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2 Answer the following questions
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the united states, served his country for most of his life. He was the only president to be elected four times. He was born in Hyde Park, new york, on January 30, 1882, and he began his studies at Harvard in in 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt, a distant cousin. During their marriage they had six children. After serving in the new york state senate. Mr. Roosevelt worked in Washington as secretary of the navy until at that time, he became very ill with polio and lost the use f his legs. 1n 1928, Mr. Roosevelt ran for governor of new york. After serving two terms as governor, he was elected to the presidency in President Roosevelt died in office on April 12, 1945. When was Mr. Roosevelt born? Who did he marry in 1905? How many children did he have? When did he run for governor of New York? When was he elected as a president?

Untuk mendapatkan Informasi tertentu (specific information) dalam teks, biasanya kita melakukan kegiatan membaca “scanning”. Maksudnya kita membaca suatu teks/ bacaan dengan cepat. Mengapa harus cepat? Ini dilakukan karena kita hanya ingin tahu tentang informasi tertentu saja seperti nama orang, tempat, jumlah sesuatu, warna, cara, waktu, hari, tanggal, bulan, tahun, charakteristik, dll.

4 CARANYA Ambillah salah satu kata kunci pada soal kemudian carilah kata itu atau yang sama artinya dengan kata itu di dalam teks. Lalu jawablah pertanyaan tersebut sesuai dengan kata tanya yang terdapat dalam kalimat tanya tersebut.

5 Answer the following question.
What is Cassa’s body like? This is Cassa. He is the male chimpanzee that tended quiet and loner. Cassa could be recognized by seeing the color of his silvery hair, slender body and non symmetrical mouth.

6 Ciri-ciri pertanyaan informasi tertentu
>Who (siapa) >Where (dimana) >How (bagaimana), >How many (berapa banyak), >How much (berapa banyak), >What day (hari apa), >What year (tahun berapa), >How long ago >How far (seberapa jauh), >How long (seberapa panjang/lama), >How wide (seberapa lebar), >How often (berapa kali), >What colour (apa warna), >What month (bulan apa), >What…like (seperti apa)

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