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Sengketa Batas Maritim dan penyelesaiannya.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Sengketa Batas Maritim dan penyelesaiannya."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Sengketa Batas Maritim dan penyelesaiannya.
I Made Andi Arsana |

2 Isi Kuliah Hari Ini Penyebab sengketa batas maritim
Penyelesaian sengketa batas maritim Negosiasi, mediasi, Arbitrasi dan litigasi Alternatif selain delimitasi: Joint Development Zones dan Mekanisme kerjasama lainnya Studi Kasus Indonesia

3 Penyebab Sengketa Batas Maritim
Klaim sepihak Batas yang belum tuntas Sumberdaya alam Belum ada batas sama sekali Sengkete pulau Adanya pulau kecil (Batek) Perbedaan garis LK dan ZEE 3

4 Indonesia-Malaysia-Vietnam-Thailand-India
I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011 Ina-My Ina-Viet Ina-Tha Ina-Ind Why do you want to take this off? What you are doing is a crime and unethical  I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011 4

5 Delimitasi EEZ di Selat Malaka – Usulan dan Kemungkinan
r Anda memasuki Perairan Indonesia Batas ZEE Usulan Indonesia Batas ZEE (Usulan Malaysia) Indonesia Malaysia Pak Cik yang masuk kat perairan awak I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011 Equidistance (sama jarak) Alasan kepraktisan Garis batas dasar laut (LK) (Disepakati tahun 1969) Are you sure to take it off? I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011 Why do you want to take this off? What you are doing is a crime and unethical  I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011

6 “Insiden terjadi di perairan Indonesia”
Media dan Birokrat…. “Insiden terjadi di perairan Indonesia” “Insiden terjadi di perairan Indonesia”

7 Opsi Penyelesaian Sengketa
Negosiasi Para pihak memegang kendali terhadap kasus Mediasi Memerlukan pihak ketiga, para pihak saling bertemu Arbitrase Memerlukan pihak ketiga, para pihak tidak harus saling bertemu Ligitasi  Mahkamah Internasional atau ITLOS Para pihak menyerahkan ke lembaga peradilan

8 Selain Delimitasi? Joint Development Zone (Ina-Aus-TL)
Timor Leste’s independence (1999/2002) East Timor Integration Seabed delimitation (Ina-Aus) 1970s Potential lateral Boundaries (Ina-TL) Indonesia Timor Sea Treaty -JPDA- (TL-Aus, 2002) Invalidation of the Timor Gap Treaty Timor Gap Treaty (Ina-Aus, 1989) Rote Islands Indonesia’s waters but Australia’s seabed Ashmore Islands EEZ delimitation (1997) Official claim by the British (1878) Cartier Island 1600s  ‘Indonesians’ came to fish MoU Box (1974) traditional fishing rights Scott Reef Browse Island Australia I Made Andi Arsana © 2012

9 Solusi Sementara? (Indonesia-Malaysia MoU)
Kisah nelayan di kawasan abu-abu ...

10 Solusi Sementara? (Indonesia-Malaysia MoU)
Sebuah solusi sementara ... 11 Pasal Berlaku di semua kawasan yangn batas maritimnya belum tuntas Tindak pencegahan  nelayan tidak ditangkap tapi diminta pergi Berikutnya: SOP , pelatihan bersama dengan skenario

11 KASUS Perbatasan di Indonesia

12 Insiden Perbatasan di Selat Malaka 7 April 2011
I Made Andi Arsana © 2011 `

13 The absence of maritime boundaries (EEZ)
Maritime incidents

14 EEZ Delimitation  Article 74 of UNCLOS
“The delimitation of exclusive economic zone between States with opposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement on the basis of international law, as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution.” Compared to Territorial Sea delimitation (Art. 15): [...] “neither of the two States is entitled, failing agreement between them to the contrary, to extend its territorial sea beyond the median line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two States is measured.” [...]

15 Pertanyaannya: Apakah yg dimaksud “equitable solution”?
EEZ Delimitation  Article 74 UNCLOS Pertanyaannya: Apakah yg dimaksud “equitable solution”? Haruskah sama jarak/equidistant? Bisakah sama jarak dianggap adil/equitable?

16 Menuju solusi permanen: delimitasi batas maritim!
I Made Andi Arsana © 2011 ` Batas dasar laut (1969) Batas EEZ (Usulan Indonesia) Batas EEZ (Usulan Malaysia) Opsi batas maritim [?] Why do you want to take this off? What you are doing is a crime and unethical  I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011

17 Perbedaan batas ZEE dan LK: Indonesia-Malaysia
I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2011 “… organisms which, at the harvestable stage, either are immobile on or under the seabed or are unable to move except in constant physical contact with the seabed or subsoil” (LOSC, Art. 77 (4)) Batas ZEE (di masa depan) Batas landas kontinen (dasar laut)  1969 I Made Andi Arsana © 2012 Why do you want to take this off? What you are doing is a crime and unethical  I Made Andi Arsana (c) 2012 17

18 Sengketa Blok Ambalat Malaysia Note:
Batas darat Malaysia Blok Japex (‘66) (Sabah) Blok NE Kalimantan (‘70) Klaim Malaysia (‘79) P. Ligitan Blok Sebawang (‘97) Blok Bukat (‘98) Kr. Unarang P. Sipadan Garis 4° 10’ LU Ambalat? Hak berdaulat! Note: This illustration is created by I Made Andi Arsana. Objects depicted here is for illustrative purposes only and do not necessarily represent true and accurate location and dimension. The use of this illustration for any objective must be with a written permission from I Made Andi Arsana. Blok Ambalat (‘99) Blok Ambalat Timur (‘04) Blok ND6 and ND7 M’sia (’05) Tumpang tindih klaim Kapal Malaysia (‘09) [?] Tanpa skala, untuk ilustrasi saja Borneo Garis pangkal Indonesia Batas LT Indonesia Batas LT Malaysia Tumpang tindih LT Batas ZT Indonesia Indonesia Batas ZT Malaysia (Kalimantan) Tumpang tindih ZT Opsi batas maritim? Opsi batas maritim? Arsana, 2009

19 Insiden di Tanjung Berakit tanggal 14 Agustus 2010
Indonesia’s Baselines not to scale, for illustrative purposes only 1969 seabed boundary (Ina-My) © I Made Andi Arsana, 2010 1973 territorial sea boundary (Ina-Sg) Malaysia’s 1979 Map Sovereignty dispute (MY-SIN) Indonesia’s claim 2009 territorial sea boundary (Ina-Sg) Johor Indonesia’s claim Overlapping claim Johor You are entering Indonesian waters. We are patrolling our waters. We will arrest you! Tanjung Punggai You are the one entering our waters. We are also patrolling our waters. We will arrest you! Pedra Branca Singapore Middle Rocks Pulau-pulau Lima PROTEST NOTES South Legde Tg. Berakit Pulau Bintan Pulau Batam

20 Maritime delimitation options
EEZ? 12 M Pt. 11 Malaysia Singapore P. Branca (SG) M. Rocks (MY) Pt. 6 S. Ledge (MY) Indonesia Indonesia

21 Persiapan Kuliah Minggu Depan
Batas Pengelolaan Laut Daerah Pasal 25 UUD ’45 Pasal 33 UUD ’45 UU tentang pemerintahan daerah (UU No. 32/2004) Ketentuan teknis penentuan batas pengelolaan laut daerah

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