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Pengantar Sistem Informasi HUG103
Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Rekayasa Industri Telkom University
Biodata Dosen Nama : Soni Fajar Surya G Kode Dosen : SFJ Web : Phone :
Profil Mata Kuliah Matakuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang keilmuan sistem informasi dan kompetensi sistem informasi dalam perkembangan keilmuan di bidang teknologi informasi Pernyataan Tujuan Kuliah: Mahasiswa dapat memahami keilmuan dan kompetensi sistem informasi Mahasiswa dapat memahami ruang lingkup sistem informasi Mahasiswa dapat memahami secara mendasar korelasi dengan disiplin ilmu lainnya untuk menunjang kompetensi keilmuan sistem informasi
Aturan Perkuliahan FRI
Dosen dan Mahasiswa maksimal hadir 30 menit dari yang dijadwalkan Kehadiran mahasiswa minimal 75% untuk bisa mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester Input presensi melalui igracias paling lambat 2 minggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan sesuai jadwal Pelanggaran Etika mahasiswa yang berkaitan dengan akademik (misal mencontek dan memberi contekan) minimal nilai MK adalah E, apabila diproses komisi etika Fakultas sanksi minimal adalah skorsing,
SK Rektor yang berkaitan dengan Kode Etika Mahasiswa
Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Telkom Nomor: KR.069/0RG22/REK.O/2O14 Tanggal 28 Maret Tentang Kode Etika Mahasiswa Universitas Telkom Keputusan Rektor Universitas Telkom Nomor: KR.512/SKR8/REK.0/2014 Tanggal 17 Juli 2014 Tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pemeriksaan dan Pengambilan Keputusan Terhadap Pelangggaran Kode Etika oleh Mahasiswa, hasil pemeriksaan, dan bukti-bukti pelanggaran
Kontrak Perkuliahan Jadwal Pertemuan Senin 14:30 - 16:00 Ruang B203A
Rabu 08: :00 Ruang B203A Aturan Selama Perkuliahan Tidak Ada keterlambatan hadir kuliah Tidak ada toleransi keterlambatan pengumpulan tugas Makan, minum di kelas: NO Handphone di kelas: Silent or Vibrate
Penilaian UTS : 25 % A >= 85 AB>=80 B >= 75 BC>=70
D >= 50 E < 50 UAS : Post test/quiz : 10 % Tugas : 40 % Lain-lain : Hadir 100%
Catalog description Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. The focus of this course will be on the key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage students will gain an understanding of how information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility. This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society.
IS 2010 Core Courses [ACM IS2010]
TOPICS Characteristics of the Digital World
Information systems components Information systems in organizations Valuing information systems Information systems infrastructure The Internet and WWW Security of information systems Business intelligence Enterprise-wide information systems Development and acquisition Information systems ethics and crime
Referensi R. Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, Casey G. Cegielski-Introduction to Information Systems Supporting and Transforming Business, Wiley (2013) Patricia Wallace, Introduction to Information Systems, Prentice Hall (2014) O’Brien, James A., Marakas, George M, (2007), Introduction to Information Systems 6th Edition, MCGraw-Hill, USA. Bocij Paul, Chaffey Dave, Greasley Andrew, Hickie Simon, (2006), Business Information Systems, Prentice Hall, UK. Turban, Leidner, McLean, Wetherbe, (2008), Information Technology for Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.
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