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Integrated Marketing Communications

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1 Integrated Marketing Communications
Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina

2 Marketing Communication

3 Communication is the process whereby thoughts and understanding communicated between individuals or between organizations and individuals (B2C, B2B). marketing is a set of activities in which companies and other organizations to transfer the values ​​of (exchange) between them with its customers. According to Shimp (2003:4), marketing communication can be understood by decomposing two main elements : communications and marketing. Menurut Shimp (2003:4 ) Komunikasi pemasaran dapat dipahami dengan menguraikan dua unsure pokoknya, yaitu komunikasi dan pemasaran : Komunikasi adalah proses dimana pemikiran dan pemahaman disampaikan antar individu atau antara organisasi dengan individu. Sedangkan pemasaran adalah sekumpulan kegiatan dimana perusahaan dan organisasi lainnya mentransfer nilai-nilai (pertukaran) antara mereka dengan pelanggannya.


5 4 P's 4 C's New approach product price place promotion consumer cost
convenience communication

6 Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication
Promotion Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication Based on 4P Basic Tools (individual uses) Focus on sender / marketer = external Based on new terminology - from communication side : 4 C Basic tools (individual uses) Focus on consumer approach  on two way = feedback External All mentioned from previous marcom plus coordinated all effort and tools External and internal Promosi merupakan usaha terkoordinasi dari penjual/marketer untuk memberikan informasi dan mempersuasi untuk menjual produk,jasa dan mempromosikan ide (definisi tahun 50an) Promosi dianggap masih berorientasi sebagai cara produsen untuk menjual produk Perkembangan definisi dari promosi adalah markom : Merkom disebut sebagai usaha perusahaan ntuk memberi informasi, mempersuasi dan mengingatkan konsumen baik secara langsung ataupun tidak mengenai produk atau “brand” yang mereka (produsen) jual. Posisi komunikasi pemasaran dipandang sebagai hal strategis – yaitu merepresentasikan suara perusahaan dan “brand” untuk membangun dialog dan hubungan jangka panjang dengan konsumen. IMC – merupakan pengembangan dari 2 konsep sebelumnya. konsep IMC yang memposisikan komunikasi bukanlah sekedar alat seperti halnya konsep sebelumnya (promosi),, tetapi lebih merupakan kegiatan menyeluruh mengenai proses komunikasi – perencanaan – pencapaian tujuan – evaluasi dan perencanaan kembali.

7 Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication
Promotion Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication the coordination of all seller initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea. (Belch and belch; 2003 p 16 ) marketing communication is a collective term for all the various types of planned messages used to build a brand - advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct- marketing, personal selling, packaging, events and sponsorship, customer services and so on. (Ouwersloot, H & Duncan, T. 2008:9) IMC is a concept that directs the processes for planning, executing, monitoring the brand messages that create the brand-customer relationships. It’s about synergy and creativity , integration, and communication. (Ouwersloot, H & Duncan, T. 2008:14) Promosi merupakan usaha terkoordinasi dari penjual/marketer untuk memberikan informasi dan mempersuasi untuk menjual produk,jasa dan mempromosikan ide (definisi tahun 50an) Promosi dianggap masih berorientasi sebagai cara produsen untuk menjual produk Perkembangan definisi dari promosi adalah markom : Merkom disebut sebagai usaha perusahaan ntuk memberi informasi, mempersuasi dan mengingatkan konsumen baik secara langsung ataupun tidak mengenai produk atau “brand” yang mereka (produsen) jual. Posisi komunikasi pemasaran dipandang sebagai hal strategis – yaitu merepresentasikan suara perusahaan dan “brand” untuk membangun dialog dan hubungan jangka panjang dengan konsumen. IMC – merupakan pengembangan dari 2 konsep sebelumnya. konsep IMC yang memposisikan komunikasi bukanlah sekedar alat seperti halnya konsep sebelumnya (promosi),, tetapi lebih merupakan kegiatan menyeluruh mengenai proses komunikasi – perencanaan – pencapaian tujuan – evaluasi dan perencanaan kembali.

8 Traditional Approach to Marketing Communications
Media Adver- tising Point of purchase Sales promotion Packaging Special events Publicity Public relations Direct response Interactive marketing Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text. Summary Overview This slide shows the traditional approach to advertising and promotion where many of the marketing and promotional functions were planned and managed separately with different budgets, different views of the market, and different goals and objectives. Many of the marketing activities such as package design, sales promotion, and direct marketing services were viewed as ancillary services and handled on a project basis rather than integrating them into the IMC program. Use of this slide This slide can be used to show the traditional approach to marketing communications that lacks coordination and consistency. The disconnected puzzle pieces are designed to demonstrate how traditional approaches to marketing communications often viewed the various IMC tools as separate pieces of the puzzle rather than having them all work together. Direct marketing © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

9 Contemporary IMC Approach
Packaging Sales promotion Direct response Media Adver- tising Point of purchase Public relations Publicity Interactive marketing Relation to text This slide relates to material on pp of the text which discusses the contemporary approach to integrated marketing communications. Summary Overview This slide shows the contemporary approach to advertising and promotion which is referred to as Integrated Marketing Communications. This approach seeks to have all of a company’s marketing and promotional activities project a consistent, unified image in the marketplace. It calls for a centralized messaging function so that everything a company says and does communicates a common theme and positioning Use of this slide This slide can be used to show the contemporary approach to marketing communications that includes coordination and consistency. The connected puzzle pieces are designed to demonstrate how the various IMC tools are coordinated with media advertising and work together in a seamless fashion to create an effective communications program. Direct marketing Special events © 2007 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin


11 (Marketing Communication tools/mix)
Marketing Mix Price Product Place Promotion (Marketing Communication tools/mix) Selling (personal selling), advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, E-communication / Interactive marketing, PR - Publicity , Sponsorship, Event, Customer Services, Exhibition/trade show, Corporate identity , Packaging, merchandising - Point of sales, Word of Mouth People Process physical evidence

12 personal selling advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, E-communication / Interactive marketing, PR - Publicity , Sponsorship, Event, Customer Services, Exhibition/ trade show, Corporate identity , Packaging, merchandising - Point of sales, Word of Mouth etc Promotion Mix The basic tools used to accomplish an organization’s communication objectives are often referred to as the promotional mix

13 Promotion? One element of marketing Mix
Promotion has been defined as the coordination of all seller initiated efforts to set up channels of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea. (Belch and belch; 2003 p 16 ) The basic tools used to accomplish an organization’s communication objectives are often referred to as the promotional mix (Strategies to make the consumer aware of the existence of a product or service) NOT just advertising Promosi merupakan usaha terkoordinasi dari penjual/marketer untuk memberikan informasi dan mempersuasi untuk menjual produk,jasa dan mempromosikan ide (definisi tahun 50an) Promosi masih berorientasi sebagai cara konsumen untuk menjual produk

14 Definition of Marketing Communication..(1)
marketing communication are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers- directly or indirectly-about the products and brands they sell. In a sense, marketing communications represent the "voice" of the company and its brands and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with consumers. (kotler and keller :470) Perkembangan definisi dari promosi adalah markom : Merkom disebut sebagai usaha perusahaan ntuk memberi informasi, mempersuasi dan mengingatkan konsumen baik secara langsung ataupun tidak mengenai produk atau “brand” yang mereka (produsen) jual. Posisi komunikasi pemasaran dipandang sebagai hal strategis – yaitu merepresentasikan suara perusahaan dan “brand” untuk membangun dialog dan hubungan jangka panjang dengan konsumen.

15 Definition of Marketing Communication..(2)
marketing communication is a collective term for all the various types f planned messages used to build a brand - advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct- marketing, personal selling, packaging, events and sponsorship, customer services and so on. (Ouwersloot, H & Duncan, T :9) marketing communications—or, for short, marcom—throughout this text to refer to the collection of advertising, sales promotions, public relations, event marketing, and other communication devices

16 IMC ? a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines— for example, general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and public relations—and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communications impact. American Association of Advertising Agencies (the “4As”) (Belch and belch 2010:9) IMC – merupakan pengembangan dari 2 konsep sebelumnya. konsep IMC yang memposisikan komunikasi bukanlah sekedar alat seperti halnya konsep sebelumnya (promosi),, tetapi lebih merupakan kegiatan menyeluruh mengenai proses komunikasi – perencanaan – pencapaian tujuan – evaluasi dan perencanaan kembali.

17 IMC (2) IMC is a cross-functional process for creating and nourishing profitable relationship with costumers and other stakeholders by strategically controlling or influencing all messages sent to these groups and encouraging data-driven, purposeful dialogue with them. (Duncan,T. 2002:4) IMC is a concept that directs the processes for planning, executing, monitoring the brand messages that create the brand-customer relationships. It’s about synergy and creativity , integration, and communication. (Ouwersloot, H & Duncan, T. 2008:14)

Brand Messages (Strategic consistency of brand positioning, big creative idea) Media-mass, niche, and interactive (Intrinsic and created brand contacts) Databases and Information Technology Brand Relationships (Customer acquisition, retention, growth) Sales, profits, and brand equity Zero based planning  SWOT etc (IMC functions and media neutral) Cross-functional organization (Monitoring and evaluating brand relationships) Advertising, customer services, direct response, E-commerce, events, packaging, personal selling, public relations, sales promotion, sponsorships, trade shows etc IMC is an ongoing process that “spins off” sales, profits, and brand equity (Tom Duncan, (2002:9 )

19 IMC (3) Integrated marketing communication is a strategic business process used to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication program over time with consumers, customers, prospects, and other targeted, relevant external and internal audiences. (Don E. Schultz and Philip J. Kitchen, 2004)

20 IMC (4) IMC is a communications process that entails the planning, creation, integration, and implementation of diverse forms of marcom (advertisements, sales promotions, publicity releases, events, etc.) that are delivered over time to a brand’s targeted customers and prospects. (Shimp 2010:10)

21 The goal of IMC is ultimately to influence or directly affect the behavior of the targeted audience, generate short-term financial returns and build long- term brand value. IMC considers all touch points, or sources of contact, that a customer/prospect has with the brand as potential delivery channels for messages and makes use of all communications methods that are relevant to customers / prospects. (Shimp 2010:10)

22 IMC requires that all of a brand’s communication media deliver a consistent message. The IMC process further necessitates that the customer/prospect is the starting point for determining the types of messages and media that will serve best to inform, persuade, and induce action (Shimp 2010:10)

23 Why IMC is important? A major reason for the growing importance of the IMC approach is the ongoing revolution that is changing the rules of marketing and the role of the traditional advertising agency

24 The role of IMC in Branding
IMC plays a major role in the process of developing and sustaining brand identity and equity. (Details of brand identity and equity at “strategic branding”)

25 The Purpose of marketing communications..(1)
The purpose of Marcomm is to add value to a product for both customers and the company They can tell or show consumers how and why a product is used, by what kind of person, and where and when. Consumers can learn about who makes the product and what the company and brand stand for; and they can get an incentive or reward for trial or usage.

26 The Purpose of marketing communications..(2)
Marketing communications allow companies to link their brands to other people, places, events, brands, experiences, feelings, and things. They can contribute to brand equity- by establishing the brand in memory and creating a brand image-as well as drive sales and even affect shareholder value

27 Promotion tools / mix Advertising
Advertising is paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to reach board audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyers (a target audience) and provide information about products (goods, services, ideas) Sales Promotion A variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service Events, sponsorship and experiences Company-sponsored activities and programs designed to create daily or special brand-related interactions

28 Promotion tools / mix.. (cont 2)
Public relations and Publicity PR : A variety of programs designed to promote or protect a company's image or its individual products Publicity  anounce the program for free in the media Direct Marketing Use of mail, telephone, fax, , or Internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects Personal selling Face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring orders

29 Promotion tools / mix..(cont 3)
Interactive Marketing Online activities and programs designed to engage customers or prospects and directly or indirectly raise awareness, improve image, or elicit sales of products and services Word Of Mouth Marketing People-to-people oral, written, or electronic communications that relate to the merits or experiences of purchasing or using products or services

30 Communication objectives..(1)
Category Need Establishing a product or service category as necessary to remove or satisfy a perceived discrepancy between a current motivational state and a desired emotional state. e.g: A new-to-the-world product such as electric cars would always begin with a communications objective of establishing category need Brand awareness Ability to identify (recognize or recall) the brand within the category, in sufficient detail to make a purchase. Recognition is easier to achieve than recall Rossiter dan Percy (Kotler , 2009:479)

31 Communications objectives..(2)
Brand attitude Evaluating the brand with respect to its perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Relevant brand needs may be negatively oriented (problem removal. problem avoidance. incomplete satisfaction, normal depletion) or positively oriented (sensory gratification, intellectual stimulation, or social approval). Ex : Household cleaning products often use problem solution; food products, on the other hand, often use sensory-oriented ads emphasizing appetite appeal Brand Purchase intention Self-instructions to purchase the brand or to take purchase related action. Ex: Promotional offers in the form of coupons or two-for-one deals encourage consumers to make a mental commitment to buy a product Rossiter dan Percy (dalam Kotler , 2009:479)

32 Shimp (2010:21)


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