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Presentasi berjudul: "PENINGKATAN DAYA SAING BERBASIS NETWORK DAN KLASTER"— Transcript presentasi:

Arief Daryanto, PhD Staf Pengajar Senior, Sekolah Bisnis IPB; Chairman, Peer Review Committee ABEST21, Tokyo; Adjunct Professor, University of New England, Australia Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi dalam Rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Islam Batik ke-XXXIV, Surakarta 23 September 2017

2 Presentation Outline Introductory remarks
Definisi dan Faktor-faktor Penentu Daya Saing Perkembangan Teori Daya Saing Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Concluding remarks

3 1 Introductory Remarks

4 Introductory Remarks “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” “Bukan spesies yang paling kuat yang dapat bertahan, bukan pula yang paling pintar, tetapi yang paling responsif menyesuaikan diri terhadap perubahan” Charles Darwin

5 Definisi dan Faktor-faktor Penentu Daya Saing
2 Definisi dan Faktor-faktor Penentu Daya Saing

6 Definisi Daya Saing (Competitiveness)?
Dari perspektif mikro, daya saing didefinisikan sebagai pertumbuhan produktivitas yang berkelanjutan yang didorong oleh kualitas operasi dan strategi bisnis, kualitas lingkungan bisnis dan iklim ekonomi makro yang sehat dan kondusif (Yener, 2002) Dari perspektif makro, daya saing menunjukkan sejauh mana negara dalam kondisi pasar bebas dan adil dapat memproduksi barang-barang dan jasa-jasa yang sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh pasar internasional, sekaligus dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan pendapatan riil masyarakat dalam jangka panjang (Garelli, 2002)

7 Definition of Competitiveness
Competitiveness as “a range of factors, policies and institutions which determine the level of productivity” (Schwab and Porter, 2007) Competitiveness of a territory as “the ability of locality or region to generate high and rising incomes and improve livelihood of the people living there” (Meyer-Stamer 2008)

8 Figure 1. 12 Pillars of Country’s Competitiveness
Source: World Economic Forum (WEF), 2016

9 Figure 2. 5 Dimensions of Corporate Health: Firm Competitiveness

10 Perkembangan Teori Daya Saing
3 Perkembangan Teori Daya Saing

11 Teori Daya Saing Classical Economic Theory: Absolute Advantage Theory - Smith (1776); Comparative Advantage Theory - Richardo (1817); Neoclassical Model - Heckscher (1919); Olhin (1933) Technological Gap Theory - Posner (1961) Representative Demand Theory - Linder (1961) Product International Life Cycle Theory - Vernon (1966) Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) - Hymer (1976) The Eclectic Model - Dunning (1988) The Stage Models - Aharoni (1966), Vernon (1979, Rogers (1962) The Born Global Approach - Jolly, Alahuhta & Jeannet (1992) The Network Approach - Luostarinen (1977); Håkansson (1982) Global Approach

12 The Network Approach: Luostarinen (1977); Håkansson (1982)
Focuses on the relationships between companies, involved in production, distribution and use of goods and services, within an industrial system. According to this view, enterprises internationalize by establishing and cultivating relationships with partners in foreign networks by: international extension, where companies establish new relationships with partners in local networks in other countries; penetration, by developing relationships and increasing resource commitments in networks abroad where the company is already cooperating; and/or international integration by increasing coordination within different networks. Network approaches perceive contemporary inter-organizational markets as organized behavior systems manifesting network structures.

13 Network, Cluster and Networking (UNIDO, 2014)
Network refers to a group of firms that cooperate on a joint development project complementing each other and specializing in order to overcome common problems, achieve collective efficiency and conquer markets beyond their individual reach. Cluster is used to indicate a sectoral and geographical concentration of enterprises which produce and sell a range of related or complementary, with common challenges and opportunities. Networking refers to the overall action of establishing the relationships characterizing both networks and clusters.

14 Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing
4 Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing


Klaster adalah aglomerasi geografikal perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki berbagai spesialisasi membentuk kerjasama strategis yang saling menguntungkan Klaster Industri Perusahaan-perusahaan dalam klaster mendapatkan keuntungan dari terbentuknya efisiensi kolektif (collective efficiency): Secara bersama, mereka menciptakan “external economies”, yang memberikan keuntungan kepada perusahaan-perusahaan lain (spillover)  efek “involuntary” karena bergabung dalam klaster (passive effects) Mereka melaksanakan aksi bersama (joint actions)  efek bekerjasama yang sifatnya aktif bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang tergabung dalam klaster (active effects)

17 Figure 3. Concept of Cluster
Advantages Lower transport cost Easy to get pros Fast information exchange Sharing of public facilities Combination Buyers & sellers Cooperators & competitors Sharer of resources Figure 3. Concept of Cluster Source: CEPD, Strengthening core competitiveness through Development Industrial clusters of Taiwan, 2008 Competition/ Cooperation Sharing Resources Downstream Maker Upstream Supplier Overhead Cost Strategic Alliance Industrial Premises Trade

18 Empat Elemen Kunci dari Klaster
Aglomerasi perusahaan (cluster); Nilai Tambah (value added) dan Mata Rantai Nilai (value chain); Jaringan Pemasok; Infrastruktur Ekonomi.

19 Pelaku Klaster Dunia usaha: (1) perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri inti yaitu industri yang menjadi pemicu dan pendorong timbulnya usaha lain dan (2) perusahaan yang tergolong dalam industri pendukung yang meliputi industri pemasok bahan baku, industri pelengkap, dan industri lanjutan dari industri inti. Institusi pendidikan juga mempunyai peran penting sebagai katalisator dalam pengembangan klaster. Perantara finansial, seperti perusahaan modal usaha, asosiasi usaha yang bekerja untuk kepentingan usaha dan anggota, serta institusi layanan usaha dengan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Pemerintah lokal dan lembaga ekonomi lainnya yang berperan dalam memfasilitasi pengembangan klaster melalui intervensi kebijakan.

20 Figure 4. The Role of Integration in Cluster

21 Figure 5. CSFs in Managing Clusters

22 Figure 6. Enabling Needs for Agro-Industry Competitiveness

23 Gambar 7. Proses Pembentukan Cluster di Jepang

24 Figure 8. Cluster Model: Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (Sabah)
Copyright © POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd Copyright © POIC Sabah Sdn Bhd

25 “Smile”-oriented Industrial Development In Taiwan
Figure 9. “Smile”-oriented Industrial Development In Taiwan Industrial smile curve Added Value Global Logistics Management Center Innovation and R&D Center High added value Low substitution Developing knowledge-intensive services Manufacturing center for high value-added products Helping makeover of traditional industries Innovation  Design R&D Market Research Manufacture Assembly Logistics Brand    Marketing Services Industrial Value Chain 25 Source: CEPD, Guidelines and Action Plan for Service Industry Development, 2004


27 Figure 10. The Impact of Different Institution Along A Value Chain
Source: Vermeulen et al., 2008

28 Gambar 11. Penerapan “Best Practice” dalam Value Chain
PETANI PEDAGANGAN BESAR /GROSIR DISTRIBUTOR RETAIL KONSUMEN MANUFAKTUR /PRODUSEN Produksi Produk-produk Produksi Produk-produk (Fresh Food ) VALUE CHAIN MANAGEMENT Produksi melimpah saat tertentu Supply yang tidak “reliable”/kontinuitas Ketidakcocokan Supply and Demand Kualitas yang belum memenuhi standar yang diharapkan Usahatani yang tidak efisien Dll Perbaikan reliabilitas supply memenuhi permintaan pasar Monitoring kualitas produk Perbaikan manajemen produksi Promosi praktek usahatani yang efisien Mendorong R&D dan Pelatihan Dll…

29 Figure 12. Global Value Chain in Japan
Source: MAFF, 2015


31 Figure 13. Strategies Pursued by World Class Companies (Lessons Learned From Australia)

32 Table 1. Industrial Organization vs Resource Based View
Industrial Organization (IO) Resource Based View (RBV) Some Authors: Porter, Rumelt Barney, Wernerfelt Focus External—describes environmental conditions favoring high levels of firm performance Internal—describes firm’s internal characteristics and performance Assumptions: Firms within an industry have identical strategic resources. Resources are highly mobile (easily bought and sold) and therefore homogeneous. Firms have idiosyncratic, not identical strategic resources. Resources are not perfectly mobile and therefore heterogeneous.

33 Figure 14. External Analyses’ Outcomes
Opportunities and threats By studying the external environment, organizations identify what they might choose to do

34 Figure 15. Internal Analyses’ Outcomes
Unique resources, capabilities, and competencies By studying the internal environment, firms identify what they can do

35 Figure 16. The Roots of Competitive Advantage

36 Figure 17. Generic Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage

37 5 Concluding Remarks

38 Concluding Remarks: Leadership
The pessimist complain about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the leaders adjusts the sails. -William Arthur Ward Orang pesimis mengeluhkan angin; Orang optimis berharap agar angin berubah; Pemimpin menyesuaikan layar.


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