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2 BAB P Kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang berasal pada Periode Perinatal
CHAPTER XVI BAB P Kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang berasal pada Periode Perinatal

Incl.: kondisi yang bermula pada period perinatal walau selanjutnya berakhir dengan kematian bayi atau morbiditas. Excl.: Cong. malformation, deformation & chromosomal abnorm. (Q00-Q99) Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E99) Injury, poisoning and certain other conseq.. of external causes (S00-T98) Neoplasms (C00-D48) Tetanus neonatorium (A33)

4 Terklasifikasi dalam Blok: P00-P04 P05-P08 P10-P15 P20-P29
(Lanjutan) Terklasifikasi dalam Blok: P00-P04 P05-P08 P10-P15 P20-P29 P35-P39 P50-P61 P70-P74 P75-P78 P80-P83 P90-P96 Ada satu kode ber-* P75* Meconium ileus

5 P00-P04 Fetus & Newborn affected by maternal factors & …. [680 – 684]
P00 Janin/bayi terpengaruh kondisi ibu yang mungkin tidak berkaitan dengan kehamilan yang sedang berjalan. Perhatikan kelompok kategori yang terliput pada masing-masing kode P00.- [ ] P00.0; P00.1; P00.3; P00.4; P00.5 dan P00.9. Pada P00.2, P00.6, P00.7, P00.8 ada Excl.: ... P01 Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi maternal akibat kehamilan P01.0; P01.1; P01.3; P01.4; P01.5; P01.6; P01.7 dan P01.8; P Pada P01.2 ada Excl.: ...

6 P02 Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi
(Lanjutan) P02 Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi plasenta, tali pusat dan membranes. P02.0; P02.1; P02.2; P02.4; P02.5; P02.7 dan P02.8; P02.9. Pada P02.3 ada Use additional code, .... Pada P02.6 ada Excl.: ... P03 Janin/bayi terpengaruh komplikasi lain- lain terkait persalinan dan kelahiran P03.0; P03.1; P03.2; P03.3; P03.4; P03.5; P dan P03.8; P03.9.

7 P04 Janin/bayi terpengaruh oleh zat berbahaya
(Lanjutan) P04 Janin/bayi terpengaruh oleh zat berbahaya yang masuk melalui plansenta atau ASI Incl.: non-teratogenic effects of substan. transmitted via placenta Excl.: congenital malformation (Q00-Q99) neonatal jaundice from other excessive haemolysis due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother (P58.4) P04.0; P04.2; P04.5; P04.6 dan P04.8; P04.9 Pada P04.1, P04.3 dan P04.4 ada Excl.: ...

8 Disorders related to length of gestation & fetal growth (P05-P08) [684 – 686]
Gangguan berkaitan dengan masa/usia kehamilan dan pertumbuhan janin: P05 Slow fetal growth & fetal malnutrition (BBLR terhadap masa/usia kehamilan, diukur berat dan panjang badan bayi) P BB di bawah ukuran namun PB > 10/100 usia kehamilan. P05.1 dan P05.9 Pada P ada Excl.: ...

9 P07 Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan pendek dan BBLR, NEC.
(Lanjutan) P07 Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan pendek dan BBLR, NEC. Note: Bila data BB dan adalah data BB. Incl.: kondisi dalam daftar yang tanpa spesifikasi apakah usia kehamilan terrekam, prioritas menjadi sebab mortalitas, morbiditas atau perawatan tambahan pada bayi baru lahir. Excl.: berat badan rendah akibat pertumbuh- an bayi lambat serta malnutrisi bayi (P05.-) P BBL 999 g atau < ; P07.1 BBL g P < 28 minggu masa gestasi P Preamturitas NOS

10 P08 Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan panjang dan BBL >> (normal)
(Lanjutan) P08 Gangguan terkait masa kehamilan panjang dan BBL >> (normal) Note: … Incl.: … Perhatikan batas ukuran BB/jumlah hari masa kehamilan yang tertera di masing-masing kategori P BBL = atau > 4500g Ada Excl.: ... P BBL > masa gestasi (= atau > 4kg.) BBL > berat atau > large-for dates tanpa perhatian pada masa gestasi Ada Excl.:... P Post term ...., not heavy for gest. age

11 Birth Trauma (Trauma Lahir) (P10-P15) [686 – 688]
P10 Laserasi & perdarahan intrakranial akibat trauma lahir Excl.: intracranial haemorrhage of fetus or newborn: . NOS (P52.9) . Due to anoxia or hypoxia (P52.-) P ada Excl,: ... P10.1; P10.2; P10.3; P10.4 dan P10.8; P10.9. P11 Cedera lahir lain terkait CNS P11.0; P11.1; P11.2; P11.3; P11.4 ; P11.5 dan P11.9.

12 P12 Cedera lahir tengkorak kepala
(Lanjutan) P12 Cedera lahir tengkorak kepala P12.0; P12.1; P12.2; P12.3; P12.4; P12.8; P12.9 P13 Cedera lahir skelet Excl.: ... P13.0; P13.2; P13.3; P dan P13.8; P13.9 Pada P13.1 ada Excl.: cephalohematoma (P12.0) P14 Cedera lahir PNS P14.0; P14.1; P14.2; P dan P14.8; P14.9 P15 Other birth injuries P15.0; P15.1; P15.2; P15.3; P15.4; P15.5; P15.6; dan P15.8; L15.9

13 Resp. & Cardiov. Disor.Specific To… (P20-P29) [688 – 692]
P20 Intrauterine hypoxia Incl.: ... Excl.: ... P20.0; P20.1 dan P20.9 P Birth asphyxia Note: ... Excl.: ... P21.0; P21.1 dan P21.9 P22 Respiratory distress of newborn P22.0; P22.1 dan P22.8; P22.9

14 P23 Congenital pneumonia Incl.: ... Excl.: ... P23.0 ada Excl.: ...
(Lanjutan) P23 Congenital pneumonia Incl.: ... Excl.: ... P ada Excl.: ... P23.1; P23.2; P23.3; P23.4; P23.5; P23.6 dan P23.8; P23.9 P24 Neonatal aspiration syndrome Incl.: ... P24.0; P24.1; P24.2; P24.3 dan P24.8; P24.9. P25 Interstitial emphysema & related cond. … P25.0; P25.1; P25.2; P25.3 dan P25.8 P26 Pulmonary haemorrhage originating in … P26.0; P26.1 dan P26.8; P28.9

15 P27 Chronic respiratory disease originating …
(Lanjutan) P27 Chronic respiratory disease originating … P27.0; P dan P27.8; P27.9 P28 Other respiratory conditions … Excl.: ... P28.0; P28.1; P28.5 dan P28.9 Pada P28.2 ada Excl.: ... P Sleep apnoea of newborn: central, NOS, obstructive P Other apnoea of newborn: Apnoea of: - newborn obstructive - prematurity Excl.: obstructive sleep apneoa of N. (P28.3) Pada P28.8 ada Excl.: ...

16 (Lanjutan) P29 Cardiovascular disorders originating in perinatal period Excl.: ... P29.0; P29.1; P29.2. P ada perbaikan: Persistent fetal circulation Delayed cl. of duct. arterios Persistent hypertension of newborn. P29.4 dan P29.8; P29.9.

17 Infections Specific To The Perinatal Period (P35-P39) [692 – 694]
Incl.: Infections acquired in utero or during birth Excl.: asymptomatic [HIV] infection status (Z21) congenital: . gonococcal infection (A54.-) . pneumonia (P23.-) . Syphilis (A50.-) human … dst. P35 Congenital viral diseases P35.0; P35.1; P35.2; P35.3 dan P35.8; P35.9

18 P36 Bacterial asepsis of newborn Incl.: congenital septicaemia
(Lanjutan) P36 Bacterial asepsis of newborn Incl.: congenital septicaemia P36.0; P36.1; P36.2; P36.3; P36.4; P36.5 dan P36.8; P36.9 P37 Other congenital infect. & parasitic dis. Excl.: … P37.0; P37.1; P37.2; P37.3; P37.4; P37.5 dan P37.8; P37.9 P38 .X Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage

19 P39 Other infections specific to the perinatal period
(Lanjutan) P39 Other infections specific to the perinatal period P39.0 Neonatal infective mastitis Excl.: breast engorg. of newborn (P83.4) noninfect. mastitis of newb. (P83.4) P39.1 Neonatal conjunct. and dacryocystitis Excl.: GO (A54.3) P39.2 Intra-amniotic ... P39.3 neonatal urin, ... P39.4 Neonat. Skin infect. (neonatal pyoderma) Excl.: ... P dan P39.9

20 Haemorrhage & Haematological Disorders Of Fetus & Newborn (P50-P61) [694 - 698]
Excl.: cong. Sten. & strict.of bile ducts O44.3) Crigler-Najjar syndrome (E80.5) Dubin-Johnson syndrome (E80.6) Gilbert’s syndrome (E80.4) heredit. Haemol. Anaem. (D55-D58) P50 Fetal blood loss Excl.: … P50.0; P50.1; P50.2; P50.3; P50.4; P50.5 dan P50.8; P50.9 P51 Umbilical haem. Of newborn Excl.: ... P51.0 dan P51.8; P51.9

21 P52 Intracranial nontraumatic haem. of fetus & newborn)
(Lanjutan) P52 Intracranial nontraumatic haem. of fetus & newborn) Incl.: ... Excl.: ... Pembagian sesuai gradasinya (1, 2, 3 dan unspec.) P52.0; P52.1; P52.2; P52.3; P52.4; P52.5; P dan P52.8; P52.9. P53.X Haem. dis. Of fetus and newborn Incl.: ... P54 Other neonatal haemorrhages Excl.: ... P54.0, P54.1 dan P ada Excl.: ... P54.2; P54.3; P54.4; P54.6; P54.8; P54.9.

22 P55 Haemolytic dis. of fetus & newborn P55.0; P55.1 dan P55.8; P55.9.
(Lanjutan) P55 Haemolytic dis. of fetus & newborn P55.0; P55.1 dan P55.8; P55.9. P Hydrops fetalis due to haem. dis. .... Excl.: hydrops fetalis NOS (P83.2) hydrops fetalis NOS - not due to haemolytic d. (P83.2) P dan P56.9 P57 Kernicterus P57.0 dan P57.9 Pada P57.8 ada Excl.: Crigler-Naijar syndr.(E80.5)

23 P58 Neonatal jaund. due to other excessive haemolysis. Excl.: …
(Lanjutan) P58 Neonatal jaund. due to other excessive haemolysis Excl.: … (Rincian sesuai kausa haemolisisnya) P58.0; P58.1; P58.2; P58.3; P58.5; P58.8; P58.9. Pada P58.4 ada Use additional external .... P59 Neonatal jaundice from other & unspec. Excl.: P59.0; P59.1; P59.3; dan P58.8; P58.9. P60.X Dissemin. intravas. coagul. of fetus & newborn Incl.: Defibrination syndr. of fetus & newb.

24 P61.2 Anaemia of prematurity P61.3 Congen. anaemia from fetal blood l.
(Lanjutan) P61 Other perinatal haemolytical disorders Excl.: transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy (D80.7) P61.0 Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia P Polycythaemia neonatorum P Anaemia of prematurity P Congen. anaemia from fetal blood l. P61.4 Other cong. Anaem., NEC P Transient neonatal neutropenia P Other trans. neo. disor. of coag P Other spec. peri. haemat. disor. P Peri. haem. disor. unspec.

25 Transitory Endocrine & Metabolic disorders Specific to Fetus & Newborn (P70-P74) [698 – 700]
Incl.: transitory endocrine & metabolic disturbances caused by the infant’s response to maternal endocrine & metabolic factor, or its adjustment to extrauterine existence. P70 Trans. disor. of C-H metabol. Specific to fetus & newborn P70.0; P70.1; P70.2; P70.3; P70.4; P70.8; P70.9 P71 Trans. neon. disor. of calcium & magn. metabolism P71.0; P71.2; P71.3; P71.4 dan P71.8; P71.9 Pada P71.1 ada Excl.: ...

26 P72 Other transit. neonat. endoc. disor.
(Lanjutan) P72 Other transit. neonat. endoc. disor. Excl.: cong. Hypothyroidism with or without goitre (E03.0 – E03.1) dyshormogenetic goitre (E07.1) Pendred syndrome (E07.1) P72.0; P72.1; P72.2 dan P72.8; P72.9 P74 Other trans. Neonat. electrolyte & metabolic disturbances. P74.0; P74.1; P74.2; P74.3; P74.4; P74.5; dan P74.8; P74.9.

27 Digestive S. Disorders Of Fetus & Newborn (P75-P78) [700]
P75*X Meconium ileus (E ) (in cystic fibrosis) P76 Other intestinal obstruction of newborn P76.0 Meconium ileus ... Incl.: Meconium ileus in cases where cystic .. P76.1 dan P76.8 ada Excl.: ... P76.2; P76.9 P77.X Necrotizing enterocol. of fetus or newb.

28 P78 Other perinatal digestive system disorders.
(Lanjutan) P78 Other perinatal digestive system disorders. Excl.: neonatal gastroenteritis haemorrhage (P54.0 – P54.3) P78.0; P78.1; P dan P78.8; P78.9. Pada: P78.3 ada Excl.: neonatal diarrhoea NOS in countries where the condition can be assumed to be of infectious origen (A09.-)

29 Conditions involving the integument & temperature regulation of fetus & newborn (P80-P83) [701 – 702] P80 Hypothermia of newborn Perhatikan definisi yang ada pada P80.0 P80.0 Cold injury syndrome: Severe & usually chron. Hypothermia assoc with pink flushed appear., oedema & neurolog. & biochemical abornamlities Escl.: mild hypothermia of newborn (P80.8) P80.8 dan P80.9

30 P81 Other disturbances of temperature of newborn
(Lanjutan) P81 Other disturbances of temperature of newborn P81.0 Environmental hyperthermia of newborn P81.8 Other specified disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn. P81.9 Disturbance of temperature regulation of ewborn, unspecified Fever of newborn NOS P83 Other conditions of integumentum specific to fetus & newborn Excl.: ... P83.0; P83.1; P83,2; P83.3; P83.4; P83.5; P83.6; dan P83.8; P83.9

31 Other Disorders Originating In The Perinatal Period (P90-P96) [702 – 704]
P90 .X Convulsions of newborn Excl.: … P91 Other disturbances of cerebral status of newborn P91.0; P91.1; P91.2; P91.3; P91.4; P91.5; P dan P91.8; P91.9. P92 Feeding problems of newborn P92.0; P92.1; P92.2; P92.3; P92.4; P92.5; dan P92.8; P92.9.

32 P93 .X Reactions and intoxications due to drugs
(Lanjutan) P93 .X Reactions and intoxications due to drugs administered to fetus & newborn. Incl.: Grey syndrome from chloramphenicol administration in newborn. Excl.: jaundice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother or given to newborn (P58.4) reaction and intoxication from mater nal opiates, tranquilizers and other medication (P04.0-P04.1, P04.4) withdrawal symptoms from: - maternal use ... (addictiion) (P96.1) - therap.use of drugs in newb.(P96.2)

33 P94 Disorders of muscle tone of newborn P94.0 ada Excl.: ...
(Lanjutan) P94 Disorders of muscle tone of newborn P ada Excl.: ... P94.1; P94.2 dan P94.8; P94.9 P95.X Fetal death of unspecified cause Incl.: Deadborn fetus NOS; Stillbirth NOS. P96 Other cond. Origin. in the perinatal period. P96.0 Congenital renal failure (Uremia of newborn) P96.1 Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction dan P ada Excl.: ... P96.2; P96.3; P dan P96.8; P96.9

34 SOAL LATIHAN MANDIRI 1. Intrauterine anoxia No:
2. Hyaline membrane disease No: 3. Congenital pneumonia No: 4. Sleep apnoe (newborn) No: 5. Congenital sepsis, streptococcal B No: 6. Hypovitamine K of newborn No: 7. Dehydration, newborn No: Convulsion, newborn No: Coma, age 3 days No: 10. Nontraumatic intraventricular haemorrhage, grade 2, newborn No:

35 11. Fraktur clavicula akibat cedera lahir No: 12. Afgar score 3 No:
(Lanjutan) 11. Fraktur clavicula akibat cedera lahir No: Afgar score No: Aspirasi air ketuban (meconeum) No: Bayi lahir, detak jantung disritmia No: Bayi lahir dengan hepatitis B No: Bayi lahir dengan infeksi saluran kemih No: Bayi lahir kuning akibat gangguan feeding ASI No: Diare non infective, usia 7 hari No: Gagal ginjal kongenital No: Bayi neonatal kesulitan menete ibu No:

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