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Human Organization INTEGUMEN

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1 Human Organization INTEGUMEN
Dr. Thontowi Djauhari NS, Mkes Laboratorium Anatomi Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

2 Integumentary System The skin and its accessory organs make up the integumentary system. Skin plays a significant role in homeostasis by protecting underlying tissues from trauma, infection, and water loss, and by helping to regulate temperature. The skin synthesizes vitamin D and houses sensory receptors.

3 Regions of the Skin The skin has two regions:
Outer epidermis made up of stratified squamous epithelium, with waterproof keratin, and pigment-producing melanocytes Inner dermis made up of fibrous connective tissue with collagen and elastic fibers, blood vessels, and sensory receptors. A subcutaneous layer, composed of loose connective and adipose tissues, connects the dermis to underlying organs. Within the epidermis, new cells derived from basal cells become flattened and hardened as they push to the surface. Hardening takes place because the cells produce keratin, a waterproof protein. Dandruff occurs when the rate of keratinization in the skin of the scalp is two or three times the normal rate. A thick layer of dead keratinized cells, arranged in spiral and concentric patterns, forms fingerprints and footprints. Specialized cells in the epidermis called melanocytes produce melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. Fat in the subcutaneous layer beneath the skin insulates the body and provides protective padding.





8 Accessory Organs of the Skin
Nails, glands, and hair are structures of epidermal origin even though they are located in the dermis. Nails are a protective covering of the ends of the fingers and toes; these increase dexterity. Nails grow from cells in the nail root; these become keratinized as they grow over the nail bed.

9 Nail anatomy Cells produced by the nail roots become filled with keratin, forming the nail body.


11 Hair follicles are in the dermis and extend through the epidermis; arrector pili muscles allow the hair to become erect. Each hair follicle has oil (sebaceous) glands that secrete moisturizing sebum. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands are present in all regions of the skin and play a role in temperature regulation. Epidermal cells form the root of hair, and their division causes a hair to grow. The cells become keratinized as they are pushed farther from the root. If sebaceous glands fail to discharge their oily sebum, blackheads and whiteheads can result. The color of blackheads is due to oxidized sebum. Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that occurs usually during adolescence due to hormonal changes. Sweat absorbs body heat as it evaporates.






Dr Thontowi Djauhari NS, Mkes Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

Sistem otot terdiri dari : Otot, Fascia, Tendon Otot membentuk 43% berat badan; > 1/3-nya merupakan protein tubuh dan setengahnya tempat terjadinya aktivitas metabolik saat tubuh istirahat. Proses vital di dalam tubuh (seperti. Kontraksi jantung, kontriksi pembuluh darah, bernapas, peristaltik usus) terjadi karena adanya aktivitas otot

19 Skeletal Muscle

20 Fungsi otot adalah Sebagai alat gerak aktif, Menyimpan cadangan makanan, Memberi bentuk luar tubuh
Tipe jaringan otot 1. Otot polos memiliki 1 inti yang berada di tengah, dipersarafi oleh saraf otonom (involunter), serat otot polos (tidak berserat), terdapat di organ dalam tubuh (viseral), sumber Ca2+ dari CES, sumber energi terutama dari metabolisme aerobik, awal kontraksi lambat, kadang mengalami tetani, tahan terhadap kelelahan

21 3 Tipe Jaringan Otot Otot polos Otot rangka Otot jantung

22 Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition
Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 All rights reserved. Figure 4.21 – The three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.

23 2. Otot rangka/ otot serat lintang
memiliki banyak inti, dipersarafi oleh saraf motorik somatik (volunter), melekat pada tulang, sumber Ca2+ dari retikulum sarkoplasma (RS), sumber energi dari metabolisme aerobik dan anaerobik, awal kontraksi cepat, mengalami tetani dan cepat lelah 3. Otot jantung memiliki 1 inti yang berada di tengah, dipersarafi oleh saraf otonom (involunter), serat otot berserat, hanya ada di jantung, sumber Ca2+ dari CES & RS, sumber energi dr metabolisme aerobik, awal kontraksi lambat, tidak mengalami tetani, dan tahan terhadap kelelahan

24 Fungsi sistem otot rangka
Menghasilkan gerakan rangka. Mempertahankan sikap dan posisi tubuh. Menyokong jaringan lunak. Menunjukkan pintu masuk dan keluar saluran dalam sistem tubuh. Mempertahankan suhu tubuh; kontraksi otot: energi menjadi panas

25 anat_muskuloskeletal/2010
Struktur Otot Rangka Motor end plates merupakan tempat inervasi ujung-ujung saraf pada otot. 16/02/2018 Motor end plates anat_muskuloskeletal/2010

26 anat_muskuloskeletal/2010
Komposisi Otot Rangka Otot rangka 16/02/2018 Sel (85%) Ekstrasel (15%) Air (75%) Solut (25% Protein (80%) Lain-lain (20%) Fibrilar (65%) Sarkoplasmic (35%) Tropomiosin (7%) Troponin (3%) Lain-lain (15%) Miosin (55%) Aktin (20%) anat_muskuloskeletal/2010

27 Mekanisme gerakan otot
Otot yang dapat menggerakkan rangka adalah otot yang melekat pada rangka. Garis-garis gelap dan terang pada otot rangka adalah miofibril yang merupakan sumber kekuatan otot dalam melakukan gerakan kontraksi, karena massa utamanya adalah serabut.

28 Figure 4.22 – Characteristics of the three types of muscles.
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, Fourth Edition Bonnie F. Fremgen and Suzanne S. Frucht Copyright ©2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 All rights reserved. Figure 4.22 – Characteristics of the three types of muscles.


30 Setiap miofibril tersusun atas satuan-satuan kontraktil yang disebut sarkomer. Garis gelap disebut zona Z sedangkan garis terang disebut zona H. Zona Z merupakan bagian tumpang tindih dua molekul protein filamen otot, yaitu aktin dan miosin. Protein otot yang tersusun atas aktin dan miosin disebut aktomiosin. Protein kompleks inilah yang merupakan komponen terbesar dari bahan penyusun otot.

31 Pada saat serabut otot berkontraksi terjadilah perubahan panjang zona Z dan zona H. jika otot berkontraksi maksimum, ukuran otot dapat 20 % lebih pendek dari ukuran saat berelaksasi



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