Resource Mobilization

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Presentasi berjudul: "Resource Mobilization"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Resource Mobilization
kerangka kerja: pemahaman, pemilihan bentuk dan pengenalan konsekuensi

2 faktor #1 pemahaman atas kesesuaian anatomi


4 Resources The human (skills, knowledge and concepts) and goods like money, materials, information, energy essential for attaining the objectives of an organization. The financial and non-financial supplies that help to fulfill organizational needs.

5 Resource Mobilization
Resource Mobilization is a process, which will identify the resources essential for the development, implementation and continuation of works for achieving the organization's mission. Resource Mobilization means expansion of relations with the Resource Providers, the skills, knowledge and capacity for proper use of resources. Resource Mobilization does not only mean use of money but it extensiveness denotes the process that achieves the mission of the Organization through the mobilization of knowledge in human, use of skills, equipment, services etc. It also means seeking new sources of resource mobilization and right and maximum use of the available resources. Sandeep -

6 Resource Mobilization
Fundraising Penggalangan Dana Resource Mobilization Penggalangan Sumber Daya

7 VISI ORGANISASI MISI ORGANISASI kegiatan proyek program pengembangan
implementasi keberlanjutan peningkatan ketrampilan pengelolaan sumber daya peningkatan pengetahuan peningkatan kapasitas perluasan sumber daya non finansial finansial manusia/jasa barang

8 Manfaat Penggalangan Sumber Daya
1. To diversify and expand resources. 2. Resource Mobilization helps to formulate an independent budget. To break the tradition of running the specific programs of any donor agencies only. 3. To decrease dependency on others. 4. To save oneself/lessen the chance of becoming contractors of foreign donor agencies. 5. For sustainability of the Organization and program. 6. For maximum use of domestic capital and skills. 7. To expand deep relations with the stakeholder and community. 8. To clean the image of the Organization and expand relations. 9. To fulfill responsibilities towards the community. 10. To run programs based on the genuine needs of the community and to advocate for such programs. 11. To disseminate the good practices of the Organization. 12. To develop new thinking and challenge the old traditions. 13. To enhance the dignity of one's Organization.

9 faktor #2 ketepatan dalam pemilihan bentuk


11 Bentuk-bentuk Penggalangan Sumber Daya
volunteers membership income generation special events cost recovery business ventures foundation/donor support individual donors business contributions other sources

12 Karakteristik LSM LSM donor/donatur layanan advokasi komunitas
kebijakan kelompok dampingan penerima manfaat

13 Karakteristik LSM competency-based spectrum constituent-based
advocacy-based layanan advokasi penerima manfaat

14 Karakteristik LSM & dan Bentuk Penggalangan yang Sesuai
constituent-based competency-based advocacy-based volunteers income generation membership business ventures special events cost recovery foundation/donor support segmented - individual donors general - individual donors business contributions

15 faktor #3 berhitung soal konsekuensi res o ki &


17 Hal-hal yang Perlu Diingat dan Dipertimbangkan
peningkatan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan kapasitas pengelolaan sumber daya legalitas (badan hukum) : yayasan atau perkumpulan pajak (subyek dan obyek) budget, initial cost, BEP planning, monitoring and evaluation enabling condition: leadership, reputation, etc.

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