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Sesi 8 Sistem Elektronik Bisnis
Tujuan Mengidentifikasi setiap fungsi sistem E-bisnis dan memberikan contoh bagaimana sistem ini memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan, konsumen dan mitra bisnis Enterprise resource planning Customer relationship management Enterprise application integration Supply chain management Proses transaksi on line SI Keuangan SI Akutansi SI Pemasaran SI SDM SI Manufaktur
Tujuan Memberikan contoh bagaimana Internet dan teknologi informasi mendukung proses bisnis yang berkaitan dengan fungsi Akutansi, Keuangan, Sumber Daya Manusia, pemasaran, produksi dan manajemen operasi
Arsitektur Aplikasi E-Bisnis
Enterprise Applications
Conversion Notes This slide is new to the 6th edition Teaching Notes The trend is for these core enterprise applications to be purchased. These purchased applications are never sufficient to meet all the information needs of the organization. Thus systems analysts and other developers are asked to develop value-added applications to meet additional needs. This is often called systems integration. 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
A Federation of Information Systems
Teaching Notes This slide visually illustrates front- and back-office applications and highlights the following: Many organizations purchase their back-office systems in the form of enterprise resource planning (ERP) products such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and Oracle. The ERP industry is trying to expand into the front-office applications. It might be noted that electronic commerce and business extensions are being added to both front- and back-office applications in order to streamline interfaces to both customers and suppliers. E-commerce is being driven by the Internet (and private extranets). E-business is being enabled by intranets. 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Enterprise Applications - ERP
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – a software application that fully integrates information systems that span most or all of the basic, core business functions. An ERP solution is built around a common database shared by common business functions. Representative ERP vendors: Baan J. D. Edwards Oracle Peoplesoft SAP AG (the market leader) Teaching Notes ERP is dramatically changing the role of the modern systems analyst. Instead of spending effort on requirements planning and systems design, ERP redirects effort to activities such as customization, business process redesign and alignment, and system implementation. Systems analysts who work on ERP projects are almost always called systems integrators. 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Enterprise Applications - CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – a software application that provides customers with access to a business’s processes from initial inquiry through postsale service and support. Representative CRM vendors: BroadVision E.piphany Kana Nortel/Clarity Peoplesoft/Vanitive Siebel (the market leader) Conversion Notes This slide is new to the 6th edition 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Customer Relationship Management
Sales Cross-Sell Up-Sell TeleSales Store Front and Field Service Marketing and Fulfillment Customer Service and Support Retention and Loyalty Programs Contact Management
Cross-Functional Integrated Systems
Front Office Applications Aplikasi CRM Layanan Konsumen Layanan Lapangan Pemesanan Konfigurasi Produksi Back Office Aplikasi ERP Distribusi Pabrikasi Penjadwalan Keuangan Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Application Cluster Konsumen Suplier Mitra Bisnis
Supply Chain No additional notes. 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Enterprise Applications - SCM
Supply Chain Management (SCM) – a software application that optimizes business processes for raw material procurement through finished product distribution by directly integrating the logistical information systems of organizations with those of their suppliers and distributors. Representative SCM vendors: i2 Technologies Manugistics SAP SCT Conversion Notes This slide is new to the 6th edition 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Supply Chain Management
Jadwal Pembuatan Pengiriman Perencanaan Transportasi Kebutuhan Komitmen Pemesanan Advance Scheduling Pabrikasi Distribusi Internetworked Supply Chain Management Siklus Supply Chain SCM Functional Processes Solusi Integrasi Komitmen
Sistem Proses Transaksi
Perawatan Database Proses Transaksi Batch Online/Realtime Pemasukan Data Dokumen dan Pembuatan Laporan Pemeriksaan 1 2 3 4 5
Fungsi Sistem Informasi Bisnis
Operasi Produksi Pemasaran Sumber Daya Manusia Keuangan Akutansi Fungsi Sistem Bisnis
Sistem Informasi Pemasaran
Interaktif Sales Force Automation Customer Relationship Management Manajemen Penjualan Research Pasar dan peramalan Iklan dan promosi Produksi
Target Pasar Context Content Demographic/ Psychographic
Online Behavior Community Context Demographic/ Psychographic Content 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Sistem Informasi Produksi
Engineering Systems CAD CAE Computer- Aided Process Planning Manufacturing Execution Ruangan Produksi Jadwal Kontrol Mesin Kontrol Proses Kontrol Robot Computer Integrated Manufacturing Resource Peramalan Produksi Quality Control Remote Worker Supplier Extranet Intranet
Manjemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja Pencarian Anlisis Biaya Pekerja Analisis Pendapatan Recruitment Pekerjaan Keahlian Evaluasi Kontrol Upah Administrasi Keuntungan Kompensasi Yg efektif Analisa Biaya Kontrak Peramalan Gaji Penggantian Kinerja Training yg efektif Karir yag sesuai Staffing Pelatihan & Pengembangan Compensation Administration Sistem Strategi Tactical Systems Operasional
Sistem Informasi Akutansi
Sistem Informasi Keuangan
Perencanaan Cash Management Manajemen Investasi Capital Budgeting
Fungsi Sistem Bisnis
Definisi Sistem Informasi Pemasaran
Sistem yang berbasiskan komputer yang bekerja dalam hubungan dengan sistem informasi yang lain untuk mendukung manajemen perusahaan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan yang berkaitan dengan pemasaran produk 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 7
Model SI Pemasaran Output Database Input Product Place Promotion Price
Integrated mix Database Input SIA Marketing research Marketing intelligence 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 8
MKIS Model D A T B S E Input subsystems Output subsystems
Data Information Input subsystems Output subsystems Product subsystem D A T B S E Accounting informationsystem Place subsystem Internal sources Marketing research subsystem Promotion subsystem Users Price subsystem Environmental sources Marketing intelligence subsystem Integrated-mix subsystem 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
SI Manufaktur Definisi
Sistem berbasiskan komputer yang bekerja dalam hubungan dengan fungsi sistem informasi yang lain untuk mendukung manajemen perusahaan dalam memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan pabrikasi produk perusahaan 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 14
SI Manufaktur Dipergunakan untuk mendukung proses produksi
Evolusi penggunaan komputer pada manufaktur Systems keyed on reorder points MRP JIT
Sistem MRP Purchasing system 3. Capacity Bill of Customer requirements
material file 3. Capacity requirements planning Customer order file Order release report Sales forecast file Planned order schedule Master produc- tion schedule 1.Production scheduling system 2. Material requirements planning system 4.Order release system Finished- goods inventory file Order release report Planning reports Produc- tion capacity file Raw materials inventory file Performance reports Exception reports Changes to planned orders Shop floor control system 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 8
SI SDM HRMS (Human Resource Management System) dipakai pada industri
Tidak selalu berbasis komputer Mengatur data SDM dan informasi 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 4
SI SDM Pemrosesan yang berkaitan dengan SDM
Pemrosesan pegawai berdasarkan SI SDM
Aktivitas utama SDM Employees Data Management The Firm Education
& Training Hiring Terminat- ion Benefit Administration Recruiting The Firm Potential Employees Employees Retired Employees Data Management 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 3
Model SI SDM Recruiting subsystem HRIS Database Compensation Subsystem
Output subsystems Input subsystems Work force planning subsystem Data Information Accounting information system Recruiting subsystem Internal sources Human resources research system Work force management subsystem Users HRIS Database Environmental sources Compensation Subsystem Manufacturing intelligence subsystem Benefits subsystem Environmental reporting subsystem 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 9
Sistem Informasi Akutansi
Mengumpulkan data yang menggambarkan kegiatan perusahaan Merubah data menjadi informasi Menjadikan informasi dapat dipergunakan untuk pengguna di dalam perusahaan dan diluar perusahaan
Model Sistem Informasi Akutansi
Lingkungan Informasi Manajemen Data processing software Data Database Accounting Information System Input physical resources Output physical resources Transform Lingkungan 11-34 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 3
Kegiatan Pemrosesan Data
1. Mengumpulkan Data Setiap transaksi didokumentasi Apa yg terjadi? Kapan terjadinya? Berapa (volume, nilai)? Menjelaskan Transaksi 2. Manipulasi data Menggolongkannya (mengggunakan kode) Mengurutkannya Menghitungnya Meringkasnya 3. Menyimpan data Menjelaskan setiap transaksi Mewakili dari database 4. Penyiapan Dokumen Kegiatan dan waktu Kertas atau di layar 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 5
Hubungan Diagram Sistem Distribusi Sistem Distribusi Konsumen Supplier
Sales orders Commitments Purchases orders Rejected sales order notices Shipments Supplier invoices Invoices Supplier Sistem Distribusi Supplier statements Statements Payments by customers Payments to suppliers Income Balance statement sheet Stock Materials stockroom Budget reports Manajemen Other reports 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Distribusi Konsumen Fill Orders 3. Order Maintain
Sales Orders Konsumen Diagram Sistem Distribusi Rejected sales order notices Invoices Statements 1. Fill Orders Payments by customers Receivables ledger data Inventory ledger data Purchasing data Commitments Received items 2. Order replenish- ment stock 3. Maintain general ledger Payables ledger data Purchase Orders Other reports Shipments Supplier Supplier invoices Budget reports Balance sheet Supplier statements Income statement Payments to suppliers Manajemen Materials stockroom Stock 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Rejected sales order notices
Diagram Sistem Pemesanan oleh Konsumen Sales orders Rejected sales order notices Konsumen Accepted orders 1.1 Penerimaan Pemesanan Filled items Completed orders 1.2 Inventori Payments by customers Statements Invoices 1.3 Billing Billed orders 1.4 Accounts receivable Purchasing data Inventory ledger data Receivables ledger data 2 Received items 3 3 2 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Pemesanan Penggantian Stok
Purchasing data Commitments 1 2.1 Pengadaan Purchase orders Issued purchase order data Filled purchase orders Shipments Supplier Received items 1 2.2 Penerimaan Stock Materials stockroom Received purchases Supplier invoices 2.3 Accounts payable Incurred obligations Supplier statements Payments to suppliers Payable ledger data 3 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram System Proses Pembukuan
(ledger) Receivables ledger data 1 3.1 Update general ledger General ledger records Inventory ledger data 1 Updated general ledger records 2 Payables ledger data Management report data General ledger Other reports 3.2 Prepare management reports Budget reports Balance sheet Income statement Manajemen 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram sistem Penerimaan Order
Sales orders Edit rejects Konsumen Sales order edit ejects Edited orders Rejected sales order notices 1.1.1 Edit order data Customer credit file 1.1.2 Computer credit check Credit data Edited and checked orders Sales order credit rejects Accepted orders Credit Rejects 1.1.3 Log in orders Order data 1.2 1.1.4 Mark filled orders Date filed Completed orders 1.3 Order log 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Inventori 1.1 1.2.1 Check the balance on hand 1.2.3 Add
Accepted orders 1.2.1 Check the balance on hand 1.2.3 Add received items Received items Item records Inventory file additions 2 Backorder records Inventory file Items available Backorder file Updated item records Inventory ledger data Inventory records 3 1.2.2 Check the reorder point 1.2.4 Provide general ledger data Filled items Purchasing data 1.3 2 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Tagihan
1.2 Filled items 1.3.1 Obtain customer data Customer data Customer file Invoice data 1.3.2 Prepare invoices Konsumen Invoices Billed orders 1.4 Completed orders 1.1 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Piutang Accounts receivable file 1.4.3 Prepare
Billed orders 1.3 New receivables Receivables records 1.4.1 Add new receivables 1.4.4 Provide general ledger data Accounts receivable file Statement records Receivables records to delete Receivables ledger data 3 1.4.3 Prepare statements 1.4.2 Delete paid receivables Statements Paid receivables records Paid receivables file Payments by customers Konsumen 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Pemesanan
Past performance data Purchasing data 2.1.1 Select suppliers File Supplier 1 Inventory and supplier data Purchase order data 2.1.2 Obtain verbal commitments Commitments Issued purchase order data 2.2 Purchase Orders Supplier 2.1.3 Prepare purchase orders 2.3 Purchase order records Incurred Obligations Outstanding purchase order files Purchase records to close out Purchase Order history file Filled purchase Orders 2.1.4 Close out purchase orders Removed purchase order records 2.2 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Penerimaan
2.1 Issued purchase order data Purchased item data Supplier Purchased items file Shipments Receipt information 2.2.1 process receipts Stocks Received items 1 Materials stockroom 2.2.1 Notify other systems Filled purchase orders 2.1 Received purchases 2.3 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Diagram Sistem Hutang 2.3.3 Delete paid payables Accounts payable file
Incurred Obligations Payables Records 2.1 Payables Ledger Data New Payables data 2.3.1 Set up supplier payables records Accounts payable file 2.3.4 Provide general ledger data 3 Received Purchases Paid Payables Records Payables Records to delete 2.2 Paid payables file Received purchases file 2.3.3 Delete paid payables Supplier Invoices Invoice and statement file Payment data Receipt Data Supplier statements Paid Supplier Data 2.3.2 Make supplier payments Invoice Data Suppliers Payments to Suppliers 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies
Model Sistem Informasi Keuangan
Output subsystems Input subsystems Data Information Forecasting subsystem Accounting information system Internal sources Internal audit subsystem Funds management subsystem Users Database Environmental sources Financial intelligence subsystem Control subsystem 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 4
Board of Directors Audit Committee Chief Position of Executive
Officer Position of Internal Auditing in a Firm Director of Internal Auditing Internal Auditing Department 2001 McGraw-Hill Companies 8
Kesimpulan Arsitektur Aplikasi E-Bisnis mencerminkan kunci aplikasi E-Bisnis dan hubungannya Aplikasi lintas fungsi perusahaan menembus batasan fungsi bisnis tradisional. Sistem ini berfokus pada penunjang integrasi kelompok dari proses bisnis. Supply Chain Management tergantung teknologi informasi dan manajemen untuk mengoptimalkan informasi dan aliran produksi antara proses dan mitra bisnis di dalam supply chain
Kesimpulan (lanjutan)
Sistem proses transaksi merupakan sistem informasi yang berupa hasil dari pemrosesan data transaksi bisnis Sistem bisnis tradisional Tradisional meliputi pemasaran, akutansi, keuangan, prodksi/operasi, dan manajemen sumber daya manusia Sistem informasi pemasaran mendukung cara tradisional dan proses E-commerce serta manajemen dari fungsi pemasaran
Kesimpulan (lanjutan)
Sistem komputerisasi di pabrik membantu sebuah perusahaan menjadi sederhana, otomatis, dan terintegrasinya banyak kegiatan secara cepat untuk menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas tinggi sesuai keinginan konsumen Sistem Informasi sumber daya manusia mendukung manajemen sumber daya manusia di dalam suatu organisasi Beberapa jenis sistem pembayaran elektronik dipergunakan untuk mendukung transaksi E-Commerce
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