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GERUND Verb as noun Pembentukan kata benda dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan “-ing”.
MACAM-MACAM GERUND Gerund sebagai sebuah subjek. Contoh :
Singing is my hobby. Dancing makes him happy. Running is very good for our health. Smoking is a bad habit. Reading is very good to improve our knowledge.
Gerund sebagai sebuah objek.
Contoh: He likes reading. She likes writing a novel. He does not like smoking.
Digunakan setelah “no”, sehingga membuat kalimat larangan.
Contoh: No parking! No smoking! No swimming! No touching! No scrathing! No hunting! No climbing!
Digunakan sebagai keterangan tambahan (apposition) dalam suatu kalimat.
Contoh: His habit, reading books, makes him clever. He has a bad habit, smoking. Her hobby, swimming in the pool, makes her body strong.
Digunakan dibelakang kata (phrase) tertentu, seperti :
It’s no use…… Would you mind.....? It’s no good…… It’s worth….. Subject + can’t help Contoh: I think it is no use trying again. Would you mind giving me your address? It’s no good hoping his help. This book is worth reading. I can not help solving your problem.
Used after preposition.
Misalnya, without (tanpa), after (setelah), before (sebelum), instead of (sebagai ganti), about (tentang), by (dengan, melalui). Contoh: Before speaking more and more, you should think first. After finishing reading a book, I will write a summary. He is sitting there without saying anything. Before answering your question, I want to ask you first. Before leaving the room, he turned off the television. After looking at his watch, he hurried to the station.
Digunakan setelah verb + preposition sebagai berikut :
Count on : mengharapkan. Depend on : tergantung pada. Confess to : mengakui. Give up : berhenti Go on : melanjutkan. Insist on : bersikeras/menuntut. Keep on : melanjutkan. Put off : menunda. Rely on : mempercayakan. Succeed in : berhasil dalam. Think of : berfikir tentang. Dream about : bermimpi tentang. Worry about : cemas tentang. Contoh : Ali confessed to stealing money. Andi thinks of writing a novel.
Digunakan setelah adjective + preposition:
Accustomed to : terbiasa Afraid of : khawatir. Fond of : gemar. Capable of : cakap. Interested in : tertarik dalam. Successful in : berhasil dalam. Sorry for : menyesal atas. Tired of : muak akan.
Contoh : He is capable of speaking English. I am successful in doing the exam. I am interested in reading a book.
Digunakan setelah noun + preposition:
Choice of : pemilihan Excuse for : alasan untuk Habit of : kebiasaan Right of : hak untuk Intention of : maksud Possibility of : kemungkinan Art of : seni dalam Idea of : gagasan untuk Chance of : kesempatan Reason for : alasan untuk Importance of : penting.
Contoh: Her choice of being a lecturer makes parents happy. Silvia has an idea of going to university in overseas.
NOTES Ada beberapa kata kerja tertentu yang setelahnya harus memakai gerund: Admit (mengakui). He admitted stealing the money. Advise (menasehati). She advises waiting until tomorrow. Anticipate (mengantisipasi). I anticipate having a good time on vacation. Appeciate (menghargai). I appreciated hearing from them. Avoid (menolak). He avoids answering my question.
Complete (melengkapi).
I finally complete writing my paper. Consider (menimbang). I’ll consider dating with you. Delay (menunda). He delayed giving the lecture. Discuss (mendiskusikan). They discuss opening a new business. Dislike (tidak suka). I dislike eating too much. Enjoy (menikmati). I enjoy listening to the music.
Finish (menyelesaikan).
I finished writing a paper at about 12 o’clock. Forget (lupa). I’ll never forget visiting my girl friend in weekend. Mind (keberatan). Would you mind giving me some foods? Postpone (menunda). Let’s postpone leaving until tomorrow. Practice (mempraktikan). The athlete practices kicking the ball. Recommend (menganjurkan). She recommended seeing the show.
Regret (menyesal). I regret telling him my secret. Resent (benci akan). I resent her interfering in my business. Resist (menahan) I couldn’t resist eating the ice cream. Risk (mengambil resiko). He riks losing his life.
ASSIGNMENT Make 10 sentences consist of : Gerund as Subject
Gerund as Object Gerund as Apposition Used after preposition Used after Adjective + Preposition Each of 2 sentences !
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