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Novy Diana Fauzie, MA Laela Niswatin, Amd Arda Putri Winata, SIP, MA

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Presentasi berjudul: "Novy Diana Fauzie, MA Laela Niswatin, Amd Arda Putri Winata, SIP, MA"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Novy Diana Fauzie, MA Laela Niswatin, Amd Arda Putri Winata, SIP, MA
Pelatihan Literasi Informasi Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Novy Diana Fauzie, MA Laela Niswatin, Amd Arda Putri Winata, SIP, MA


3 Investigasi topik Mencari informasi Menemukan informasi di perpustakaan Mengevaluasi kualitas informasi Memanfaatkan informasi

4 Investigasi topik Masalah disekitar kita Menarik minat
Ketahui jenis tugas Fokus Specifik keyword

5 Ketika Anda tahu apa yang Anda inginkan dan apa yang Anda butuhkan, maka Anda siap untuk mencari informasi Back

6 Mencari informasi Operator Boolean Pemotongan kata (truncation)
AND, OR, NOT Pemotongan kata (truncation) tele* akan diperoleh kata-kata yang mengandung kata depan ‘tele' seperti, Teledor, Telematika, Telepati, Telepon, Telerama, dsb Pembatasan pencarian Tanda petik “ “ Tanda kurung ()

7 Search engine

8 Lets check this out…

9 Metasearch engines Dogpile.
Excite. IBoogie. InfoGrid. IxQuick. Kartoo. Mamma. MetaCrawler. ProFusion. SearchOnline. SurfWax. Vivisimo. Webcrawler.

10 Scholarly Resources


12 Menyediakan, mengolah, menyimpan, melestarian, dan memberdayakan sumber informasi, karya akademik dan karya ilmiah sivitas akademika

13 1. Proquest Jurnal on-line Username: 08WBQBJ6XT Password: pqdikti2011
2. Gale Username: kpt05007 Password: advance 3. Ebsco Username: ns183486 Password: password Jstor (tanpa Username dan Password hy bisa diakses di kampus) Cambridge (tanpa Username dan Password hy bisa diakses di kampus)

14 topics on Proquest Medical Sciences – Proquest Nursing Journals
News – US National Newspaper Abstracts Psychology – Proquest Psychology Journals Science – Proquest Science Journals Social Sciences – ProQuest Social Science Journals Academic Research Library Health Sciences - Proquest Health (2007)

15 topics on EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source
Dentistry & Oral Science Source covers all facets relating to the areas of dentistry including dental public health, endodontics, facial pain & surgery, odontology, oral & maxillofacial pathology/surgery/radiology, orthodontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics. The database is updated weekly on EBSCOhost.

16 topics on GALE 1. Art 2. Engineering 3. Social 4. Education 5. Religion 6. Humanities

17 Silahkan mendaftar, kemudian catat nomer anggotanya
Silahkan mendaftar, kemudian catat nomer anggotanya Don’t forget it….!!!

18 Back


20 Clue… Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose

21 Currency People view different topics differently and talk about them in different ways at different times. Make sure that the site you're viewing is either up-to-date or published at a time that is relevant to the topic that you're studying When was it produced? When was it updated? How up-to-date are the links? Are there dead links? Is the page content outdated?

22 Authority Who published the document and is it separate from the Webmaster? Are the author(s) credentials or affiliations listed? Check the document URL: What institution or organization published this document? Where? Is the information presented in the document cited correctly in a bibliography or reference list?

23 Accuracy Who wrote the page and can you contact him or her?
What is the purpose of the document and why was it produced? Is this person qualified to write this document? Make sure author provides or a contact address/phone number. Know the distinction between an author and an Webmaster or Web site administrator.

24 Purpose Is the page supported by a group, organization or company? What does the group stand to gain by convincing others of its points? This could be monetary, political, or something else. Is the information likely to have been reviewed by others before being published? Or this information from a personal site where someone is expressing his own opinions?

25 Back

26 Anda telah mencari, menemukan dan mengevaluasi sumber informasi Sekarang saatnya untuk memanfaatkan

27 Plagiarisme? The action or practice of taking someone else’s work, idea, etc, and passing it off as one’s own: literary theft” (Oxford English Dictionary: http//

28 Lingkup dan Pelaku Plagiasi
Merumuskan dengan kata-kata dan atau kalimat sendiri dari sumber kata/kata dan atau kalimat, gagasan, pendapat, pandangan atau teori tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadai Menyerahkan hasil karya ilmiah yang dihasilkan dan/atau telah dipublikasikan oleh pihak lain sebagai karya ilmiahnya tanpa menyatakan sumber secara memadahi (permendiknas No.17/2010)

29 Software Anti Plagiarisme
Turnitin (berbayar/berlangganan) (free) Dapat digunakan dosen check tugas mahasiswa yang dikirim via Dapat digunakan mahasiswa untuk check mandiri tugas/skripsi/tesis

30 Don’t Try This… http://news. okezone
Ipong S Azhar Anak Agung Banyu Perwita M. Zuliansyah Isjoni Ishaq Mochammad Nurhasim Carl Ungerer Siyka Zlatanova Mayor Jenderal (Marinir) Joko Pramono

31 Hindari dengan… Berhati-hati menuliskan kutipan serta menunjukkan nomor halaman sumber Gunakan kutipan (“ “) Tuliskan dalam daftar pustaka

32 References Cara penulisan data bibliografi harus mengikuti suatu aturan / sistem pengutipan yang baku Beberapa sistim penulisan daftar pustaka yang baku adalah : Vancouver Harvard Chicago American Psychological Association MLA (Modern Language Association of America) Dll.

33 Thank You… Semoga bermanfaat

34 Bibliograf…
Yusuf, Pawit M Teori dan Praktek Penelusuran Informasi. Bandung: Kencana

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