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Presentasi berjudul: "LIBRARY AUTOMATION by Arlinah I.R."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Definition Penerapan teknologi informasi untuk kegiatan perpustakaan
Word processing? Spread-sheet? Database ?

3 Phases of library automation
Pre-Library Automation Punch card ( circulation, acquisition)

4 Punch card

5 Phases of library automation
2. Efficiency of internal operations Improving internal workflows In-house library automation (systematic documentation, reporting, daily operations, opac – online public access catalog) KWIC Indexing (Chemical Abstracts)

6 Phases of library automation
2. Efficiency of internal operations Sharing cataloging data ->Union Catalog OCLC, RLIN, WLN (membership - MARC) Katalog Induk majalah PDIN-LIPI CDS-ISIS - PTN -> UKKP ( INDOMARC) New Spektra -> InCU-VL union catalog

7 Phases of library automation
3. Access to local library resources/Library Software/Opacs ( dos -> windows-based Inmagic : Perpustakaan Biotrop, Bank BNI Tinlib: The British Council Minisis : PDII-LIPI Dynix : PTN Indonesia Spektra : UK Petra New Spektra : anggota InCu-VL Sipisis : IPB VTLS : Perpustakaan Nasional RI Gladis : UC at Berkeley Melvyl : U California system Market : PC. Card Catalog

8 Phases of library automation
4. .Access to resources outside the library Online Database ( Lexis, Nexis, Eric, Medlars, NTIS, ABI/Inform, Proquest etc. ) E-journals web-based library system

9 Phases of library automation
4. .Access to resources outside the library Portals : Digital library system -> e-contents – e-local contents Virtual library -> systems + e-content + e-services I-spektra :

10 Phases of library automation
5. Interoperability of information systems IndonesiaDLN

11 Discussion Kira-kira alasan apa saja yang menyebabkan perpustakaan mengembangkan otomasi perpustakaan ? Kontribusi/pengaruh apa yang diberikan oleh otomasi perpustakaan terhadap perpustakaan ( perubahan apa saja yang terjadi di perpustakaan) ? Digital libraries : apa yang perlu di Indonesia? Mengapa? Virtual library di Indonesia : setuju/tidak setuju ?

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