MATERI #12 sistem dan model EVALUASI DIRI

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1 MATERI #12 sistem dan model EVALUASI DIRI

2 ‘Writing “I” Makes Me III’
Quote ‘Writing “I” Makes Me III’

3 Overview Manajemen Kinerja vs Tinjauan Kinerja
Performance Management Continuous interaction Part of the ongoing “routine” Ongoing development Observations with feedback for small incremental changes “Real-time” here-and-now orientation Eg.: coaching Performance Review Singular meeting (2x’s/yr) “Dedicated” time Development “plan” Summarizes results against expectations Documentation of past events Eg.: evaluation

4 Tujuan dari Tinjauan Kinerja
GIVING Feedback RECEIVING ENGAGEMENT Regarding performance & development

5 The Fundamental Concepts of Excellence
Results Orientation Customer Focus Leadership & Constancy of Purpose Management by Processes & Facts People Development & Involvement Continuous Learning, Innovation & Improvement Partnership Development Corporate Social Responsibility

6 Excellence Model

7 Konsep dan Definisi Evaluasi Diri
Merupakan metode perencanaan untuk perbaikan kinerja individual karyawan, tidak ditujukan sebagai proses untuk implikasi penghargaan (reward) Definisi Sebuah deskripsi atau narasi prestasi karyawan yang berkaitan dengan tujuan dari pekerjaan.

8 Mengapa Perlu Evaluasi Diri? Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock
Self-assessment is the first step in goal setting. When employees self-assess with a rubric, they begin to see where they want to go: the next block on the Continuum of Improvement rubric. Self-assessment can reveal what other strategies can never reveal (strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, effort). The process of self-assessing motivates employees by creating ownership and commitment to their own learning

9 Tujuan Evaluasi Diri Karyawan
Membantu karyawan dan supervisor dalam mempersiapkan evaluasi kinerja. Mengundang karyawan untuk menjadi bagian dari diskusi tentang kinerja selama periode sebelumnya. Membantu karyawan untuk merefleksikan kinerja dalam satu tahun terakhir. Mendokumentasikan prestasi kerja berikut dampaknya pada unit kerja. Sebagai suatu standar, harapan dan tujuan untuk periode berikutnya.

10 Konten Evaluasi Diri Major Areas of Responsibility (This is what you do) Performance Competencies—Skills and Behaviors (This is how you do it) Taking Responsibility Customer Focus Problem Solving/Creativity Collaboration/Teamwork Communication/Interpersonal Skills Overall Assessment Note: the manager completes a brief summary of the employee’s overall performance Development Plan Strengths Growth/Development Opportunities What will employee do? What can the manager do to support this? Performance Goals and Expectations Using SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)

11 Menyiapkan Pernyataan Evaluasi Diri
Assess Readiness Sample Performance Log Writing Self Assessment Sample Descriptions and Impact Statements Action Verbs

12 Manfaat Evaluasi Diri Karyawan
Membantu karyawan dan supervisor dalam mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan kinerja periodik secara keseluruhan Memberikan supervisor wawasan yang lebih baik mengenai pandangan pribadi karyawan dan pemahaman tugas, fungsi, serta tanggung jawab pekerjaannya. Merupakan kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan atasan tentang pemahaman atas tugas, tanggung jawab, standar kinerja, harapan, dan prestasi kerja.

13 Teknik Evaluasi Diri Karyawan
Opening Staff member arrives open-minded. Supervisor describes process & invites self-assessment. Self-Assessment Staff comments on self-assessment & gives examples. Supervisory Comments Supervisor identifies areas of agreement with own examples; provides rationale & examples to explain differences. Staff responds/asks questions to clarify. Develop Discussion Staff member and Supervisor discuss career interests & development activities Summary Supervisor summarizes ‘core message.’ Staff member listens, responds, thanks supervisor for feedback.

14 Hubungan Evaluasi Diri, Perencanaan Strategis dan Perbaikan Berkelanjutan
the plans that an organization puts in place to enable it to achieve its mission and vision. Strategic planning a comprehensive, systematic and regular review by the organization of its activities and results referenced against a model of Excellence which allows an organization to discern clearly its strengths and areas in which improvements can be made and culminates in planned improvement actions that are then monitored for progress. Self-assessment making both incremental and strategic changes to all the functions of an organization to make it excellent. Continuous Improvement

15 Audit SDM, Evaluasi Diri, dan Sistem Penghargaan
HR Audit Compliance against a standard Can tend to be negative-corrective action Usually done by an “outsider” or “specialist” Gives an historical view Auditor is often looking to find fault Self Evaluation Positioning against a framework Usually positive-strengths and areas for improvements Best done by yourself, perhaps facilitated by a specialist Both historical and forward looking Aim is to be motivating for those involved Award Is a competition Marketing tool/Publicity Is a way of recognising a level of achievement Involves a judging process Motivating for those receiving the award

16 Next  Sistem Penilaian Kinerja di Indonesia & Internasional

17 KUIS #3 Lakukan penilaian kinerja atas diri anda sesuai dengan konsep yang telah dipelajari! Lenjutkan dengan menyusun pernyataan evaluasi diri dengan menggunakan konten evaluasi diri – waktu 30 menit

Major Areas of Responsibility (This is what you do) Performance Competencies—Skills and Behaviors (This is how you do it) Taking Responsibility, Problem Solving/Creativity, Collaboration/Teamwork, Communication/Interpersonal Skills Development Plan Strengths, Growth/Development Opportunities, What will you do? Performance Goals and Expectations Using SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)

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