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Flashback : Advertisement and Advertising (Iklan dan Periklanan)
Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si FISIP Universitas Brawijaya
Advertisement or advertising?
Advertisement (Iklan)
(informal ad, UK also informal advert) A picture, short film, song, etc that tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about a job, etc. example : a television / newspaper advertisement for a new car
Definisi Iklan Iklan, secara definitif dapat diartikan sebagai :
KITAB ETIKA PARIWARA INDONESIA Iklan adalah pesan komunikasi pe masaran tentang suatu produk yang disampaikan lewat suatu media dan dibiayai oleh pemrakarsa yang dikenal, serta ditujukan kepada sebagian atau seluruh masyarakat. Iklan adalah kandungan utama dari manajemen promosi yang menggunakan ruang media berbayar (televisi, radio, surat kabar, majalah) guna menyampaikan pesan (Aitchison, 2005:15)
ADVERTISE transitive verb 1: to make something known to : notify 2 a : to make publicly and generally known <advertising their readiness to make concessions> b : to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast c : to call public attention to especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize : promote intransitive verb : to issue or sponsor advertising <advertise for a secretary>
Definition of advertising
Advertising is paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to reach board audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyers (a target audience) and provide information about products (goods, services, and ideas) (Wells, barnett and Moriarty :55)
Advertising.. The American Marketing Association defining Advertising as : The placement of announcements and persuasive messages in time or space purchased in any of the mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and/or persuade members of a particular target market or audience about their products, services, organizations, or ideas (Tuten, 2008:2)
Definisi periklanan.. periklanan adalah komunikasi persuasive berbayar yang menggunakan media massa dan media interaktif untuk meraih audience yang luas untuk menghubungkan sponsor teridentifikasi dengan pembeli (target audience) dan menyediakan informasi mengenai produk (barang, jasa , ide) (Wells, Mitchell dan Moriarty, 2009:55)
Defining Modern Advertising
A complex form of communication using objectives and strategies to impact consumer thoughts, feelings, and actions. A form of marketing communication (all the techniques marketers use to reach their customers and deliver their messages).
Five Basic Factors of Advertising
Paid communication Sponsor is identified Tries to inform or persuade Reaches a large audience Message conveyed through many different kinds of largely nonpersonal mass media and interactive media Principle: An effective advertisement is one that can be proven to meet its objectives.
Perbedaan iklan (advertisement) dan periklanan (advertising)
- products of ads (noun) Persuasive message (final message) that captured by audience – Hasil – “pengumuman/pesan persuasi” yang dilihat oleh target audience Advertising (periklanan) Process to make an advertisement (Verb) (planning, execution, evaluation) dapat dilihat sebagai proses pembuatan iklan (mulai dariperencanaan, eksekusi, dan evaluasi pesan)
Four Components of Advertising
Four Components of Advertising
1. Advertising Strategy The strategy is the LOGIC AND PLANNING behind the ad that gives it DIRECTION. Advertisers develop ads to meet objectives. Advertisers direct ads to identified audiences. Advertisers create a message that speaks to the audience’s concerns. Advertisers run ads in the most effective media.
2. Creative Idea The creative concept is THE CENTRAL IDEA that GRABS the consumer’s ATTENTION AND STICKS IN MEMORY. Also : Planning strategy requires creative problem solving. Research involves creativity. Buying and placing ads requires creative thinking.
3. Creative Execution Effective ads are well executed reflecting the highest production values in the industry. Clients demand the best production the budget allows.
4. Media (Planning/Buying)
Media research Media selection How much does it cost? negotiation Time schedule etc Principle: In advertising how you say something and where you say it is just as important as what you say.
Komponen Dasar Periklanan
Strategy Dasar dalam menentukan arahan dan fokus periklanan. Strategi adalah yang memberikan arah dan fokus pada pencapaian tujuan. Creative Idea Menggali ide-de yang dapat menarik perhatian dan tertanam dalam memori. Kata ‘creative’ menggambarkan aspek – aspek yang mendorong proses periklanan Creative execution Iklan yang efektif adalah iklan yang dengan baik dieksekusi oleh pengiklan. Media Planning and Buying Merencanakan media apa yang digunakan dalam penyebaran iklan dan bagaimana mengatur pembelian dan penjadwalan spot-spot iklan secara menyeluruh
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