Social Role Theory and Health Profession

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1 Social Role Theory and Health Profession
Nur Azid Mahardinata, MD Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities – Universitas Gadjah Mada

2 Learning Objectives At the end of this lecture, students should:
Understand the theories of Social Roles and its impact to health profession Able to explain and find the dilemma in health care related to social role theory

3 Basic Understanding Life is theatrical, in which each person has their own role Role theory concerns one of the most important features of social life, characteristic behavior patterns or roles. It explains roles by presuming that persons are members of social positions and hold expectations for their own behavior and those of other persons

4 In its development, roles has been understood in three different ways:
Characteristic behavior -- role Social part to be played -- social position Script for social conduct -- expectation

5 Perspectives in Role Theory
Functional Role Theory Symbolic Interactionist Role Theory Structural Role Theory Organizational Role Theory Cognitive Role Theory Focus on the characteristic behaviors of persons who occupy social positions within a stable social system Understanding roles in informal interaction concerning relationship among roles, role taking, emotions, stress, and the self concept

6 Social Role in Health The final goal of medical practice is to benefit human being Tugas dokter adalah untuk meringankan penderitaan dan memperpanjang usia Human is the main subject in health, therefore understanding about human is essential to conduct good healthcare practice Every medical practitioners should realize that every human has: Own moral resources Role-behavior Setting of objectives

7 Kebutuhan dasar manusia
Kebutuhan fisiologis Kebutuhan psikologis Kebutuhan sosial Kebutuhan kreatif dan spiritual

8 Apakah seorang dokter berkewajiban secara moral untuk memberitahukan kepada seorang yang berada dalam stadium terminal bahwa ia sedang sekarat?

9 Some Facts Health care work: is it for male or female?
Why do certain specialization and health care profession dominated by one of the gender? OBGYN by male Nurses by female Surgeon male …..

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