduce accident and disease caused by work. Grant: 1. Each worker and others in workplace get protection Each production source can be used safely and efficiently Production process run well. HOME
Preparation and Work Safety during PC Assembly
Screw driver, pliers, AVO meter (if any), soldering tool, tin, tape, wire binder, and notebook. Both soldering tool and AVO meter are rarely used when component used is still good condition. Curent measurement and voltage of electricity is only conducted when the component used is a used component which no view good or not. AVO meter should not be used when motherboard is still in good condition because the point of measurement has not been known. Recklesness can cause fatal damage.
Preparation and Work Safety during PC Assembly
When you use new component, you do not need to perform curent and voltage measurement by AVO meter. AVOmeter may be needed to recognize electricity voltage in home electricity network. When you recognize, look at the power supply of computer (in the case) whether it is already set to voltage scale appropriate to surrounding voltage or not. If the power suply is automatic, you will not need to be worried. If it is semi automatic, you probably need to set the scale position of 24 voltage to voltage position appropriate to surrounding. HOME
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