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Supply Chain Management

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Presentasi berjudul: "Supply Chain Management"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Supply Chain Management
Andary A Munita Hanafiah

2 Rule Of Conduct Min 80% Present in Class
Don’t Use Sandal, Kaos Oblong and Hand Phone During the Lecture Having Good Attitude Complete all assignment On time

3 Tantangan Yang Dihadapi
Perubahan kondisi Pasar : Seller’s Market  Buyer’s Market. Kebutuhan Konsumen : Keragaman dari produk Ketersediaan produk Harga yang bersaing Layanan yang ditawarkan Prilaku beli Konsumen Kompetisi Global

4 Kebutuhan Manufaktur Variety Product Shorter Lead Time Good Quality
Technology Investment Foreign Lower Cost Competitive Price Customer Satisfaction Local

5 Rantai Pasokan

6 Definitions and Terminology
Supply Chain Supply Chain Management Distribution Channel Demand management Logistics management

7 Supply Chain Sekelompok pendekatan yang berdaya guna untuk memadukan para pemasok, manufaktur, channel distribusi, sehingga produk dapat diproduksi dan didistribusi dalam jumlah, lokasi, dan pada waktu yang tepat untuk meminimasi biaya systemwide sementara memenuhi system level requirement. [David Simchi Levi ]

8 Aliran dalam Rantai Pasokan
Supplier Manufacture Distributor Customer Financial (Invoice, TOP), Material/Products, Information (Capacity, Delivery) Payment, Retur, Information (Order, Forcast)

9 Konsep Rantai Pasokan Dalam konsep SC ini juga termasuk didalamnya Perencanaan & Pengaturan : New product development Marketing Operations Distribution Finance Customer service

10 Manfaat SCM : Mengurangi inventory barang
Menjamin kelancaran penyediaan barang Menjamin mutu Mengembangkan supplier partnership 

11 Performance of a Supply Chain
Cost of the products delivered to markets Level of service provided to customers Managing the supply chain effectively can improve customer service levels dramatically, reduce excess inventory in the system, and cut excess costs from the logistic network

12 Fase Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam SC
Merancang Strategi Menentukan Struktur & Proses pada tiap tahapan dalam SC Mentukan Keputusan Strategic dalam SC : Lokasi & Kapasitas Fasilitas Produk Moda Transportasi Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Lokasi Target Pemasaran Level Inventory Promosi & Pemasaran Operational Horizon Perencanaan lebih pendek (Alokasi pesanan, due date, Jadwal penghantaran) Tingkat ketidakpastian yang lebih rendah

13 Supply Chain Structure
Kerangka Pengambilan Keputusan Corporate Strategy Competitive Strategy Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Structure Inventory Transport W’housing Information

14 Area Cakupan SCM BAGIAN CAKUPAN KEGIATAN Pengembangan Produk
Riset Pasar, merancang produk baru, melibatkan supplier dalma perancangan produk baru Pengadaan Memilih supplier, mengevaluasi kinerja supplier, melakukan pembelian bahan baku dan komponen, membina hubungan dengansupplier Perencanaan dan pengendalian Demand planning, peramalan permintaan, perencanaan kapasitas, perencanaan produksi dan persediaan Operasi/produksi Eksekusi produksi, pengendalian persediaan dan mutu Pengiriman/distribusi Perencanaan jaringan distribusi, penjadualan pengiriman, memelihara hubungan dengan perusahaan jasa pengiriman, memonitor service level ditiap pusat distribusi

15 The Supply Chain Consumer Retailer Manufacturing Material Flow
VISA Credit Flow Supplier Wholesaler Cash Flow Order Schedules

16 Inventory Sumber daya menganggur (Idle) yang menunggu proses lebih lanjut Jenis Inventori : Bahan Mentah (RAW MATERIAL) Barang Setengah Jadi (WIP) Barang Jadi (Finished Goods) Fungsi : Menjamin kelancaran proses pemenuhan permintaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemakai Meredam fluktuasi permintaan agar tidak terjadi kekurangan Motif spekulasi

17 Siklus Pengadaan Barang

18 Integrasi Rantai Supply Vs Inventory
Purchasing Material Control Production Sales Distribution Stage 1: baseline Materials Management Manufacturing Distribution Stage 2: functional integration Materials Management Manufacturing Distribution Stage 3: internal integration (logistics) Suppliers Internal supply chain Customers Stage 4: external integration(supply chain)

19 Why Supply Chain Management?
Parts $5,000 Labor 4000 Overhead 2000 Management Marketing 3000 Total Cost $14,000 s Manufacturing • 1950, U.S. is the only country that can manufacture cars. ● You buy a car from GM, all the money will go to the GM. s Supply Chain Management • Today, foreign parts and labors are much cheaper than that in US. ● You buy a car from GM, only a portion of money will go to the GM.

20 Transportasi Fungsi : Perpindahan Barang Penyimpanan Barang Prinsip :
Skala Ekomonis : Biaya per satuan unit vs Jumlah pengiriman Jarak Ekonomis : Biaya per satuan unit vs Jarak pengiriman Pengaturan dalam Transportasi : Transport Planning Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Delivery Execution and Shipment Tracking

21 Distribution Channel For Consumer Good
Manufacture Consumer Retailer Consumer Manufacture Manufacture Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Jobber Manufacture Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

22 Transportation & Logistic
Physical movement of goods and services Companies need to adopt a strategic transportation sourcing (STS) approach Strategic sourcing considers costs within the total manufacturing and distribution supply and demand environment Companies sometimes outsource the transportation activities

23 Distribution Pengaturan dalam saluran distribusi : Specialization

24 Information Technology for Supply Chain Management
Software Systems Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Internet-based Software Network Infrastructure Wide Area Network Internet (for E-commerce: B2B, B2C) Andary A Munita Hanafiah

25 Global Supply Chain Issue
Supply chains in a global environment must be: Flexible enough to react to sudden changes in parts availability, distribution, or shipping channels, import duties, and currency rates Able to use the latest computer and transmission technologies to manage the shipment of parts in and finished products out Staffed with local specialists to handle duties, trade, freight, customs and political issues

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