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Empat Tipe Kebiasaan Membeli

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1 Empat Tipe Kebiasaan Membeli
Kebiasaan membeli yang kompleks Ada tiga tahapan proses, yaitu pertama membangun keyakinan akan produk, kedua membangun sikap terhadap produk yang bersangkutan dan terakhir menentukan pilihan secara seksama. MIsalnya membeli barang mahal dan bermerk (branded item) Dissonance- Reducing Buyer Behavior Membutuhkan kajian/perhatian yang seksama walaupun tidak/ sedikit sekali ditentukan oleh merk, misalnya membeli karpet. Kebiasaan belanja sehari-hari (Habitual Buying Behavior) Tidak membutuhkan kajian khusus dan tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh merk, misalnya belanja rempah-rempah, garam. Kebiasaan belanja yang dipengaruhi oleh merk (Variety- Seeking Buy Behav) Tidak membutuhkan kajian khusus tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh merk, misalnya membeli alat kosmetik, barang-barang fashion. High Involvement Low Involvement Significant Differences Complex Buying Behav Variety- seeking Buying Behav. between brands Few Differences Dissonance-reducing Habitual Buying Behavior Between brands Buying Behavior

2 The Customer Development Process
Suspects Disqualified prospect Prospects First Time Customers Repeat Customers The Customer Development Process Inactive or ex-customers Clients Members Advocates Partners

3 The Loyalty Pyramid Partners Advocates Clients Customers Prospects
Stronger form of customer – supplier relationship (create mutual benefit) Advocates Clients who actively support your organization by recommending it to others Clients A repeat customers who have positive feelings of loyality of your organization Profit Starts here Customers A one-off purchase of your product who has no feelings of your company Prospects Potential customers who attraction on your organization Includes all buyers of the product/ service (anaware of your organization Suspects

4 5 Tahapan Umum Proses Penentuan Pembelian ? IBM Apple Dell HP Toshiba
Pengenalan problem (kebutuhan) Pengenalan problem (kebutuhan) Mencari informasi Evaluasi alternatif Keputusan membeli Purnabeli IBM Apple Dell HP Toshiba Compaq NEC Sony, dll IBM Apple Dell HP Toshiba Compaq IBM Apple Dell ?

5 Sense of Place Setiap manusia (normalsense) memiliki sense of place Perkembangan sense of place seseorang: Jenis kelamin, umur, kesehatan, kemampuan finansial Fisik Place Berkaitan dengan lokasi dan integrasi antara masyarakat, budaya dan alam Nilai/kepercayaan, keturunan, keperibadian Psikologis Pengalaman/ pengetahuan Tingkat pendidikan, sosialisasi

6 The Nature of Spatial Knowledge
Declarative component: pengetahuan akan makna obyek dan tempatnya Relational and configurational hubungan keruangan (spatial relationship) diantara pengembangan obyek dan tempatnya Procedural knowledge menggambarkan proses perkembangan perubahan obyek dalam konteks keruangan

7 Environmental cognition
Spatial Cognition dan Mental Maps Sense of Place Environmental cognition Spatial Cognition Cognitive mapping Mental Maps Social Mapping Suatu proses transformasi psikologis yang diharapkan, disimpan, recalls dan decodes information tentang lokasi dan atribut dari satu fenomena kejadian kehidupan sehari-hari.

8 Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang
How to put / develop values into practice (Sense of Place membentuk Tata Ruang) Spatial Imagination Values Cognitive Space Affective Space Conative Cognitive Affective Conative Psychological transformation Spatial Behavior Practices Spatial arrangement / Tata Ruang

9 Lingkungan pasar dan aplikasinya terhadap situasi perilaku konsumen
Lingkungan Situasi Perilkau Konsumen Demografis Perubahan populasi dan nilai-nilai budaya dari variasi kelompok demografis Ekonomi Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sentimen economi konsumen dan pola tabungan serta pengeluaran Alam Reaksi konsumen terhadap perubahan cuaca, bencana alam , dsb. Teknologi Difusi inovasi teknologi dan reaksi konsumen terhadap perubahan teknologi; misalnya peralatan yang ‘user-friendly’. Politik Dampak penerapan hukum, aturan main dan peraturan bagi konsumen. Budaya Ritual, nilai, kebiasaan, dan norma dari sebuah budaya. Bagaimana konsumen dipengaruhi oleh budaya tersebut

10 Creating Value Through Quality and Customer Satisfaction

11 Value and Satisfaction
What is value? What are five things a marketer can do to increase the value of the offering? Value is a ratio between what the customer gets and what he gives. Raising benefits, reducing costs, raising benefits and reducing costs, raising benefits by more than the raise in costs, or lowering benefits by less than the reduction in costs.

12 Theory Segue: Buyer Readiness Stages
Purchase Conviction Preference Liking Knowledge Awareness Attitude Behavior High versus low involvement?

13 Customer Delivered Value
Factory Existing products Selling and promotion Profits through sales volume Starting point Focus Means Ends (a) The selling concept Market Integrated marketing Profits through customer satisfaction Customer needs (b) The marketing concept

Company Consumer Product Revenue

15 Exchange and Transactions
Exchange involves obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. Transaction involves at least two things of value, agreed-upon conditions, a time of agreement, and a place of agreement.

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