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Study Group Pengembangan Regulasi Telekomunikasi – WP Licensing 2011 Medan, 29 Juli 2011

2 Agenda Pendahuluan Kondisi Indonesia
Pro Cons Struktur Industri di Negara Lain Usulan Struktur Industri di Indonesia di era Convergence Definisi-definisi dan Kriteria Mapping Penyelenggaraan saat ini ke era konvergensi Struktur Industri di Era Konvergensi Sumber Daya Alam (Frekuensi dan Penomoran) Bisnis Proses Authoroty Masa transisi Merger dan Acquisisition

3 Dampak Perubahan Regulasi terhadap Licensing
UU 36/1999 ttg Telekomunikasi PP terkait Permen terkait RUU ttg Konvergensi RPP terkait RPermen terkait Benchmark dari negara-negara lain Mekanisme : Seleksi Evaluasi Tidak memerlukan Izin Jenis Lisensi : Individual License Class License Exempt License Jenis Penyelenggara : Jaringan Jasa Telsus Kategori Penyelenggara : NFP NSP ASP CASP Perubahan regulasi ke depan, apakah akan mengarah pada jenis lisensi dan kategori penyelenggara, di atas ? Bagaimana transisi regulasinya ?. Bagaimana efek perubahan tersebut pada industri ? Dan masih banyak pertanyaan yang terkait dengan hal tersebut.

4 Struktur Telekomunikasi Existing

5 Struktur Penyelenggaraan Telekomunikasi Existing
Secara umum Struktur & Mekanisme Perizinan Penyelenggaraan Jaringan & Jasa Telekomunikasi yang diatur Kominfo saat ini, dikelompokkan sebagai berikut : Perizinan Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Penyelenggaraan Jaringan Mekanisme Perizinan A. Jaringan Tetap dibedakan : - Jaringan Tetap Lokal SELEKSI - Jaringan Tetap SLJJ - Jaringan Tetap SLI - Jaringan Tetap Tertutup EVALUASI B. Jaringan Bergerak dibedakan : - Jaringan Bergerak Terestrial Tahapan Izin Prinsip dan Izin Penyelenggaraan - Jaringan Bergerak Seluler - Jaringan Bergerak Satelit Penyelenggaraan Jasa Mekanisme Perizinan A. Penyelenggara Jasa Teleponi dasar Layanan dasar penyelenggaraan jaringan B. Penyelenggaraan Jasa Nilai Tambah Teleponi - Panggilan Premium Pengajuan Izin Prinsip dengan Persyaratan - Kartu Panggil - Nomor Telepon Maya (virtual private phone) - Rekaman telepon untuk umum - Store and forward - Pusat layanan informasi (call centre).

6 Penyelenggaraan Jasa Mekanisme Perizinan C. Penyelenggaraan Jasa Multimedia a. Jasa Televisi berbayar EVALUASI b. Jasa Akses internet (internet service provider) c. Jasa Interkoneksi internet (NAP) d. Jasa Internet teleponi untuk keperluan publik e. Jasa Sistem Komunikasi Data f. Jasa Wireless access protocol (WAP) Tidak memerlukan Izin g. Jasa Portal h. Jasa Small office home office (SOHO); i. Jasa Transaksi on line; f. Jasa Aplikasi packet switched selain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, dan i. Mengacu pada PM Kominfo No.01 / 2010 pasal 4, Terdapat pengecualian terhadap ketentuan bahwa , Penyelenggara jaringan telekomunikasi yang memerlukann Alokasi Frekuensi Tertentu dan atau kode Akses Jaringan , jumlah penyelenggaraannya dibatasi dan tatacara perizinannya melalui proses seleksi . Hal ini berlaku sebaliknya (tidak dibatasi) dengan mekanisme perizinan melalui proses Evaluasi.

7 Jumlah Penyelenggara sd 2010


9 License di Singapore

10 FBO dan SBO di Singapore
FBO LICENCE GROUP SBO (CLASS) LICENCE SBO (INDIVIDUAL) LICENCE FBO licence (terrestrial telecom system for national wide radio services) Facilities-based operator licence (generic) FBO Licence (public cellular mobile telephone services) FBO Licence (public mobile data services) FBO designated as public telecommunication licensee FBO licence (public radio paging services) FBO licence (terrestrial telecom network for broadcasting) FBO Licence (public trunk radio services) FBO licence (satellite uplink/downlink licence for broadcasting) Call-back / Call Re-origination Services Resale of Public radio pager services Rental of mobile phone/pager equipment Resale of IDD/STD calls from customer premises payphone Resale of Public switched message services Resale of Public switched data services Resale of Public switched integrated services digital network (ISDN) services Resale of Video/ Teleconferencing services Resale of Private automated branch exchange (PABX) Resale of Others Public Chain Payphones Services Internet-Based Voice and Data Services Others Store-and-Retrieve (S&R) Value-Added Network Services International Calling Card (ICC) Services Audiotex Services – Chatlines Audiotex Services - Games of chance Audiotex Services – Others Resale of Public switched telephone services Resale of Public cellular mobile telephone services International Simple Resale (ISR) Backhaul Bandwidth Capacity Services Live Audiotex Services Prepaid Services - Call-back / Call Re-origination Services Prepaid Services - International Calling Card (ICC) Services Prepaid Services - Internet-Based Voice and Data Services Prepaid Services - Resale of Public Switched Telecommunication Services Prepaid Services - Store-and-Retrieve (S&R) Value-Added Network Services Global Mobile Personal Communications By Satellite (GMPCS) Services Other IP Telephony Services Resale of Leased Circuit Services Number Portability Centralised Database Services Voice and Data Services with Masking of Calling Line Identity Satellite Mobile Telephone or Data Services Mobile Communications on Aircraft Telex Services Public Internet Access Services Internet Exchange Services Virtual Private Network Services Managed Data Network Services Store-and-Forward (S&F) Value-Added Network Services Mobile Virtual Network Operation Bandwidth Capacity Exchange Operation

DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES-BASED OPERATIONS Facilities-based operations refers to the deployment and/or operation of any form of telecommunication network, systems and/or facilities by any person for the purpose of providing telecommunication and/or broadcasting services outside of their own property boundaries to third parties, who may include other licensed telecommunication operators, business customers or the general public. Telecommunication networks, systems and facilities include any telecommunication infrastructure for the carriage of telecommunication or broadcast traffic. The traffic can be cross-border or local in nature, and the network coverage can be nationwide or only confined to selected geographical areas in Singapore. These may include mobile communications systems (e.g. base stations, mobile switching centres) required to offer public mobile phone, paging, trunked radio or mobile data services; and fixed telecommunication systems (e.g. switches, optical fibre, cable ducts, submarine cables, frontier stations, international cable and satellite gateways) required to offer local and international voice, data and leased circuit services. The range of telecommunication services to be provided over the licensees’ facilities can include backbone/wholesale bandwidth capacity and interconnection/access services to other licensed telecommunication operators, or other domestic and international services DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES-BASED OPERATIONS Operators intending to lease telecommunication network elements (such as transmission capacity and switching services) from any Facilities-Based Operator (FBO) licensed by the IDA so as to provide their own telecommunication services, or to resell the telecommunication services of FBOs, to third parties; may apply to IDA for a Services-Based Operator (SBO) Licence. Operators who have deployed telecommunication network, systems and facilities within their own property boundaries, but wish to offer telecommunication services to third parties resident within their property boundaries, should also apply for an SBO licence The SBO licences issued by IDA fall under two categories: the SBO (Individual) Licence category, where individual licensing is required for the stipulated types of operations and services; and the SBO (Class) Licence1 category, where interested parties will only be required to register with IDA before providing the stipulated types of services SBO (Class) Licensees shall not collect money deposits and/or use prepaid cards as a means of collecting payment from their customers. SBO (Individual) Licensees who collect money deposits and/or issue prepaid cards for collection of payments from their customers are required to have a paid-up capital of at least S$100,000 at the point of licensing.

Licencing under the CMA 1998 are formulated to be both technology and service neutral. The licencing regime allows a licencee to undertake activities that are market specific. This creates opportunities for expansion into the industry and provides for a more effective utilisation of network infrastructure. INDIVIDUAL LICENSE : must be applied for and are granted by the Minister1. Special or additional licence conditions may be imposed and such licence conditions are declared by the Minister. The Minister also has the power to modify, vary, revoke or impose further special or additional conditions at any time. CLASS LICENSE : requires registration (granted from the misiter). NETWORK FACILITIES PROVIDERS Who are the owners of facilities such as satellite earth stations, broadband fibre optic cables, telecommunications lines and exchanges, radiocommunications transmission equipment, mobile communications base stations, and broadcasting transmission towers and equipment. They are the fundamental building block of the convergence model upon which network, applications and content services are provided. NETWORK SERVICES PROVIDERS Who provide the basic connectivity and bandwidth to support a variety of applications. Network services enable connectivity or transport between different networks. A network service provider is typically also the owner of the network facilities. However, a connectivity service may be provided by a person using network facilities owned by another. APPLICATIONS SERVICE PROVICERS Who provide particular functions such as voice services, data services, content-based services, electronic commerce and other transmission services. Applications services are essentially the functions or capabilities, which are delivered to end-users. CONTENT APPLICATIONS SERVICE PROVIDERS Who are special subset of applications service providers including traditional broadcast services and newer services such as online publishing and information services.

13 Levels of Regulation


15 Pros and Cons Negara Pros Cons Singapore Malaysia
Pengaturan lebih sederhana Cocok untuk negara yg coverage area layanan ICT sdh 100%, memiliki daya beli yang tinggi, kegiatan bisnis jasa Penyeleggarann telekomunikasi dan penyiaran sudah convergence Dimungkinkan ada beberapa penyelenggaraan belum diadopsi Luas negaranya sangat kecil kurang cocok untuk Indonesia Malaysia Struktur industri detail Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas dan gambaran struktur industri di ke dua negara, struktur yang cocok diterapkan di Indonesia adalah dari Malaysia dengan ada modifikasi yang disesuaikan : struktur industri di Indonesia pada saat ini. Antisipasi Implementasi Teknologi baru Regulasi-regulasi dari Negara lain Kebutuhan jasa layanan ICT masyarakat di masa mendatang Masuknya jasa layanan yang berbasis IT dari negara-negara maju Maka struktur industri di Indonesia diusulkan sebagai berikut : Network Facility Provider >> Penyelenggara Infrastruktur Jaringan Network Service Provider >> Penyelenggara Jasa Jaringan Application Service Provider >> Penyelenggara Jasa Layanan Aplikasi Content Application Provider >>

16 Pengaturan menjadi lebh longgar
Definisi – definisi Penyelenggara Infrastruktur Jaringan Penyediaan infrastruktur jaringan yang diperlukan oleh para penyelenggara diantaranya adalah tower, jaringan akses wireless, jaringan akses wireline, jaringan backbone, jaringan satelite, jaringan trunking, telekomunikasi khusus, jaringan pertahanan dan keamanan, jaringan internet dan lain-lain Penyelenggara Jasa Jaringan Penyediaan jasa jaringan yang dihasilkan penyelenggara jaringan, diantaranya adalah jasa teleponi fixed, jasa telepon seluler, jasa telepon satelit, jasa layanan trunking, jasa NAP, sewa jaringan, sewa tower, dan lainya Penyelenggara Jasa Aplikasi Layanan Penyediaan jasa layanan aplikasi yang dibuat oleh para developer yang memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi IT, content dan lainya Penyelenggara Jasa Layanan Aplikasi ITKP, IP-TV, Transaksi On-line, TV Berbayar, Telekomunikasi Khusus, Hankam SOHO, ISP, E-government, Clearing house, E-commerce, Billing Web hosting, Web hosting, Electronic transaction, content aggregator Jasa Jaringan Jasa Teleponi fixed, jasa teleponi seluler, jasa teleponi satelit sewa jaringan, NAP, VNO, NP Infrastruktur Jaringan Tower, Jaringan Akses Wireline, Jaringan Akses Wireless, Satelite, Backbone, Internasional, Trunking, Telekomunikasi Khusus Open Access Network pada Kawasan bisnis, Perumahan Individual Class Exempt Pengaturan menjadi lebh longgar

17 Perpres No 111 tahun 2007 Daftar Bidang Usaha yang terbuka dengan persyaratan : a. Dicadangkan u/ UMKM (43 Bidang Usaha) LPK Radio & Televisi Jasa Telekomunikasi Wartel Warnet IKR & Gedung b. Kemitraan (36 Bidang Usaha) Jasnita Lainya P. Nilai Tambah Teleponi Call Centre Layanan Content (Ring tone, SMS premium, dsb) P. Multimedia Akses Internet (ISP) c. Kepemilikan Modal (97 Bidang Usaha) P. Jaringan Telekomunikasi Jartap Jartup Kabel (CS / PS) Radio (CS / PS) Jarber Seluler Satelit P. Jasa Multimedia Siskom data NAP ITKP Jasa Multimedia Lainya Test Laboratorium d. Lokasi Tertentu : 1 Bidang Usaha g. Kepemilikan Modal serta Lokasi : 17 Bidang Usaha h. Perizinan Khusus & Kepemilikan Modal : 4 Bidang Usaha i. Modal Dalam Negeri 100% & Perizinan Khusus f. Modal Dalam Negeri 100% : (47 Bidang Usaha) Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta (LPS) Lembaga Penyiaran Berlangganan (LPB) Perusahaan Pers e. Perijinan Khusus (22 Bidang Usaha) Unit Pelayanan Pos Surat Warkat Pos Kartu Pos :  49% :  65% :  95% Jasa Kurir / Jasa Titipan Gol. Kecil Brg Cetakan Surat Kabar Bungkusan Kecil Paket Pengiriman Uang Pada Perpres No. 36 tahun 2010, merubah kategori Akses Internet (ISP) dari Kemitraan menjadi Kepemilikan modal , dengan maksimal kepemilikan Asing 49 %

18 Opportunity Jenis-jenis Lisensi di Era Konvergensi
Penyedia Konten production house, User Generated Content UGC), Provider Generated Content (PGC), digital marketing. Penyedia Layanan Aplikasi layanan (voice, messaging, video), Hosting, ISP, content aggregator, E-transaction, E-government, Virtual Network Operator (VNO), Clearing house, E-commerce, Billing Penyelenggara Layanan Jaringan Connectivity Network (Circuit Switched Core (MSC, MGW), Packet Switched Core (SGSN, GGSN), Evolved Packet Core (SGW, MME, PDN GW, PCRF)) Access Network (PSTN, FWA, Mobile Access (2G, 3G, GSM), Satelit, VPN, WLAN, Broadband (Fixed Broadband, Wireless Broadband, Cellular Broadband), VSAT, Mux Broadcast Network support servers (Network management, Billing/accounting, Customer care), Backbone, backhaul Penyelenggara Fasilitas Jaringan Stasiun bumi satelit, kabel serat optik broadband, jaringan dan sentral telekomunikasi, perangkat transmisi radiokomunikasi, BS komunikasi bererak dan perangkat serta menara transmisi penyiaran

19 Bagaimana posisi dari Jasa layanan baru dari Luar ?
Pemetaan jasa layanan baru yang sudah masuk di pasar di Indonesia dan sudah mempengaruhi bisnis Jasa Layanan Infrastruktur Jaringan Jasa Jaringan Jasa Layanan Aplikasi Blackberry Services NA + +++ Skype Cloud Computing Catatan : + : tingkat kecocokan pengklasifikasian yang rendah +++++ : tingkat kecocokan pengklasifikasian yang tinggi Berdasarkan analisa di atas, klasifiasi jasa layanan aplikasi jaringan, namun dalam dalam kategori apa ? Individual Class Exempt Dengan melihat skala bisnis yang cukup besar untuk jasa layanan tersebut, dimungkinkan lebih cocok dimasukkan dalam kategori Class License.

20 Contoh Pemetaan jasa Layanan baru
Penyelenggara Jasa Layanan Aplikasi ITKP, IP-TV, Transaksi On-line, TV Berbayar, Telekomunikasi Khusus, Hankam SOHO, ISP, E-government, Clearing house, E-commerce, Billing Web hosting, Web hosting, Electronic transaction, content aggregator Jasa Jaringan Jasa Teleponi fixed, jasa teleponi seluler, jasa teleponi satelit sewa jaringan, NAP, VNO, NP Blackberry Servies, Cloud Computing, Skype Infrastruktur Jaringan Tower, Jaringan Akses Wireline, Jaringan Akses Wireless, Satelite, Backbone, Internasional, Trunking, Telekomunikasi Khusus Open Access Network pada Kawasan bisnis, Perumahan Individual Class Exempt Pengaturan menjadi lebh longgar

21 Mapping Lisensi Eksisting ke Lisensi di Era Konvergensi

22 Sumber Daya Alam (Frekuensi dan Penomoran)
Penggunaan sumber daya alam terbatas ini di masa mendatang harus bisa digunakan secara efektif dan efisien agar supaya dapat menunjang kelancaran bisnis / operasional para penyelenggara. Penomoran Frekuensi Kondisi Eksisting Penyelenggara Jaringan Penyelenggara Jasa Penyelenggara jaringan fixed (Microwave) Penyelenggara jaringan bergerak Penyelenggara Jartup Penyelenggara Telsus Di masa mendatang Penyelenggara Infrastruktur Jaringan terkait Penyelenggara Jasa Jaringan Jasa layanan aplikasi Penyelenggara Multiplexing

23 Beberapa item yang terkait dengan Lisensi di Era Konvergensi
Individual License Class License Informasi yang diperlukan : Applicant’s particular & Shareholder Target Market Regional Finansial information Feasibility Study Operating Procedures Proposes Technical & Serice Rollout Description Activity Area Coverage / Type of Technology Research & Development Applicant’s particular Other information required License Fee Application Fee : Approval Fee : Renewal Fee : License Tenure : 15 tahun ? Annual License Fee : 0,xx % - 0,xy % of GAT (Gross Annual Turnover) or Rp Milyar, whichever is greater Registration Fee : Rp. License Tenure : 10 tahun ? License Conditions Roll out within 12 months Compliace with Standardization Suspension of Services Compliance with Consumers Local Content dominant Prohibited content Cencorship of content Standard License Condition

24 Proses Aplikasi Lisensi dan Registrasi dan Authority nya
Applicant Commission / BRTI Menteri Approve (n hari) Submit Application Acknowledge & Check ( n hari) Process & Recommend ( n Bulan ) 30 No 3 2 Yes Individual Grant License Register & Notify Issue License Notify & Inform reason of rejection 3 Approve (n hari) Submit Application Acknowledge, Check & Process ( n bulan) 30 No Class Yes Issue Notofication to Applican Register License Notify & Inform reason of rejection Lamanya proses akan sangat tergantung pada kesiapan dari Regulator dan volume permintaan lisensi di masa mendatang

25 Merger dan Acquisisition
Dasar untuk mengambil sikap dalam kebijakan Merger dan Acquisition Aturan main dan mekanisme dalam regulasi ini sudah disosialisasikan kepada para penyelenggara telekomunikasi Dilakukan evaluasi berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam regulasi, terkait aspek : Teknis Adminsitrasi Keuangan Industri ICT : P. Infrastruktur Jaringan P. Jasa Jaringan P. Jasa Aplikasi Layanan Laporan kepada regulator : Data Teknis / Operasional Laporan Finansial Waktu


27 Terima kasih Tim Pokja Licensing
Ketua : Kalamullah Ramli (Kemenkominfo) Wakil Ketua : Benyamin Sura (Kasubdit Layanan jaringan DJPPI)


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