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UNIT 1 - Introduction SAP01 - SAP FUNDAMENTAL 2015

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Presentasi berjudul: "UNIT 1 - Introduction SAP01 - SAP FUNDAMENTAL 2015"— Transcript presentasi:

1 UNIT 1 - Introduction SAP01 - SAP FUNDAMENTAL 2015
Oleh: Indriani Noor Hapsari, M.T. Source: SAP01 – SAP Fundamental Handbook Version : 2006 Q2

2 Overview SAP01 Fundamental
Tujuan: Menjelaskan terminologi yang digunakan di SAP Menjelaskan konsep di belakang Solusi Bisnis SAP Mengembangkan pengetahuan dasar SAP yang diperlukan untuk dapat masuk pada Modul SAP yang lebih detil.

3 SAP01 Fundamental Unit 1: Introduction Unit 2: Navigation
SAP: The Company Product Overview Unit 2: Navigation Logging On and Personalizing Your User Interface Navigating in the SAP System Using Help Unit 3: Systemwide Concepts System-Wide Concepts

4 Unit 6: Human Capital Management
Unit 4: Logistics Procurement Sales Order Management Production Unit 5: Financials Accounting Foundation Financial Accounting Management Accounting Unit 6: Human Capital Management Human Capital Management Unit 7: mySAP Technology Client/Server Architecture The Database

5 Sejarah SAP Didirikan th 1972 dengan Visi:
“To develop standard application software for real-time data processing” 1972: SAP = Systems Analysis and Program Development 1981: SAP = Systeme, Anwendungen, and Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung / Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing

6 Sejarah SAP Source: SAP Fundamental Handbook

7 PERKEMBANGAN ERP Source: SAP Fundamental Handbook

8 Overview Produk SAP



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