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Elements of advertising

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Presentasi berjudul: "Elements of advertising"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Elements of advertising
Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina M.Si Elemen Dalam Iklan

2 Music / back sound/ jingle
ADVERTISING ELEMENTS COPY Heard words Seen words Titles (headlines) Body Contact Music / back sound/ jingle GRAPHICS Colour Layout Size and shapes Artwork Others Placement Extras


4 COPY ELEMENT The copy or text must communicate in clear, concise and focused language. Start with a headline that grabs the reader's attention, sparks interest in your product and conveys your message succinctly. Potential customers have only seconds to ready our ads , esp billboard. Even in brochures or catalogs, keep body copy brief and on point. Include the company signature---your identifying slogan and/or logo. Use fonts (typefaces) that complement your message and are easy to read.

5 HEARD WORDS A form of words – such as dialogue, slogan, sentences that heard on ads Terdiri dari KATA-KATA (berupa kalimat-slogan, dialog) yang TERDENGAR pada iklan yang dapat membuat audiens semakin mengerti akan maksud pesan iklan yang disampaikan.

6 SEEN WORDS Headline/titles body Contact etc KATA- KATA yang TERLIHAT
Terdiri dari kata-kata yang TERLIHAT (tertulis dan dapat dibaca) pada tayangan iklan untuk memperjelas tayangan tersebut. Misal – kata2 dalam iklan ponds, ada tulisan coba dan buktikan sendiri

7 Titles / headline TITLES
The main headline may be the strongest element of the ad or it may be secondary to a strong visual. Some ads may have subheads and other title elements as well. Just making it larger isn't enough, headlines should be well- written to get the readers' attention.

8 BODY The copy is the main text of the ad. Some ads may take a minimalist approach, a line or two or a single paragraph. Other ads may be quite text-heavy with paragraphs of information, possibly arranged in columns newspaper style. While the words are the most important part of the copy, visual elements such as indentation, pull-quotes, bullet lists, and creative kerning and tracking can help to organize and emphasize the message of the body of the ad. body

9 contact The contact or signature of an ad may appear anywhere in the ad although it is usually near the bottom. It consists of one or more of: – Logo – Advertiser Name – Address – Phone Number – Map or Driving Directions – Web Site Address contact

10 Jingle Back sound MUSIC
Terdiri dari musik yang terdapat dalam tayangan iklan. Elemen musik dapat dikategorikan lagi menjadi dua yaitu : jingle musik sebagai latar belakang / background sound. Iklan ponds – jinggle afgan ; backsound – jreng2


12 GRAPHIC ELEMENT Photography, illustration and logo symbols like Nike's swoosh raise interest in any ad. Integrate these graphic elements with your headline and copy for maximum effect. A study by Texas State University showed that more attention goes to pictures than words and human models get the most attention in magazine ads. This indicates the value of using models that match or appeal to your target audience to forge an immediate connection between your product/service and your potential customer. Inconsistency between your headline and your illustration will confuse the viewer and reduce the ad's impact.

13 PICTURE Object, figure and scene gambar atau tayangan iklan meliputi :
OBYEK yang digunakan, FIGUR yang digunakan, ADEGAN yang ditampilkan yang berhubungan dengan objek yang diiklankan.

14 Colour Composition : harmony and contrast Red, White, Gold,
KOMPOSISI atau KESERASIAN WARNA GAMBAR serta pengaturan cahaya yang terdapat dalam tampilan tayangan iklan Red, White, Gold,

15 COLOUR..(2) Color printing costs more than black and white. Full- color printing uses four inks and four runs through the press for each page. • Two-color printing is a cheaper color option, appropriate for some applications.

16 ART WORKS Photographs, drawings, and graphic embellishments are a key visual element of many types of ads. Some ads may have only a single visual while others might have several pictures. Even text-only ads might have some graphics in the form of decorative bullets or borders. When included with visuals the caption is one of the first things most readers look at after the visual. It's not in all ads but it is an option that gives the advertiser one more chance to grab the reader

17 LAY OUT ELEMENTS The layout is the way you put all the elements together to create the final ad. Your layout needs a focal point --- usually the picture or headline --- for readers' eyes to land on, then the white space, graphic and text elements should lead them through the copy to the company signature. Make the final layout match the ad's ultimate printed appearance in every detail.

18 SIZE AND SHAPES Newspaper and magazine placement fees are based on ad size. The exact dimensions may vary by publication, but are priced as fractions of a page. Special locations, like the back cover, cost more. Use appropriate size and shape, linked to purpose and corporate image, for non- publication print advertising.

19 MOVEMENT Movement  attract emotion  dissolve
Ex : ponds : walking, look into the mirror, find her boyfriend cheating etc GERAKAN yang ada terlihat pada tayangan iklan yang dapat mempengaruhi emosi seseorang untuk larut di dalamnya meliputi FRAGMEN CERITA dari adegan yang ditampilkan. Gerakan dari tiap fragmen – misal iklan ponds --- mulai dari jalan, melihat mantan, megang kalung , memberi salam dan selamat

20 EXTRAS Some print ads may have additional special elements such as an attached business reply envelope, tear-out portion with a coupon, tip sheet, product sample.

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