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Presentasi berjudul: "TERMAL DEEP PENETRATION"— Transcript presentasi:

( TDP ) Penghasil panas Dr. H. BAMBANG ERMANADJI, MM, Akupunkturis

2 Perangsang tap Jarum : tusukan; Jari, alat : tekanan;
Moksa : penghangatan; Electro Stimulator, APS : gelombang LASER, : gelombang, “tembakan” Sono : gelombang suara Termal, gelombang-penghangatan

3 TDP =Special Electromagnetic Therapeutic Apparatus (SETA);
Punya 2 alat : 1. TDP tipe YH-D, infra red heater, = magic Lamp (?); 2. TDP tipe CQ 29 = mysterious lamp (?).

4 TDP tipe CQ 29 Named : “mysterious lamp”
Panjang Gelombang : 2 – 25 μ dg : Kekuatan : 28 – 35 mW/cm2, identik dg gel elektromagnetik tbh, shg mdh diserab dan disimpan tbh; Indikasi : 31 mcm Py menggunakan 47 tap CARA PENGGUNAAN : Jarak Lampu dan sasaran 20 – 30 cm Lama paparan tergantung kelainan, lihat tabel Clinical Application below (slide ) Sehari 1 -2 kali, selama 5 – 10 hr; bs lebih bl utk pemeliharaan kesehatan

5 SPECIFICATION Spectrum : 2-25 mikron Power : 220 V, 250 W
Timer : s/d 60mnt Temperatur Treatment plate : >2800 C Diameter Treatmen plate : 124 mm, Temperatur working plate : C Humidity working plate : < 80% Term validity of radiating plate : 1000 jam

6 EFEK TDP CQ-29 Penghasil panas Acupoint stimulator ??
Memelihara metabolisme Memperbaiki Aliran darah Merangsang pertumbuhan Lindungi mata bl paparan pd wajah, mis utk kasus Bell’s Palsy Penghasil panas Acupoint stimulator ??

7 Kontra Indikasi : Penghasil panas Panas tinggi ( high fever )
TBC aktif Arteriosclerosis Rawan perdarahan (tendency of bleeding) Hipertension Penghasil panas

No Diseases Irradiating Portion Points Time 1 Parenchyma Injuried Focus Portion 1 – 15 2 Strain of Lumbar muscle 42, 33, 34 8 3 Sciatica Waist of Buttock Pinggang bokokng ----- 20 – 100 4 Wound Infection Focus Portion*) 3 – 10 5 Burn, Frost bite, Chilblains (bengkak) Focus Portion**) 2 - 8 *) = clean the focus portion **) = keep focus portion dry

No Diseases Irradiating Portion Points Time 6 Furuncle, carbuncle, bedsore Focus Portion 10 7 Chronic Ulcer ----- 20 8 Alopecia 9 Frozen Shoulder Focus Portion*) 26, 27, 28 3 Prostatitis Focus Portion**) 18, 47, 11 5 11 Impotence Lower belly 42, 11, 17 12 Lymphangitis 4

No Diseases Irradiating Portion Points Time 13 Diarhrea Lower belly 6 2-10 14 Dysentery (perut bawah) 5 15 Chronic Bronchitis Chest of back 4, 22 16 Bronchial Asthma 38 17 Silicosis 4 90 18 Coronary Cardiac Disease Left chest heartare 20, 19, 39 1-7 19 Rheumatic Arthritis Focus Portion ----- 12

No Diseases Irradiating Portion Points Time 20 Hepatitis Focus Position ----- 7 – 14 21 Gastritis Belly 10, 19 6 22 Dysmenorrhea Lower belly 8, 16, 12, 21, 11 3 -7 23 Pelvic Infection 11, 8 17 24 Infantile Diarrhea Navel Region (pusar) 6, 10 3 – 5 25 Children Pneumonia Chest of back 3 – 9 26 Parotitis Focus portion

No Diseases Irradiating Portion Points Time 27 Bell’s Palsy*) Focus portion 36, 14 2-40 28 Neurasthenic Back neck 24, 20, 11 2-10 29 Eczema**) ----- 10 30 Dermatophytosis**) 6-30 31 Nerve Dermatitis**) 13 *) = Cover eyes **) = cleann the focus portion

No NAME 1 Shuigou 2 Chengjiang 3 Tiatu 4 Shanzhong 5 Zhongwan 6 Shenjue 7 Leique 8 Qihai 9 Zhongji 10 Zhushanli No NAME 11 Shanyinjiao 12 Taichong 13 Baihui 14 Xiaguan 15 Tianshu 16 Guanyuan 17 Qugu 18 Huiyin 19 Neiguan 20 Shenmen No NAME 21 Xuehai 22 Fenglong 23 Gongshun 24 Fengchi 25 Dazhu 26 Jianyu 27 Naoyu 28 Quchi 29 Tianjing 30 Zhigou

No NAME 31 Danyu 32 Minmen 33 Yaoyangguan 34 Weizhong 35 Chenshan 36 Fenghu 37 Tianzhu 38 Feiyu 39 Xinyu 40 Ganyu No NAME 41 Weiyu 42 Shenyu 43 Hegu 44 Guantiao 45 Dachangyu 46 Pangguangyu 47 Huiyan

15 TDP tipe YHD = infra red heater, = Magic Lamp (?);
Memperbaiki metabolisme, Aliran darah lebih baik, Menyembuhkan radang, gatal, diare, Mngobati insomnia, Membantu pertumbuhan epitel dan mengatur fungi fisiol (regulate physiological function) A kind of health care appliance

16 Kontra indikasi Indikasi : Fever, Diffused phthysis,
TDP tipe YHD Fever, Diffused phthysis, Severe arteriosclerosis Haemorrhage On the head of hypertension patient Indikasi : lihat pd Tabel Clinical Application (slide 18) lbh sedikit bl dibanding tipe CQ-29

17 Cara menggunakan On-kan time switch, biarkan pemanasan 15 menit;
Jarak 30 cm; Hasil optimum bl penyinaran 400 C (temperatur kurang efeknya kurang, temperatur berlebih bs berakibat hurt the skin “membakar kulit” Penyinaran dapat difokuskan Wkt 30 – 60 mnt Sehari 1 atau 2 kali slm 7 – 10 hr

18 Indications and Clinical application
Disease Shining portion Acupoints Distances Omitis Shoulder portion Jian, Jianjing 30 – 40 Limb arthritis Trouble portion ----- Wound operation Operation portion Sciatica Irritation ChengShan, circular jump Lumbal strain Loins portion Kidney Shu 30 Soft tissue Injury Injured portion Wound infections Infected portion Infants diarrhea Navel region HeGu Neurasthenia Back neck FengChi

19 Panjang Gelombang : 2 – 25 μ dg : Kekuatan : 28 – 35 mW/cm2 Infra Red
CQ 29 YH-D Mysterious Lamp Magic Lamp Panjang Gelombang : 2 – 25 μ dg : Kekuatan : 28 – 35 mW/cm2 Infra Red Panas tinggi ( high fever ) TBC aktif Arteriosclerosis Rawan perdarahan (tendency of bleeding) Hipertension

20 TDP Akp = ilmu dan seni ! Acupoint stimulator ? Atau bukan ?
Efektifitas dibanding APS ? Harga ? Tempat beli ? Menarik minat pelanggan ? TDP tipe YHD

21 wass wr wb pertanyaan ??

22 Daftar Pustaka Mannual Book TDP CQ-29 Mannual Book TDP YH-D


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