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Diterbitkan olehShinta Makmur Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
IT AUDITS IT audits: pemeriksaan terhadap proses atau data yang melekat dengan teknologi informasi. Berkaitan dengan internal, external, dan fraud audits Jangkauan pemeriksaan IT semakin meningkat Teknik Audit Berbantuan Komputer (TABK) CAATTs (Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques) audit through computer IT governance as part of corporate governance Sertifikasi CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) Standar, pedoman dan sertifikasi dikelola oleh: ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association)
Audit Around The Computer
Seperti audit manual Hanya memeriksa input dan output saja, tanpa pemeriksaan lebih dalam terhadap penggunaan program. Jika input dan output benar dianggap benar Dilakukan jika sebagian besar pengolahan data masih manual dan penggunaan komputer hanya ut beberapa bagian saja
Audit With The Computer
Selain input dan output juga diperiksa proses pada komputer, dapat digunakan file-file transaksi yang berkaitan
Audit Through The Computer
Melaksanakan pekerjaan audit dengan bantuan komputer
Lecture notes IS Auditing
IT AUDITS IT audits (Hall, 2005) : Focus on the computer-based aspects of an organization’s information system Assess the proper implementation, operation, and control of computer resources Haryono, MCom, Akt. 3
Information System Auditing (Weber,1999)
“IS Auditing is the process of collecting and evaluating evidence to determine whether a computer system safeguards assets, maintains data integrity, allows organizational goals to be achieved effectively, and uses resources efficiently”
The Work of an IT Auditor
Evaluating controls over specific applications Providing assurance over specific processes Providing third-party assurance Penetration testing Supporting the financial audit Searching for IT-based fraud (Hunton, 2004)
What is an IT Audit? … most accounting transactions to be in electronic form without any paper documentation because electronic storage is more efficient. … These technologies greatly change the nature of audits, which have so long relied on paper documents.
IT Audit? Proses pengumpulan dan evaluasi fakta/bukti untuk menentukan apakah sistem (terkomputerisasi): Menjaga aset Memelihara integritas data Memampukan komunikasi & akses informasi Mencapai tujuan operasional secara efektif Mengkonsumsi sumber daya secara efisien
Lecture notes IS Auditing
Issues in IS Auditing Why we are concerned about control and audit of computer systems Nature & types of management and application controls and their relative strengths and limitations Types of evidence collection techniques available Types of evidence evaluation techniques available How to do an IS audit and how to manage its Haryono, MCom, Akt.
Need for Control & Audit of Computer Systems
Improved asset safeguarding Improved system effectiveness Improved system efficiency IS Auditing Improved data integrity
Changes to Evidence Collection
New internal control technology needed Greater number and diversity of internal controls Internal controls are more critical New evidence collection technologies needed Greater number and diversity of evidence collection techniques
Changes to Evidence Evaluation
Computer errors tend to be deterministic rather than stochastic computer – always executes incorrectly Overall evaluation of the evidence collected is more difficult to undertake
Effects of Other Disciplines on IS Auditing
Traditional Auditing Computer Science Behavioral Science IS AUDITING IS/IT Security Management IS Management
CISA Examination Content Areas
Impact IT on Audit Profession
Education programs needed Quality publications needed in IT area IT Chapter needed New methods and fresh approaches required Auditing in real time
Substantive Testing Phase
Phases of an IS audit Review of Organization’s Policies, Practices & structure Plan test of controls and Substantive Testing Procedures Audit Planning Phase Review General and Application controls Test of Controls Phase Substantive Testing Phase Perform Tests of Controls Perform Substantive Tests Evaluate Test Results Evaluate results and Issue Auditor’s report Determine degree of Reliance on controls Audit Report
THE IT ENVIRONMENT Selalu diperlukan sistem pengendalian internal yang efektif pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Lingkungan dengan IT menciptakan ‘kerumitan’ baru dari sistem ‘kertas’ sebelumnya: Data digital menjadi utama pentingnya akses dan hubungan dalam jaringan Meningkatnya cara kecurangan atau kejahatan baru yang mungkin sulit dideteksi. (baik manajemen ataupun dari pihak luar)
THE IT ENVIRONMENT Audit planning Tests of controls Substantive tests
CAATT (Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques)
INTERNAL CONTROL is … policies, practices, procedures … designed to …
safeguard assets ensure accuracy and reliability promote efficiency measure compliance with policies
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