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Diterbitkan olehYuliana Hardja Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
MODUL KE SEBELAS HEAT TRANSFER NANANG RUHYAT BOILER Bagian-bagian Boiler : Steam Superheater a. Superheater konveksi ; – Superheater konveksi arus searah Superheater konveksi arus berlawanan Superheater konveksi arus kombinasi b. Radiant Superheater c. Superheter Kombinasi Superheater konveksi menerima panas secara konveksi dari api atau gas asap. Panas yg diterima secara konveksi dari gas asap sebanyak – Qk = Ggas x P.Jgas X (t gas msk – t gas klr) (KJ/j) ∆t = perbedaan antara gas asap saat masuk ke SH dan saat keluar SH. Harganya relatif konstan. Jumlah G gas tergantung dari jumlah BB yg dibakar (Be) Jumlah Ggas sebanding dengan S (jumlah uap yg diproduksi) Panas yg diserap oleh uap sebanyak Qs = S X P.J. uap x (t.uap luar – t.uap kenyang) t.uap kenyang = temp. uap kenyang masuk ke superheater pd tekanan tertentu dan relatif konstan
Water-tube boilers. Here the heat source is outside the tubes and the water to
be heated is inside. A primitive, inefficient type where there are no tubes and the fire heats one side of the water container. Diagram of a water-tube boiler
Lancashire boiler the Lancashire boiler which had a pair of furnaces in separate tubes side-by-side. This was an important improvement since each furnace could be stoked at different times, allowing one to be cleaned while the other was operating. These designs are really primitive fire tube boilers, and led on to the Scotch boiler which remains a popular fire tube design. A superheated boiler on a steam locomotive Superheated Boiler Most boilers heat water until it boils, and then the steam is used at saturation temperature (i.e., saturated steam). Superheated steam boilers boil the water and then further heat the
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