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Presentasi berjudul: "DSP Laboratory – TELKOM UNIVERSITY"— Transcript presentasi:


2 CLASS RULE Percentage of this object : Mid test and Post test 60% Quiz 10% + Project 20%+ Task 10% Late > 10 min | > my arrival, per minute bonus -1, for men must push up, for women must socially work for leader of the class to remove -1 bonus, >20 min lecturer doesn’t come into the class  poin 10 for all students who are not absence. Present : min. 80%, it’s out of practicum, it’s out of sickness in the hospital. Absence is online, complaint only can be done max 1 week after lecture. Not allow to add manual presence if name does not exist yet, please confirm roster/BAA. Advice Culture (5-7 menit) Whiteboard must be clean before having lecture. Integrity : Both of the “bad” students : E. Copying/Cheating Titip Absen

3 Perhitungan Nilai Percentage of this object : Mid test and Post test 60% Quiz 10% + Project 20%+ Task 10% A >= 75 0.6xU+0.1xQ+0.2xP+0.2xT=NA Jika mhs rajin : 0.1xQ+0.2xP+0.1xT=35 0.6xU=75-35=40 U=66.67

4 Kehadiran Jumlah pertemuan = 14x2=28 pertemuan 80%x28=22.4  23
0-2x  A 1x-4x  B 3x-6x  C 4x-6x  D/E Remedial >= 55%

5 Project > what I desired  tdk ikut UAS (A)
== what I desired  project A tapi ikut UAS, B jika tdk ikut UAS < what I desired  project B, dan hrs ikut UAS

6 1. Multimedia Multi : Banyak Media Telepon, televisi, news-paper,
floppy disc, CD-R, DVD Multi : Banyak Media Teks, Grafis, Suara, Video

7 Multimedia

8 Multimedia

9 Multimedia

10 Multimedia

11 Multimodal Speech Recognition and Synthesis System

12 Contoh Aplikasi MM Sistem
Tugas sederhana, seperti : mengakses informasi dari data-base besar (jadwal penerbangan/ kereta api, traffic report, dll), Tugas pemecahan masalah interaktif, perencanaan yang kompleks dan pertimbangan (travel planning, traffic planning), Mensupport interaksi multibahasa (multilingual) dan multimedia.

13 memungkinkan seseorang berinteraksi dengan komputer menggunakan bicara (speech),dan modalitas lainnya (isyarat, gerak, tulisan tangan, dll) mendukung Man-Machine Interaction dengan cara yang sangat natural Interface ini akan membuat base-computer resource yang tersedia untuk sejumlah kelompok baru (casual user, telephone users, hand-busy user, eye-busy user, handicapped user, user dengan native language berbeda),

14 BENEFIT Social Impact of MM System - meningkatkan produktivitas
- Memberikan kemudahan pada bebrapa orang untuk mengkontrol lingkungannya (controlling by voice) - memunculkan set baru hand-held, higly portable device (tanpa keyboard) - meningkatkan akses publik terhadap informasi, dari jadwal travel s.d emergensi medis

15 BENEFIT Commerce International Corporation and Business
menghasilkan teknologi-teknologi yang berkontribusi pada cost reduction dan pembangkit revenue baru dalam industri (computer, entertaintment, financial, telecommunications) International Corporation and Business memberikan dampak significant pada ekonomi masyarakt

16 Learning Multimedia

17 Learning Multimedia

18 Learning Multimedia

19 Learning Multimedia

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