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Struktur Pasar MARKET STRUCTURE Seberapa besar/banyaknya penjual & pembeli atau besar/kecilnya pasar Pangsa masing-masing pasar c. Seberapa besar/banyaknya produk yang terdiferensiasi atau homogen c. Mudahnya/sulitnya suatu firms masuk ke pasar d. Informasi pasar

3 Pasar Persaingan Sempurna
Klasifikasi Pasar Behubungan dengan perilaku pasar pada setiap pasar adalah berbeda-beda Pasar Monopoli Pasar Persaingan Sempurna Monopolistic Competition Oligopolistic (few firms)

4 PASAR PERSAINGAN SEMPURNA (Perpect Competition Market)

5 PASAR PERSAINGAN SEMPURNA (Perpect Competition Market)
Banyak penjual dan pembeli Pangsa pasar < uang di pasar Homogen produknya Tidak ada barrier Mudah dan murahnya informasi pasar

6 Kurva; Pasar Persaingan Sempurna Kurva penawaran & permintaan di Pasar
Terbentuknya: Kurva; Pasar Persaingan Sempurna Kurva penawaran & permintaan di Pasar Kurva Perusahaan XYZ S P P P* MR = MC = P P* D Q Q Q* Penambahan Output tidak mengubah harga perusahaan Secara Matematis : TR = PQ MR = dTR/dQ = d(PQ)/dQ = P dQ/dQ + Q (dP)/dQ Catatan : dP tetap = 0, maka MR = P + 0

7 Memaksimumkan Keuntungan:
Kurva I Memaksimumkan keuntungan P = MC MC AC Kurva II AC AVC P * MC AC* AVC AC* P * MR= P Q* Keuntungan (TR > TC) Q* TR = P* Q* TC = AC* Q* Kerugian (TR < TC) Jika VC < TR < TC -----> Terus Jika TR < VC > Tutup

8 Terbentuknya MR pada keuntungan maksimum
dл/dQ = dTR/dQ - dTC/dC = 0 TR = P . Q MR = dTR/dQ = P dQ/dQ + Q dP/dQ = 0 л = TR – TC л max = d η/dQ = 0 Tetap = 0 Jadi MR =MC = P

9 PASAR MONOPOLI (Monopoly Market)

10 Pasar Monopoli Price Setter Produknya unik/ terdiferensiasi
Barrier (sudah ditentukan), meliputi ; modal yg besar, teknologi, economic of scale (skala ekonomi) Informasi pasar sulit di didapat P Berslope negatif Demand Q

11 Ilustrasi Penetapan harga pada pasar monopoli
Marginal Cost P* Average Cost Demand Marginal Revenue (MR) Q Q*

12 Memaksimumkan Keuntungan
AC MC P P MC AC AVC AC AVC P* P* AC MR Demand Demand Q MR Q* Q Q* Keuntungan Kerugian

13 Terbentuknya MR Pada Keuntungan Maksimum
Secara Matematis: TR = P. Q MR = dTR/dQ = P dQ/dQ + Q dP/dQ dP negatif jika dQ positif atau dP positif jika dQ negatif MR = P - Q P > MR q = f(P) P = a - bq P P a TR = P.q = (a – bq) . Q = aq – bq2 dTR/dQ = MR = a – 2bq a Demand -b -2b -b Q Q MR Demand

14 Types of Price Discrimination :
Perfect Price Discrimination (1st); 2. Second Degree Price Discrimination (2nd); 3. Different Prices to Different Groups (3rd)

15 First Degree Price Discrimination
Charge a separate price to each customer : the maximum price they are willing to pay. Examples of imperfect price discrimination where the seller has the ability to segregate the market to some extent and charge different prices for the same product : Lawyers, doctors, accountants Car salesperson (15% profit margin) Colleges and universities

16 Why would a producer have difficulty in achieving first-degree price discrimination?
Answer 1) Too many customers (impractical) 2)Could not estimate the maximum price for each customer

17 Third Degree Price Discrimination
1) Divides the market into two-groups. 2) Each group has its own demand function. Third-degree price discrimination is feasible when the seller can separate his/her market into groups who have different price elasticities of demand. MC = MR1 MC = MR2 ∏ = TR1 + TR2 – TC(q1+q2)

18 3rd Degree of PD $ Q2 Q1 p2 p1 MC MR1 MR2 Quantity, Group2, Q2

19 Second-Degree Price Discrimination
Q1 1st Block P2 Q2 P3 Q3 2nd Block 3rd Block Second-degree price discrimination is pricing according to quantity consumed--or in blocks. $/Q D MR P0 Q0 Without discrimination: P = P0 and Q = Q0. With second-degree discrimination there are three prices P1, P2, and P3. (e.g. electric utilities) MC AC Quantity 33


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