Fungsi Analisis pada SIG

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1 Fungsi Analisis pada SIG

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menunjukkan fungsi-fungsi analisis dari suatu pemodelan dengan SIG

3 Outline Materi Materi 1 : Jenis Fungsi Analisis
Materi 2 : Pengukuran dalam SIG Materi 3 : Perbedaan analisis data Raster dan Vektor Materi 4 : Permasalahan dalam analisis data

4 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (1)
Reclassification Buffering Neighborhood Integrating data-Map Overlay Spatial Interpolation Analysis of Surfaces Network Analysis

5 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (2)
Reclassification : Usually to produce a new simple code image from a complex original image, is a very useful technique to be used in further analysis. Original class Reclassification Forest 2. Paddy field 1. Green Area…. 3. ……. 4. Housing 5. ……… 2. Red Area…..

6 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (3)
Buffering : Is used to identify a zone of interest around an entity or set of entities. Buffer zones around : Points Line Area

7 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (4)
Neighborhood : The values of individual cells are altered on the basis of adjacency E.q. : Filtering, will change the value of a cell based on the attributes of neighboring cells. Applying 3x3 square filter to recalculate value for cell c4 (in the right) 6 3 2 1 5 4 a b c d e f Minimum Filter c4 = 1 Maximum Filter c4 = 3 Mean Filter c4 = 1.89 Modal Filter c4 = 2 (most frequently occurring class) Diversity Filter c4 = 3 (number of different classes : 1,2,3)

8 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (5)
Integrating data-Map Overlay : Vector Overlay Point in Polygon Line in Polygon Polygon on Polygon Raster Overlay Point in Polygon (using add) Line in Polygon (using add) Polygon on polygon (using add) Polygon on polygon (Boolean alternative)

9 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (6)
Spatial Interpolation : Local or Global Exact or approximate Gradual or Abrupt Deterministic or stochastic Analysis of Surfaces : Calculating Slope & Aspect Visibility Analysis

10 Jenis Fungsi Analisis (7)
Network Analysis : Location-allocation Model Route Tracing Quantitative Spatial Analysis Exploratory & Descriptive Statistics Predictive Statistics Prescriptive Statistics

11 Pengukuran dalam SIG Pengukuran Raster Length Pythagorean Distance
Manhattan Distance Proximity Distance Perimeter Area Pengukuran Vector Distance

12 Analisis data Raster & Vektor
Perbedaan analisis data Raster dan Vektor : Users need to be aware of the strengths & weakness of different type of GIS (raster & vector). Have limitations of some of the functions they routinely apply (e.q. length measurements). GIS analyst should be able to produce useful answers by combining data analysis functions into an analysis scheme. New analysis tools frequently start out in the academic domain

13 Permasalahan dalam analisis data
Permasalahan dalam vector & raster overlay : The modifiable areal unit problem. Ecological fallacy Selecting threshold criteria Visual complexity

14 Penutup Mahasiswa diharapkan telah mampu menunjukkan fungsi-fungsi analisis dari suatu pemodelan dengan SIG.

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